Seventeen young people from the Caroline area are about to leave the nest and try out the world. Their rite of passage was celebrated in the Caroline School Gym on Friday, May 29, with family members, friends, school staff and school division representatives present, along with local community representatives.
The graduands were piped in by Michael Rodriques and O'Canada was sung by Cassidy Piesse. Following the speeches delivered by local dignitaries, Melissa Keim and Harrison Berg, on behalf of their graduating class, presented a cheque for $2,000 to Caroline Mayor Laura Cudmore. The money is to be used to construct two water fountains, one in the Edna Topp Memorial Park on 52nd Street and one in Little Green Park. These are to be a permanent legacy to the Class of 2009.
Following the Valedictory address by Harrison Berg, the class song and picture montage and the Principal`s Address by Nathan Moore, the graduands were individually presented to the audience and given their diplomas and other items by dignitaries present. Their academic caps were thrown into the air prior to their departure from the gym. This was in keeping with the motto printed on the ceremony program: “ I'd rather live my whole life with a sense of abandon, squeeze every drop out, no matter what happens. And not wonder what I've missed” as quoted from Paul Brandt.

Front: Breanna Houghton, Vicky Wesowlowsky, Kelsey Schrader, Brandi Styner, Laura Lo, Tia Ferris. Middle: Corey Ennis, T.J. Wolf, Melissa Keim, Harrison Berg, Joe Miller. Back: Gary Cruickshank, Derrick Foesier, Landyn Shewkenek, Taylor Harder, Killian Newby. Not present in photo: Robert Campbell.
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