Several hundred people showed up in support of a call on Sunday, May 24, from the Save Our Sundre Committee to show politicians, Federal, Provincial and Municipal, that the people of Sundre mean business and demand that permits be issued to have the Red Deer River brought back into its pre 2005 flood channel.
As the river flows towards the Sundre bridge from the south, the constriction of the river imposed by the bridge approaches tends to encourage flood water to gouge new channels. During the June 18, 2005 flood the main river channel moved westwards and the raging waters dug out large sections of the western riverbank, stopping just short of the Riverside RV Park. So, the stage has now been set for a head on confrontation between the river and the Town of Sundre during the next major flooding event in the river.
It was quite evident that the several hundred people present at the demonstration in Greenwood Park, beside the river, were fully aware of the potential disaster in waiting and they made no bones about their frustration over the lack of action from politicians and bureaucrats on this issue which has been in the works since 2005. The rally was addressed by several speakers, including retired MP Myron Thompson and Paddy Munroe. Thompson focused on the catch cry “Get Us The Permit!” and Paddy Munroe explained technical aspects of the problem and its solution which involves redirecting the flow of water back into the old channel to the east and fortifying the western riverbank.
It was evident that there is major public support for the Save Our Sundre Committee initiative because of the very real nature of the impending threat to the town.
Sunday, May 31, 2009

During a jet boat ride on the Red Deer River, SOS Committee member Paddy Munroe explains the vagaries of a river in flood to photo journalist Nancy Carlson from CHCA Television News in Red Deer. It was all part of a major demonstration event hosted by the committee in Sundre on Sunday, May24.

SOS Leader Myron Thompson addressed the crowd of several hundred people gathered in Sundre, near the Museum, on Sunday, May 24. The problem is to get the necessary permits, both provincial and federal, to go ahead and redirect the Red Deer River back into its old river channel and then fortify the western bank of the river with rock, etc

That was the motto at a large demonstration in Sundre on Sunday, May 24. There were several hundred people in attendance who chanted: "Give Us Our Permit!" referring to the need of re-directing the Red Deer River into its pre-2005 flood river channel. If nothing is done the next major flood will likely destroy the Riverside RV park and its access road along with municipal water and sewer infrastructure.

Pat Oelkuch from the Caroline Elks presented a cheque for $1,000 to Lending Cupboard President Jean Graham from Red Deer. Also in attendance were long serving Elks Larry Grieve, Arnold Kaiser and Gerd Nanninga. People can donate used items to the Lending Cupboard in Red Deer where they are checked and, if needed, fixed by volunteers before being lent to people that need them. When no longer needed, the items are returned for re-use.

Arnold Kaisor presented a cheque for $2,000 to Jana Thomson the Library Support Group.
Flanked by Gordon Armstrong from the Caroline Elks and Rita Collins from the Caroline Library.

Shop Teacher Ryan Johannson and student Jos Van Benthen examines a piece of wood being shaped on a modern band saw. The shop is a recent addition to Spruce View School with new equipment installed that incorporate a lot of safety features. The total cost of the shop came in at about $1 million that was raised from many sources, including local sponsors.

Arnold Kaiser from the Elks presented a cheque for $1000 to Ken Kure from Spruce View School's Outdoor Education Program. Present to mark the occasion were: Front Brooklynn Bystrom, Taylor Kure, Leah Strand, Tenille Fleischhacker, Lorissa Ramsay, Lauren Schmidek.
Back: Gordon Armstrong, Luke Hand, Todd Chimuk.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Blowing Up Mountains In Virginia
“We All Live in the Coal Fields”: West Virginians Step Up Protests as EPA OKs New Mountaintop Removal
At least thirty people were arrested in West Virginia Saturday as protesters marked a new phase of Operation Appalachian Spring, a campaign to end mountaintop removal mining. The protests came just a week after the Obama administration gave the green light for forty-two more mountaintop removal permits in a major victory for the coal industry. We speak to journalist Jeff Biggers, author of the book United States of Appalachia: How Southern Mountaineers Brought Independence, Culture and Enlightenment to America. Biggers says mountaintop removal is a national issue, not a local one, as many perceive.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Canadian War Veterans Remember
Memories Recovered Project from Allan Cameron on Vimeo.
Contributed by The Memories Recovered Project Association
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Shell on Trial:
Landmark Trial Set to Begin Over Shell’s Role in 1995 Execution of Nigerian Human Rights Activist Ken Saro-Wiwa
Monday, May 25, 2009
Pen Meets Paper, May 25, 2009
Opinion by Helge Nome
There is an issue with meandering rivers in Alberta which brings to the fore some troubling developments in society at large. While rivers do what they have always done during floods: carve new channels wherever there is least resistance against floodwaters, the same can not be said about governments and the supporting bureaucracy. When there is a crisis of some kind, like that of a river threatening “to come into town”, as is the case in Sundre at this time, there are all of a sudden any number of obstacles to getting any kind of action. It is not a question of money, it is rather a problem of a whole string of bureaucrats getting their acts together and issuing the required permits.
At the River Rally in Sundre this last Sunday, Paddy Munroe from that community noted that some thirty years ago a similar problem upstream from Sundre was quickly fixed with blessings and funding from the provincial government of the day. Not so this time: Some ½ dozen departments are involved including the Canadian Coast Guard?! Are we dealing with the Pirates of the Red Deer River?
And this is not something that is confined to control issues of rivers. Anybody who wants to do anything these days will run into one or more bureaucrats on the way, each one of whom has his, or her, ideas as to how things should be done.
Like everybody else, they would like to rule the roost and the balance of power has swung in their direction in the last few decades to the point where elected politicians have become puppies that squabble among themselves but follow the mama dog (bureaucrats) around. I have noticed this trend at all levels of government, from municipal to federal. For example, the Stelmach puppies don't believe that rivers should be interfered with because their environmental “experts” have told them so. And these experts have listened to university professors telling them that rivers do what rivers are going to do. End of story.
What our politicians don't seem to understand is that if you make land available to people for settlement and collect an income from this, you also have a responsibility to the new owners of that land and protect to them from the vagaries of nature. We try to stop a wildfire from destroying a person's home and property. Why wouldn't we do the same if a river runs wild?
There is an issue with meandering rivers in Alberta which brings to the fore some troubling developments in society at large. While rivers do what they have always done during floods: carve new channels wherever there is least resistance against floodwaters, the same can not be said about governments and the supporting bureaucracy. When there is a crisis of some kind, like that of a river threatening “to come into town”, as is the case in Sundre at this time, there are all of a sudden any number of obstacles to getting any kind of action. It is not a question of money, it is rather a problem of a whole string of bureaucrats getting their acts together and issuing the required permits.
At the River Rally in Sundre this last Sunday, Paddy Munroe from that community noted that some thirty years ago a similar problem upstream from Sundre was quickly fixed with blessings and funding from the provincial government of the day. Not so this time: Some ½ dozen departments are involved including the Canadian Coast Guard?! Are we dealing with the Pirates of the Red Deer River?
And this is not something that is confined to control issues of rivers. Anybody who wants to do anything these days will run into one or more bureaucrats on the way, each one of whom has his, or her, ideas as to how things should be done.
Like everybody else, they would like to rule the roost and the balance of power has swung in their direction in the last few decades to the point where elected politicians have become puppies that squabble among themselves but follow the mama dog (bureaucrats) around. I have noticed this trend at all levels of government, from municipal to federal. For example, the Stelmach puppies don't believe that rivers should be interfered with because their environmental “experts” have told them so. And these experts have listened to university professors telling them that rivers do what rivers are going to do. End of story.
What our politicians don't seem to understand is that if you make land available to people for settlement and collect an income from this, you also have a responsibility to the new owners of that land and protect to them from the vagaries of nature. We try to stop a wildfire from destroying a person's home and property. Why wouldn't we do the same if a river runs wild?

