Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Libyan response to International Criminal Court (ICC) Indictement of Gaddafi

GPC for Justice: " so called ICC is a cover for Nato's repeated attempts for the assassination of the leader and his family."


GPC for Justice affirms that a so called ICC is a political cover for Nato's repeated operations for assassinating the leader and his family.

In its statement issued on Monday, JPC for Justice announced that Libyan government would sue Nato for its crimes.

" Libya is not a party to Roma basic system, so as it does not accept the specialties of ICC , which are a political tool for the blackmail of countries of the third world. In contrast, the powerful countries are fully protected from being threatened by this court, said GPC for justice through its statement.

After reviewing the arrest warrants ordered by ICC for three Libyan citizens, whom being unfairly accused of committing crimes against humanity, the committee asserted the follows;.

- The leader Muammar Al-Kaddafi and his son Seif al-Islam have no official positions within the Libyan government, so as they are protected from the allegations by ICC's chief prosecutor.

- Libya is not a party to ICC's basic system, so it does not accept the specialties of it, which are a tool for exerting the political pressure against the countries of the third world, while the powerful countries are protected from being threatened by it.

- The chief prosecutor of the ICC has built his allegations based on forged charges, while he would have to form a fact finding committee or would have to visit Libya himself to stand on the facts.

- To sue citizens who are responsible for events of Feb 15.2011, the thing that is a specialization of Libyan courts.

- GPC affirms that this court means noting to the Libyans because they are not a party to it . but it is a tool for exerting the political pressure and blackmail against countries of the third world. Article source here

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