Centered on the Caroline area of West Central Alberta, Canada, this news service is updated daily with reports of community events, area news and wider political issues.
Caroline was the runner up in this tournament where the puck ended up in the net of the High River Rangers team twelve times during the B Final on Sunday, November 21. High River managed to score one goal for a total of seven shots on goal in comparison the Caroline's 29 shots on goal in total. 8 teams competed in the tournament.
That High River goalie was amazing in the tournament! Even though he let in twelve goals on 29 shots he did pretty good for Caroline being in his end the whole game.
That High River goalie was amazing in the tournament! Even though he let in twelve goals on 29 shots he did pretty good for Caroline being in his end the whole game.
Yea especially since all the high river players were kicked out and only had 8 people left playing.
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