These people will look after Caroline's unique volunteer based ambulance service. Front: Lynn Arden, Nadine Powell, Yvonne Evans (Operations Manager and EMT). Back: Kathleen Haley (Administrator and EMT), Shirley King (New board member), Norman Rose, Dwight Oliver (Chairman).
It was reported at the May 11 Annual General Meeting that the service had responded to 173 calls in 2008. As of April 1, 2009, the Caroline and District Volunteer Ambulance Service is operating under a contract with Alberta Health with operational funding guaranteed for the next two years. Volunteers from all over Alberta spend time on the Caroline Service for experience and the enjoyment of spending time in a foothills community.

Powerlines are currently being moved beside Spruce View School to make room for the upgraded highway. When completed, this project will give motorists direct access to the QEII Highway south of Innisfail

The Candy Man made sure everybody got their share of goodies ahead of the May Long Weekend Parade in Caroline on Saturday, May 16. The parade was blessed with warm summer weather and a big crowd.

Submitted by Verna Doll:
Caroline “Wheels of Time” Museum employee Dawn Holman works at the Digitizing Project with the help of funding from Museums Alberta. Many hours have been spent this past winter along with other volunteers measuring, describing, taking pictures and entering the history of artifacts received over the past 15 years or so. All of the data including the picture is entered on the computer, making it much easier to track individual items and prevent duplication of artifacts. We have now digitized 90% of all the artifacts in our collection. We should be able to complete this project this summer. Caroline Museum has been an accredited museum with Museums Alberta for the past year.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Province Represents American Private Interests Against Albertans
(Rimbey, AB) The Lavesta Area Group (LAG) voted unanimously on Monday May 18th to support and help finance a Supreme Court of Canada challenge against the province’s decision to seize an individual’s private property for the benefit of a private corporation’s interest.
On August 12, 2008 the Montana Alberta Tie LLC (MATL), a private company, received approval from the Alberta government to build a private transmission line from Lethbridge, AB to Great Falls, Montana. On May 5, 2009 the Alberta Court of Appeals ruled that the Stelmach government could use it powers to seize private property and give it to a private corporation.
The Lavesta Area Group takes the position that it is unconstitutional for the government to encroach upon an individual’s private property rights unless there is an imminent and necessary public interest or need.
The Lavesta Area Group is contributing financial and legal support in an attempt to overturn the government’s decision that approved MATL’s proposal, because we firmly believe a developer’s dream for a private transmission line should not take precedence over a citizen’s dream of keeping his or her own home, property, or business.
The lawyer representing landowners in this Supreme Court of Canada appeal, Mr. Scott Stenbeck, will hold a press conference today at 11:00 AM, May 20, 2009 in the Lethbridge Lodge, Lethbridge, AB
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963- 0521 cell or
Mr. Scott Stenbeck
Stringam Denecky LLP
(403) 488-8200
(403) 331 1908 cell
On August 12, 2008 the Montana Alberta Tie LLC (MATL), a private company, received approval from the Alberta government to build a private transmission line from Lethbridge, AB to Great Falls, Montana. On May 5, 2009 the Alberta Court of Appeals ruled that the Stelmach government could use it powers to seize private property and give it to a private corporation.
The Lavesta Area Group takes the position that it is unconstitutional for the government to encroach upon an individual’s private property rights unless there is an imminent and necessary public interest or need.
The Lavesta Area Group is contributing financial and legal support in an attempt to overturn the government’s decision that approved MATL’s proposal, because we firmly believe a developer’s dream for a private transmission line should not take precedence over a citizen’s dream of keeping his or her own home, property, or business.
The lawyer representing landowners in this Supreme Court of Canada appeal, Mr. Scott Stenbeck, will hold a press conference today at 11:00 AM, May 20, 2009 in the Lethbridge Lodge, Lethbridge, AB
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963- 0521 cell or
Mr. Scott Stenbeck
Stringam Denecky LLP
(403) 488-8200
(403) 331 1908 cell
Monday, May 18, 2009
Letter From New Zealand
John G. Rawson
Lookout Hill
R D 8
New Zealand
Tel 09 438 9265
The Editor
How wonderful are the ways of economists and investment advisors! When our Statistics department check price rises for the Consumer Price Index, they are not really checking rising prices at all, but the volume of money in circulation! (Presumably a farmer counting sheep out of his paddock is assessing the earthworm population in his soil?)
I have a message for David McEwen. (Inserted, “Northern Advocate, finance columnist”.) Inflation is rising prices. It is measured as just that, nothing more or less. In the days of Rogernomics madness, the volume of money relative to GDP was cut below half at a time when prices continued to inflate.
Of course too much money in circulation can cause inflation. That’s called demand inflation. Other causes such as rising oil costs or higher interest rates can cause price rises. That’s called cost-push inflation.
Then there’s the phenomenon referred to above, stagflation when prices continue to rise in a stagnant economy. (Economists tend to use this term in hushed voices behind closed doors, because only the Social Credit analysis is able to explain it.) I also have a message to investors. If the IMF and the Bank of England say present problems will go on for some time, listen to them. These are the sort of people causing the problems. They should know what is intended.
However, people could also think for themselves. What likelihood of improvement is there when more and more people the world over are losing their jobs, their homes and their security?
As Keynes pointed out half a century ago, only massive spending by governments can turn the tide. But because nations have lost the ability to use their own money and must borrow, they are reluctant to do so.
The depression of the 1930’s was terminated only by forced spending in preparation for war. Do we have to go through that madness again?
John G. Rawson.
Lookout Hill
R D 8
New Zealand
Tel 09 438 9265
The Editor
How wonderful are the ways of economists and investment advisors! When our Statistics department check price rises for the Consumer Price Index, they are not really checking rising prices at all, but the volume of money in circulation! (Presumably a farmer counting sheep out of his paddock is assessing the earthworm population in his soil?)
