Photo and story by Helge Nome
The Clearwater County Council responded positively to a request for upgrades funding for the Crammond Community Hall at its regular meeting on March 27. The hall, which was constructed by local volunteers supported financially by area organizations, has received several upgrades in recent years, including the addition of a deck, a walk bridge across the little creek running through the property, a gazebo and an RV campground to the west of the hall.
This time the idea is to put a roof over the deck and also construct a fire pit, among other things. The amount of the grant is $6,631 as requested to support a projected budget of $12,208.
Crammond Hall is used extensively by area organizations for corporate meetings during the whole of the year and for family re-unions and other get-togethers in the warmer months. It is maintained by local volunteers. The hall is situated in the yard of the former Crammond School which is being maintained as a historic building by the Crammond Community Association which is the legal custodian of the whole property.
For more photos of the hall and old school, go here
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