Editor: You won't find this information published anywhere in the mainstream media.
There is a lot more to the dogfight in Libya than they would have you believe. Please note that the automated translation program creates peculiarities in the text. Also note the "sympathetic" (heroic) image of Gaddafi, as opposed to the less flattering ones published in the mainstream media. It's all about massaging your mind without your awareness of this being done.
A flood of Cables of support to the Leader of the Revolution .
In a cable sent to the leader of the revolution, affiliations of General Security Sector in Wadi Alhiatt Shabiat renewed their commitment to the leader to be his loyal soldiers who are ready to defend him and Elfateh Revolution . They were also stressed their national duty in keeping security and stability of Libya.
In another cable to the leader sent by medical staff members and medical assistant staff working at Murzuq Central Hospital in Murzuq Shabia, in which they denounced the crusader aggression on Libya expressing their readiness to stand against the crusader campaign and to be his loyal soldiers for defending Elfateh Revolution and its values and achievements.
students and teaching staff members of Umm Aeiman Primary School in Tripoli city, on their part, sent a cable to the leader of the revolution: " to the maker of glory and victories as we are being attacked by fierce crusader aggression led by vicious force, we are honestly pledging you to be a concrete wall on which the whole conspiracies, targeting our unity wealth, will be destroyed, and we will be waiting for your sign. And only Allah, Muammar, and Libya. Article published here
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