I have a message for David McEwen. (Inserted, “Northern Advocate, finance columnist”.) Inflation is rising prices. It is measured as just that, nothing more or less. In the days of Rogernomics madness, the volume of money relative to GDP was cut below half at a time when prices continued to inflate.
Of course too much money in circulation can cause inflation. That’s called demand inflation. Other causes such as rising oil costs or higher interest rates can cause price rises. That’s called cost-push inflation.
Then there’s the phenomenon referred to above, stagflation when prices continue to rise in a stagnant economy. (Economists tend to use this term in hushed voices behind closed doors, because only the Social Credit analysis is able to explain it.) I also have a message to investors. If the IMF and the Bank of England say present problems will go on for some time, listen to them. These are the sort of people causing the problems. They should know what is intended.
However, people could also think for themselves. What likelihood of improvement is there when more and more people the world over are losing their jobs, their homes and their security?
As Keynes pointed out half a century ago, only massive spending by governments can turn the tide. But because nations have lost the ability to use their own money and must borrow, they are reluctant to do so.
The depression of the 1930’s was terminated only by forced spending in preparation for war. Do we have to go through that madness again?
John G. Rawson.
Pen Meets Paper, May 18, 2009
Opinion by Helge Nome
Have you ever wondered why jobs are sometimes easy to get, and at other times you are forever sending out resumes and getting no answers. It's a bit like fishing; sometimes you throw a line in and get one on the hook instantly, or wait all day without any bites.
Crows and ravens are the “fishermen” at my place these days. They are looking for scraps of meat, surplus from a supply of same from a local meat retailer for the benefit of my rather well fed German Shepherd dogs: Whenever I dump a load of fatty scraps down by the property fence, the air fills up with ravens and crows, competing for the delicious tidbits. In other words, it is possible to control and manipulate the collective behavior of a lot of very smart creatures (and ravens are about as smart as we are) by providing them with something they want.
I remember being in Baghdad in 1961 and observing my dad doing the same to a group of local kids in a poor suburb. His intentions were good when, after some prompting, he bought some candy and proceeded to hand it out to the kids. What ensued was rather ugly to observe: the bigger kids brutally hogged the candy, pushing the small ones out of the way.
Now, let's take a look in the mirror. What is it that makes us push one another aside for more? Money does, because money is a ticket to wealth and that is something that most of us want above just about everything else (in spite of claims to the contrary by some righteous folk).
So where does the stuff come from? Does it just appear out of nowhere, or does somebody deliberately make it available, or withhold it, like I do with the meat scraps? Is our behavior similar to that of the crows and ravens?
I could easily trap a whole bunch of those birds by simply building an enclosed aviary and put the scraps inside, get them into the habit of coming in for a feed without any consequences other than a full belly, and then trapping them at my pleasure at any time.
Is that what is being done to us by the financial establishment when they make money freely available for some time, creating lines of credit, loans etc., at very low rates of interest? Then some kind of event occurs that makes it “impossible” for these poor “tickets to wealth” (money) dispensers to continue their arduous support of worthwhile enterprises. And when this action is taken on a grand scale, as is happening today, it becomes impossible for even the most energetic entrepreneurs to meet their financial obligations: the aviary has a bird proof roof.
The financial institutions can then use the coercive power of the state to steal the assets of the people that used to be their financial partners.
In truth, it is a bit like fishing, except we are the fish, not the fishermen.
Have you ever wondered why jobs are sometimes easy to get, and at other times you are forever sending out resumes and getting no answers. It's a bit like fishing; sometimes you throw a line in and get one on the hook instantly, or wait all day without any bites.
Crows and ravens are the “fishermen” at my place these days. They are looking for scraps of meat, surplus from a supply of same from a local meat retailer for the benefit of my rather well fed German Shepherd dogs: Whenever I dump a load of fatty scraps down by the property fence, the air fills up with ravens and crows, competing for the delicious tidbits. In other words, it is possible to control and manipulate the collective behavior of a lot of very smart creatures (and ravens are about as smart as we are) by providing them with something they want.
I remember being in Baghdad in 1961 and observing my dad doing the same to a group of local kids in a poor suburb. His intentions were good when, after some prompting, he bought some candy and proceeded to hand it out to the kids. What ensued was rather ugly to observe: the bigger kids brutally hogged the candy, pushing the small ones out of the way.
Now, let's take a look in the mirror. What is it that makes us push one another aside for more? Money does, because money is a ticket to wealth and that is something that most of us want above just about everything else (in spite of claims to the contrary by some righteous folk).
So where does the stuff come from? Does it just appear out of nowhere, or does somebody deliberately make it available, or withhold it, like I do with the meat scraps? Is our behavior similar to that of the crows and ravens?
I could easily trap a whole bunch of those birds by simply building an enclosed aviary and put the scraps inside, get them into the habit of coming in for a feed without any consequences other than a full belly, and then trapping them at my pleasure at any time.
Is that what is being done to us by the financial establishment when they make money freely available for some time, creating lines of credit, loans etc., at very low rates of interest? Then some kind of event occurs that makes it “impossible” for these poor “tickets to wealth” (money) dispensers to continue their arduous support of worthwhile enterprises. And when this action is taken on a grand scale, as is happening today, it becomes impossible for even the most energetic entrepreneurs to meet their financial obligations: the aviary has a bird proof roof.
The financial institutions can then use the coercive power of the state to steal the assets of the people that used to be their financial partners.
In truth, it is a bit like fishing, except we are the fish, not the fishermen.
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tim Noirot (3rd. place), Anika Ahlstrom, Mikayla Ahlstrom, Keagan Peppard (2nd. place), Maggie Tims (1st. place), Amelia Ahlstrom (4th. place)

Courtesy of the Caroline Elks at the complex last Sunday, May 10. Some eighty people enjoyed a hearty breakfast and social interaction.

This group, dedicated to creating a drug-free West Country, through education, awareness, prevention and community participation, met at the Caroline Elks' Youth Centre last Wednesday, May 6. Some of those participating were: Darlene Hoschka, Maxine Blowers (Meeting Host from Caroline Neighbourhood Place), Ken Qually, Joan McDonald and Jean Hofman. Past initiatives were reviewed and the group was told that results of an extensive drug use survey of children in local schools will be released shortly. For more information about this group, contact Clearwater Regional FCSS.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Tragic Health Effects of Income Inequality Show the Need for a Basic Income Guarantee
by Richard Cook
From the April 30, 2009, edition of Nature comes a fascinating review of a book that shows a striking correlation among nations between large income disparities and poor health. The book is The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (Allen Lane 2009).
The title of the review is “Why Inequality is Fatal.” The review states:
“Why are our chances of reaching a great age so affected by wealth and status? The obvious answer is that more income buys better health. But it is a lot more subtle than that, as shown three decades ago by the Whitehall Study, in which epidemiologist Michael Marmot examined the death rates of British civil servants. To the surprise of many, he found that his subjects — all in continuous paid employment and with equal access to health care — were more likely to die in any given year if they were in a lower- grade job than a higher one. Marmot concluded that the employment hierarchy itself created status-dependent stress that affected the workers’ health.
“In their new book, epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett extend this idea with a far-reaching analysis of the social consequences of income inequality. Using statistics from reputable independent sources, they compare indices of health and social development in 23 of the world’s richest nations and in the individual U.S. states. Their striking conclusion is that the societies that do best for their citizens are those with the narrowest income differentials — such as Japan and the Nordic countries and the U.S. state of New Hampshire. The most unequal — the United States as a whole, the United Kingdom and Portugal — do worst.
“Many measures of the quality of life, including life expectancy, are correlated with the degree of economic equality in each country. A variety of problems such as mental illness, obesity, cardiovascular disease, unwillingness to engage with education, misuse of illegal and prescription drugs, teenage pregnancy, lack of social mobility and neglect of child welfare increase with greater inequality. Violence, from murder to the bullying of children at school, follows the same pattern.”
The key word in all this is “stress.” We see everywhere around us a dramatic increase in stress during the current economic recession. Loss of jobs, foreclosure of homes, increased debt, absence of health insurance, families under pressure to meet rising costs for food and other necessities—all are taking their toll.
The review points out that stress “triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which raises blood pressure and blood sugar levels, from which myriad health and social problems unfold. This seemingly hard-wired response has been well studied in social hierarchies of monkeys; low-status animals become predisposed to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Humans experiencing chronic stress exhibit similar symptoms, accumulating abdominal fat under the influence of a part of the brain associated with addiction.
“Cortisol overrides ‘feel-good hormones’ such as oxytocin, involved in establishing trust, and dopamine, the reward signal that reinforces memory, attention and problem-solving ability. Cortisol-induced stress predisposes some individuals to mental illness or violent behavior. It can hasten the arrival of puberty, which may prompt premature sexual adventures, providing a plausible explanation of the high prevalence of teenage pregnancies in the most unequal societies. Cortisol also transmits stress to a fetus, with lasting consequences for physical and emotional development.”
Within the United States, income disparities have become worse during the last generation, since the “Reagan Revolution” of the 1980s unleashed the predators of Wall Street and put the lords of high finance in charge of our society. Today, even life expectancy in the U.S. is declining.
Of course there are many things individuals can do to reduce their levels of stress, including exercise, dietary improvements, and meditation. But society also has an obligation to step in. We know many of the reasons the incomes of working and middle-class people have stagnated or declined, including the shipping so many of our good manufacturing jobs overseas and the payment of outrageously high salaries, including bonuses, to CEOs and financiers. We also know that the minimum wage is much too low and housing too expensive, even with the bursting of the housing bubble.
But books like The Spirit Level should also make it clear the benefits that could be realized from a basic income guarantee such as I have advocated through my “Cook Plan” and as groups like the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network promote. I explain the rationale in my book, We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform. Another example of a solid income guarantee program is Stephen Shafarman’s citizens’ dividend proposal in his book Peaceful, Positive Revolution. (Both published by Tendril Press:
A basic income guarantee would break the killer stress cycle even while more systematic remedies to income disparities are sought. A huge weight would be lifted off peoples’ shoulders if they knew that no matter what economic hardships they had to endure, the basic needs of themselves and their families would be met.
From the April 30, 2009, edition of Nature comes a fascinating review of a book that shows a striking correlation among nations between large income disparities and poor health. The book is The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (Allen Lane 2009).
The title of the review is “Why Inequality is Fatal.” The review states:
“Why are our chances of reaching a great age so affected by wealth and status? The obvious answer is that more income buys better health. But it is a lot more subtle than that, as shown three decades ago by the Whitehall Study, in which epidemiologist Michael Marmot examined the death rates of British civil servants. To the surprise of many, he found that his subjects — all in continuous paid employment and with equal access to health care — were more likely to die in any given year if they were in a lower- grade job than a higher one. Marmot concluded that the employment hierarchy itself created status-dependent stress that affected the workers’ health.
“In their new book, epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett extend this idea with a far-reaching analysis of the social consequences of income inequality. Using statistics from reputable independent sources, they compare indices of health and social development in 23 of the world’s richest nations and in the individual U.S. states. Their striking conclusion is that the societies that do best for their citizens are those with the narrowest income differentials — such as Japan and the Nordic countries and the U.S. state of New Hampshire. The most unequal — the United States as a whole, the United Kingdom and Portugal — do worst.
“Many measures of the quality of life, including life expectancy, are correlated with the degree of economic equality in each country. A variety of problems such as mental illness, obesity, cardiovascular disease, unwillingness to engage with education, misuse of illegal and prescription drugs, teenage pregnancy, lack of social mobility and neglect of child welfare increase with greater inequality. Violence, from murder to the bullying of children at school, follows the same pattern.”
The key word in all this is “stress.” We see everywhere around us a dramatic increase in stress during the current economic recession. Loss of jobs, foreclosure of homes, increased debt, absence of health insurance, families under pressure to meet rising costs for food and other necessities—all are taking their toll.
The review points out that stress “triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which raises blood pressure and blood sugar levels, from which myriad health and social problems unfold. This seemingly hard-wired response has been well studied in social hierarchies of monkeys; low-status animals become predisposed to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Humans experiencing chronic stress exhibit similar symptoms, accumulating abdominal fat under the influence of a part of the brain associated with addiction.
“Cortisol overrides ‘feel-good hormones’ such as oxytocin, involved in establishing trust, and dopamine, the reward signal that reinforces memory, attention and problem-solving ability. Cortisol-induced stress predisposes some individuals to mental illness or violent behavior. It can hasten the arrival of puberty, which may prompt premature sexual adventures, providing a plausible explanation of the high prevalence of teenage pregnancies in the most unequal societies. Cortisol also transmits stress to a fetus, with lasting consequences for physical and emotional development.”
Within the United States, income disparities have become worse during the last generation, since the “Reagan Revolution” of the 1980s unleashed the predators of Wall Street and put the lords of high finance in charge of our society. Today, even life expectancy in the U.S. is declining.
Of course there are many things individuals can do to reduce their levels of stress, including exercise, dietary improvements, and meditation. But society also has an obligation to step in. We know many of the reasons the incomes of working and middle-class people have stagnated or declined, including the shipping so many of our good manufacturing jobs overseas and the payment of outrageously high salaries, including bonuses, to CEOs and financiers. We also know that the minimum wage is much too low and housing too expensive, even with the bursting of the housing bubble.
But books like The Spirit Level should also make it clear the benefits that could be realized from a basic income guarantee such as I have advocated through my “Cook Plan” and as groups like the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network promote. I explain the rationale in my book, We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform. Another example of a solid income guarantee program is Stephen Shafarman’s citizens’ dividend proposal in his book Peaceful, Positive Revolution. (Both published by Tendril Press:
A basic income guarantee would break the killer stress cycle even while more systematic remedies to income disparities are sought. A huge weight would be lifted off peoples’ shoulders if they knew that no matter what economic hardships they had to endure, the basic needs of themselves and their families would be met.
Adoption Fair
Presented by Region 4 - Central Alberta
Child and Family Services Authority
Open House
Sunday, May 31, 2009 - 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Black Knight Inn - 2929 - 50 Avenue, Red Deer
Information Session/ Adoptive Family Panel Presentation at 2:00 p.m.
Please join us to learn more about the children who are currently
awaiting adoption, your options surrounding adoption and the
community supports that are available. YOU can make a difference
in the life of a child.
For more information, call the Foster Care
and Adoption Recruitment Coordinator at
(403) 755-6104. For toll-free service,
dial 310-0000, then the number.
Child and Family Services Authority
Open House
Sunday, May 31, 2009 - 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Black Knight Inn - 2929 - 50 Avenue, Red Deer
Information Session/ Adoptive Family Panel Presentation at 2:00 p.m.
Please join us to learn more about the children who are currently
awaiting adoption, your options surrounding adoption and the
community supports that are available. YOU can make a difference
in the life of a child.
For more information, call the Foster Care
and Adoption Recruitment Coordinator at
(403) 755-6104. For toll-free service,
dial 310-0000, then the number.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Caroline School Students Recognized
Student of the Month / Hardest Working
Gr. 1D— Hunter Ogilvie / Gr. 1D— Evelynn Bystrom
Gr. 1K— Ava Bardenhagen / Gr. 1K— Justine Norheim
G. 2— Brody MacDonald / Gr. 2— Shawn Evans
Gr. 3— Dana Roper / Gr. 3— Ryan Groves
Gr. 3/4—Darbi Cunningham /Gr. 3/4– Destiny Faithful
Gr. 4— Rachel Pengelly /Gr. 4— Brieanna Holman
Gr. 5— Sheldon Schnell &
Dallas Johnson / Gr. 5— Zackory Hensel
Gr. 5/6— Colton Oliver /Gr. 5/6— Cheyenne Larson
Gr. 6—Mackenzie Reierson /Gr. 6— Chanel Kamaleddine
Student of the Month /Hardest Working
Gr. 1D—Ben Blowers / Gr. 1D—James Kelly-Bouchard
Gr. 1K—HJaley Twoyoungmen / Gr. 1K—Rachel Masse
Gr. 2— Mia Bardenhagen /Gr. 2— Cammie Smith
Gr. 3— Brittany Mercier /Gr. 3— Tanner Carter
Gr. 3/4—Dallace Smith / Gr. 3/4—Erin Willsie
Gr. 4— Calvin Fauville / Gr. 4— Gillian Berg
Gr. 5— Courtney Mercier /Gr. 5— Ryan Visser
Gr. 5/6— Molly Minor /Gr. 5/6— Tanner Denham
Gr. 6— Tiara Ogilvie / Gr. 6— Brittany Willsie
Student of the Month / Hardest Working
Gr. 1D— Hunter Ogilvie / Gr. 1D— Evelynn Bystrom
Gr. 1K— Ava Bardenhagen / Gr. 1K— Justine Norheim
G. 2— Brody MacDonald / Gr. 2— Shawn Evans
Gr. 3— Dana Roper / Gr. 3— Ryan Groves
Gr. 3/4—Darbi Cunningham /Gr. 3/4– Destiny Faithful
Gr. 4— Rachel Pengelly /Gr. 4— Brieanna Holman
Gr. 5— Sheldon Schnell &
Dallas Johnson / Gr. 5— Zackory Hensel
Gr. 5/6— Colton Oliver /Gr. 5/6— Cheyenne Larson
Gr. 6—Mackenzie Reierson /Gr. 6— Chanel Kamaleddine
Student of the Month /Hardest Working
Gr. 1D—Ben Blowers / Gr. 1D—James Kelly-Bouchard
Gr. 1K—HJaley Twoyoungmen / Gr. 1K—Rachel Masse
Gr. 2— Mia Bardenhagen /Gr. 2— Cammie Smith
Gr. 3— Brittany Mercier /Gr. 3— Tanner Carter
Gr. 3/4—Dallace Smith / Gr. 3/4—Erin Willsie
Gr. 4— Calvin Fauville / Gr. 4— Gillian Berg
Gr. 5— Courtney Mercier /Gr. 5— Ryan Visser
Gr. 5/6— Molly Minor /Gr. 5/6— Tanner Denham
Gr. 6— Tiara Ogilvie / Gr. 6— Brittany Willsie

These members of SPEAK, a social action group at Caroline School were recognized by Caroline Neighbourhood Place with a pizza lunch provided at the school last Wednesday, April 29: Siera Michalsky and volunteer for sports(reffing basketball), Kailey Fauville and volunteer for sports (asst. coach basketball, reffing basketball), Morgan Spooner and volunteer for sport, Jazmine Spooner, Brett Godwin, Corey Campbell, Jessica Morrill, Hayley Katona, Sierra Piesse (& coaching minor hockey goaltenders). Volunteers for sport teams: Shayna Ververda, Taija Graham, Kiera Price -student coaches, Katelyn Godwin - student coaches, Nico Gelderblom - Coaching Jr. Boys Basketball, Leonard McTaggart - Coaching Jr. Boys Basketball, Billi-Jean Johnston - Reffing Basketball, Sara Stevens - Reffing/Coaching Basketball, Melissa Keim- volunteer firefighter, Breanna Houghton - volunteer coach skating, Chetweynne Westergaard-reffing elementary intramaurals, Cole Watt- reffing elementary intamural, Katelyn Morrill - helped with Danta's annonymus and shopping for the Christmas hampers, Volunteers for music: Micha Turchet.

These signs on county roads are being placed beside driveways to rural residents in Clearwater County at this time. They create a "civic address" akin to a street address for people living in towns. This sign is in the Crammond area

The Cranberry Acres Subdivision at Crammond has been given internal lot signage by Clearwater County. This is part of an Alberta wide project to create rural signage
Monday, May 11, 2009
Pen Meets Paper May 11, 2009
Opinion by Helge Nome
A couple of days ago I watched a news item on the BBC World News website showing the May 8 celebration in Moscow's Red Square of the end of World War II on that day in 1945. Much of Germany lay in ruins, as did other parts of Europe and beyond.
I remember on that same day in 1965, when I marched as a Platoon Sergeant, behind a company of Royal Norwegian Air Force personnel on Karl Johan Street in Oslo, Norway, to celebrate the same event, and the inaugural Telstar satellite transmission of that event across the Atlantic to North America.
And I remember just recently watching video on YouTube of German occupation forces marching on that very same pavement, also in May I believe, in1940.
The following statement came out of the Moscow news article: “The Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has issued a stern warning to any countries considering what he called "military adventures"”.
It is just all too familiar: Build up of tensions, saber rattling and finally, war. The individual issues change from one century to the next, but the underlying process does not: The will to subjugate and dominate. It is as old as life itself. Territory and domination is always in the background and these issues are glossed over by the propaganda machines of all participants. And the winner is always right because the winner writes the history books and will invariably demonize the loser.
So what is the process used to prepare people for war; to believe that they fighting for a “just cause”?
First you demonize the enemy as someone who does horrible things to perfectly innocent people. That creates fear which is used as a motivator to solicit public support. If you want to start a big war, you create a financial bubble that has to burst, creating financial hardships for a lot of people. When they are at a point of desperation, an act of provocation by your enemies will conveniently take place and you print a lot of money and make it available for people who are willing to sign up as soldiers and play other roles in the whole effort. You crank up the propaganda machine about the “Great Cause”.
Everybody jumps on the bandwagon and those who see through the whole scam had better shut up, or else they are agents of the enemy!
In 1938, Europe was a divided checkerboard with Germany rearmed, allegedly as a buttress against the Bolshevik juggernaut to the east, the Soviet Union under Stalin (self proclaimed “Man of Steel”). However, when the power play got underway, ideological biases were of little consequence, territorial ambitions were everything for the few power hungry players that pulled the strings. And we all know the consequences.
Now the wheel has come full circle and the consequences are very predictable.
A couple of days ago I watched a news item on the BBC World News website showing the May 8 celebration in Moscow's Red Square of the end of World War II on that day in 1945. Much of Germany lay in ruins, as did other parts of Europe and beyond.
I remember on that same day in 1965, when I marched as a Platoon Sergeant, behind a company of Royal Norwegian Air Force personnel on Karl Johan Street in Oslo, Norway, to celebrate the same event, and the inaugural Telstar satellite transmission of that event across the Atlantic to North America.
And I remember just recently watching video on YouTube of German occupation forces marching on that very same pavement, also in May I believe, in1940.
The following statement came out of the Moscow news article: “The Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has issued a stern warning to any countries considering what he called "military adventures"”.
It is just all too familiar: Build up of tensions, saber rattling and finally, war. The individual issues change from one century to the next, but the underlying process does not: The will to subjugate and dominate. It is as old as life itself. Territory and domination is always in the background and these issues are glossed over by the propaganda machines of all participants. And the winner is always right because the winner writes the history books and will invariably demonize the loser.
So what is the process used to prepare people for war; to believe that they fighting for a “just cause”?
First you demonize the enemy as someone who does horrible things to perfectly innocent people. That creates fear which is used as a motivator to solicit public support. If you want to start a big war, you create a financial bubble that has to burst, creating financial hardships for a lot of people. When they are at a point of desperation, an act of provocation by your enemies will conveniently take place and you print a lot of money and make it available for people who are willing to sign up as soldiers and play other roles in the whole effort. You crank up the propaganda machine about the “Great Cause”.
Everybody jumps on the bandwagon and those who see through the whole scam had better shut up, or else they are agents of the enemy!
In 1938, Europe was a divided checkerboard with Germany rearmed, allegedly as a buttress against the Bolshevik juggernaut to the east, the Soviet Union under Stalin (self proclaimed “Man of Steel”). However, when the power play got underway, ideological biases were of little consequence, territorial ambitions were everything for the few power hungry players that pulled the strings. And we all know the consequences.
Now the wheel has come full circle and the consequences are very predictable.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Report from Iron Mountain Revisited by Richard C. Cook
What impresses me in the current financial crisis is the near-total failure of so-called progressives to appreciate the magnitude of what is going on or the level of intelligence behind it. How many will say, for instance, that the crash was deliberately engineered by the creation, then destruction, of the investment bubbles of the last decade?
When the financial system creates bubbles it drives up the cost of assets far beyond their true value in producing or storing wealth. When the bubbles burst the value of the assets plummets. Those with ready cash then buy them up on the cheap. When the dust settles more wealth has been concentrated in fewer hands. The rich get richer, and ordinary people are left in a deeper condition of indebtedness, poverty, and pressure to perform to the liking of the financial masters.
Progressives think the system needs to be “reformed.” Maybe the banking system needs to be re-regulated or even nationalized. Maybe it should be possible for families facing loss of their homes to get a lower monthly payment from a bankruptcy court. Maybe the government instead of the private sector should administer student loans.
What we fail to acknowledge is that the system itself is totalitarian. This means that it is designed to exert total control over the lives of individuals. We are accustomed to use this label when thinking of anachronisms of history like communism or fascism. We do not understand that globalist finance capitalism and the government which protects, enables, or even regulates it are also totalitarian.
What has happened in the last year as the financial system has seemingly gone belly-up, and is coming back only through massive government bailouts, is part of a pattern that has been around for decades if not centuries. How the controllers work was laid out in 1967 when Dial Press published a leaked copy of The Report from Iron Mountain. This was a study put together by a team of academics and analysts who met at the underground facility in New York that was home to the Hudson Institute.
The report began by identifying war as the central organizing principle of society. It stated, “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. It is the system which has governed most human societies of record, as it is today.”
The report said that, “The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers.” It said that any failure of will by the ruling class could lead to “actual disestablishment of military institutions.” The effect on the system would be, the report said, “catastrophic.”
The appearance of the report caused a sensation when it came out at the onset of the Vietnam War. Officials within the government had no comment, and the report faded into history. But certain of its sections fit the situation in 2009 precisely.
This is because the report outlined the ways the civilian population of a developed nation could be controlled even in the absence of a large-scale war that disrupted their daily lives. One of these ways was defined as follows: “A…possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery….The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control….” (Cited in Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, 2000.)
We see the development of such a “sophisticated form of slavery” today. What else can a system be called that subjects the population to skyrocketing personal and household debt, a widening gap between the rich and everyone else, constant warfare justified as necessary to fight “terrorism,” erosion of personal freedoms, constantly expanding power allocated to the military and police, pervasive electronic eavesdropping, complete lack of accountability by politicians for their dishonesty and crimes, a mass media devoted solely to establishment propaganda, etc.
None of this seems to be diminishing under the Barack Obama administration. Even the economic recovery Obama is attempting to engineer through massive Keynesian deficit spending is expected by economists to be another “jobless” one like that of 2002-2005. Of course the unemployed or those who fear unemployment are easy to control. And the permanent series of Asian land wars George W. Bush instigated for control of resources and geopolitical leverage against Russia and China continue unabated.
None of this is accidental. As The Report from Iron Mountain made clear four decades ago, it’s what has been planned all along.
Richard C. Cook is a former federal analyst who writes on public policy issues. His book “We Hold These Truths: the Hope of Monetary Reform” is now available at His website is
When the financial system creates bubbles it drives up the cost of assets far beyond their true value in producing or storing wealth. When the bubbles burst the value of the assets plummets. Those with ready cash then buy them up on the cheap. When the dust settles more wealth has been concentrated in fewer hands. The rich get richer, and ordinary people are left in a deeper condition of indebtedness, poverty, and pressure to perform to the liking of the financial masters.
Progressives think the system needs to be “reformed.” Maybe the banking system needs to be re-regulated or even nationalized. Maybe it should be possible for families facing loss of their homes to get a lower monthly payment from a bankruptcy court. Maybe the government instead of the private sector should administer student loans.
What we fail to acknowledge is that the system itself is totalitarian. This means that it is designed to exert total control over the lives of individuals. We are accustomed to use this label when thinking of anachronisms of history like communism or fascism. We do not understand that globalist finance capitalism and the government which protects, enables, or even regulates it are also totalitarian.
What has happened in the last year as the financial system has seemingly gone belly-up, and is coming back only through massive government bailouts, is part of a pattern that has been around for decades if not centuries. How the controllers work was laid out in 1967 when Dial Press published a leaked copy of The Report from Iron Mountain. This was a study put together by a team of academics and analysts who met at the underground facility in New York that was home to the Hudson Institute.
The report began by identifying war as the central organizing principle of society. It stated, “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. It is the system which has governed most human societies of record, as it is today.”
The report said that, “The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers.” It said that any failure of will by the ruling class could lead to “actual disestablishment of military institutions.” The effect on the system would be, the report said, “catastrophic.”
The appearance of the report caused a sensation when it came out at the onset of the Vietnam War. Officials within the government had no comment, and the report faded into history. But certain of its sections fit the situation in 2009 precisely.
This is because the report outlined the ways the civilian population of a developed nation could be controlled even in the absence of a large-scale war that disrupted their daily lives. One of these ways was defined as follows: “A…possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery….The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control….” (Cited in Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, 2000.)
We see the development of such a “sophisticated form of slavery” today. What else can a system be called that subjects the population to skyrocketing personal and household debt, a widening gap between the rich and everyone else, constant warfare justified as necessary to fight “terrorism,” erosion of personal freedoms, constantly expanding power allocated to the military and police, pervasive electronic eavesdropping, complete lack of accountability by politicians for their dishonesty and crimes, a mass media devoted solely to establishment propaganda, etc.
None of this seems to be diminishing under the Barack Obama administration. Even the economic recovery Obama is attempting to engineer through massive Keynesian deficit spending is expected by economists to be another “jobless” one like that of 2002-2005. Of course the unemployed or those who fear unemployment are easy to control. And the permanent series of Asian land wars George W. Bush instigated for control of resources and geopolitical leverage against Russia and China continue unabated.
None of this is accidental. As The Report from Iron Mountain made clear four decades ago, it’s what has been planned all along.
Richard C. Cook is a former federal analyst who writes on public policy issues. His book “We Hold These Truths: the Hope of Monetary Reform” is now available at His website is
Friday, May 8, 2009
Heading For The Stars

One of two F104 Starfighters left in the world on display in Innisfail, Alberta.
The version of these planes manufactured in Europe developed a reputation for killing their pilots and crashing for unexplained reasons. Possibly related to intermittent failures in the pilot's life support system.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Looking After The Flock

This guard dog, in a field near Markerville, Alberta, is making sure no predators will cause trouble.
A Sign Of The Times?

This branch of the RBC bank in Innisfail, Alberta has been wrapped up! Is this an indicator of things to come?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Debris at the North Dyke boat loading ramp indicate much higher dam levels since the last boating season. Gleniffer Lake is fed by the Red Deer River and is a popular recreation area near Spruce View.

At the Trout Pond beside Dickson Point on the south west end of Gleniffer Lake on Saturday, May 2. A sign of spring in Alberta.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Landowners Overruled
(Rimbey, AB) The Alberta Court of Appeal ruled against landowner rights today, and upheld the Alberta Energy Utility Board’s (EUB) decision to license a private transmission line from Lethbridge, AB to Great Falls, Mt. The court’s decision was split against the landowners 2 to 1.
On August 12, 2008 the Montana Alberta Tie LLC (MATL), a private company, received approval from the Alberta government to build a private transmission line from Lethbridge, AB to the U.S. border. The transmission line was designed to eventually terminate in Great Falls, Montana.
Alberta’s regulator, the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), had a very narrow and limited role in the approval process because private companies, such as MATL, are not required to meet any public interest requirement test, or economic ‘need’ test, in order to build a transmission line.
The Lavesta Area Group (LAG) contributed financial and legal support in an attempt to overturn the government’s decision that approved MATL’s proposal, because we firmly believe a developer’s dream for a private transmission line should not take precedence over a citizen’s dream of keeping his or her own home, property, or business.
LAG claims the Alberta PC government failed miserably in its responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens when it intervened to advance MATL’s private interests rights over the private interest rights of the farmers affected by the MATL proposal. The farmers directly and adversely affected by MATL’s proposal are innocent victims in a classic case of competing private interest rights. MATL’s proposal to build a transmission line has nothing to do with fulfilling any public interest need; hence government’s only role in this matter should have been limited to protecting private property from being seized to benefit another private interest.
The Lavesta Area Group takes the position that government should never encroach upon an individual’s private property rights unless there is an imminent and necessary public need. We will decide in the next few weeks whether or not we will appeal this decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963- 0521 cell
On August 12, 2008 the Montana Alberta Tie LLC (MATL), a private company, received approval from the Alberta government to build a private transmission line from Lethbridge, AB to the U.S. border. The transmission line was designed to eventually terminate in Great Falls, Montana.
Alberta’s regulator, the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), had a very narrow and limited role in the approval process because private companies, such as MATL, are not required to meet any public interest requirement test, or economic ‘need’ test, in order to build a transmission line.
The Lavesta Area Group (LAG) contributed financial and legal support in an attempt to overturn the government’s decision that approved MATL’s proposal, because we firmly believe a developer’s dream for a private transmission line should not take precedence over a citizen’s dream of keeping his or her own home, property, or business.
LAG claims the Alberta PC government failed miserably in its responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens when it intervened to advance MATL’s private interests rights over the private interest rights of the farmers affected by the MATL proposal. The farmers directly and adversely affected by MATL’s proposal are innocent victims in a classic case of competing private interest rights. MATL’s proposal to build a transmission line has nothing to do with fulfilling any public interest need; hence government’s only role in this matter should have been limited to protecting private property from being seized to benefit another private interest.
The Lavesta Area Group takes the position that government should never encroach upon an individual’s private property rights unless there is an imminent and necessary public need. We will decide in the next few weeks whether or not we will appeal this decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963- 0521 cell
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pen Meets Paper May 4'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
“A shepherd boy tending his flock one night amused himself by shouting to the local villagers, "Wolf, wolf!" when there was none, just to see them come running. He repeated the trick and each time the villagers came to help, just to find the boy had tricked them again. Later that night a wolf really did come. The boy again called "Wolf, wolf!", but believing it to be another trick, no-one came, leaving the wolf free to kill all the sheep he wanted.”
World Health Organization officials have something to learn from this condensed fable by a rather famous writer called Aesop. They have been diligently appearing in front of cameras and microphones lately with their message of fear for the new(?) H1N1 virus (wolf). Last time it was the H5N1 “birdflu” virus (wolf again) that turned out to be a fizzer.
It is very gratifying for people who are not normally recognized to stand in front of the world media and cry “wolf!” so as to bring attention to themselves. It is equally convenient for the media to play along because of the “easy news copy” they obtain from the process. So we have a typical “collusion of interest” in operation. What none of these people seem to think about are the downstream consequences of their actions: They have unwittingly(?) created excuses for politically motivated actions against individuals and states, in the form of the closing of borders to products and restrictions on travel.
And right here in Alberta, the already stressed pork industry has received another blow on the nose, not unlike the BSE Panic which transferred a lot of beef producers farm equity into the hands of their bankers.
The other scary aspect of the behavior of WHO officials and the mainstream media people is that when a nasty virus does appear on the scene, people will not take any notice of their warnings: The real wolf will have his day!
“A shepherd boy tending his flock one night amused himself by shouting to the local villagers, "Wolf, wolf!" when there was none, just to see them come running. He repeated the trick and each time the villagers came to help, just to find the boy had tricked them again. Later that night a wolf really did come. The boy again called "Wolf, wolf!", but believing it to be another trick, no-one came, leaving the wolf free to kill all the sheep he wanted.”
World Health Organization officials have something to learn from this condensed fable by a rather famous writer called Aesop. They have been diligently appearing in front of cameras and microphones lately with their message of fear for the new(?) H1N1 virus (wolf). Last time it was the H5N1 “birdflu” virus (wolf again) that turned out to be a fizzer.
It is very gratifying for people who are not normally recognized to stand in front of the world media and cry “wolf!” so as to bring attention to themselves. It is equally convenient for the media to play along because of the “easy news copy” they obtain from the process. So we have a typical “collusion of interest” in operation. What none of these people seem to think about are the downstream consequences of their actions: They have unwittingly(?) created excuses for politically motivated actions against individuals and states, in the form of the closing of borders to products and restrictions on travel.
And right here in Alberta, the already stressed pork industry has received another blow on the nose, not unlike the BSE Panic which transferred a lot of beef producers farm equity into the hands of their bankers.
The other scary aspect of the behavior of WHO officials and the mainstream media people is that when a nasty virus does appear on the scene, people will not take any notice of their warnings: The real wolf will have his day!

Built to replace the old hall that succumbed to flooding on June 18, 2005. It was officialy opened by local dignitaries on April 25 and there was an inaugural dance in the hall that night with Allen Christie and his band.

During the flood of June 18 2005. The hall, located on the river flat on the south side of the James River, where the old highway crosses the river, has now been replaced with a new one.

Beny and Roland Weir were the first couple on the floor at the celebration of the opening of the new James River Hall on Saturday, April 25. Coincidentally, Roland Weir organized the last dance held in the old hall before it was flooded on June 18, 2005.

During a spring snow storm at Crammond on Friday April 24. This herd has its territory between the Sundre and Caroline areas. 42 animals were counted in the herd
Village Council Notes
Mill Rate Reduced Due To Higher Property Value Assessments.
All councillors and CAO McKinnon were present at the regular Village Council meeting last Tuesday, April 7, at 3:20pm in the Village office where Council gave all three required readings to Property Tax Rate Bylaw 38/08. The residential tax rate decreased 1.5% from 2008 (7.2% from 2007) to 11.387 while the non residential tax rate decreased 1.4% from 2008 (6.2%) to 14.123. The reduction for both residential and non-residential properties is largely attributable to increases in the assessment for residential properties. Properties in the village were given a “Total Live Assessment” of $37,363,410. Municipal property taxes account for $348,660.50 (27%) of the Village's $1,269.517.40 operating budget for 2009.
Board Reports
Mayor Cudmore, reporting from the Library Board, spoke about ongoing heaving problems of the concrete pad in front of the library's main entrance doors.
Deputy Mayor Nielsen, reporting from Rocky Senior Housing noted a long standing waiting list of 30 people who are in need of accommodation. Expansion of existing facilities in Rocky is scheduled to begin in September.
She said that the Rocky Solid Waste Authority is looking at ways of dealing with the disposal of old toilets and cardboard waste. And, while Caroline's waste transfer station is in good shape, others in the area are not and are in need of maintenance.
Councillor Pryor, reporting from the Clearwater Regional FCSS Board, had attended a workshop setting goals for the next two years.
Ambulance Is Under Provincial Umbrella
The Village received a letter from the Caroline and District Volunteer Ambulance Service informing Council that the service is now operating under the umbrella of Alberta Health Services, canceling any written of verbal contracts or agreements with the Village of Caroline. Councillor Van Dijk asked questions about the ownership of the present ambulance building and municipal taxes. CAO McKinnon undertook to look into these matters.
All councillors and CAO McKinnon were present at the regular Village Council meeting last Tuesday, April 7, at 3:20pm in the Village office where Council gave all three required readings to Property Tax Rate Bylaw 38/08. The residential tax rate decreased 1.5% from 2008 (7.2% from 2007) to 11.387 while the non residential tax rate decreased 1.4% from 2008 (6.2%) to 14.123. The reduction for both residential and non-residential properties is largely attributable to increases in the assessment for residential properties. Properties in the village were given a “Total Live Assessment” of $37,363,410. Municipal property taxes account for $348,660.50 (27%) of the Village's $1,269.517.40 operating budget for 2009.
Board Reports
Mayor Cudmore, reporting from the Library Board, spoke about ongoing heaving problems of the concrete pad in front of the library's main entrance doors.
Deputy Mayor Nielsen, reporting from Rocky Senior Housing noted a long standing waiting list of 30 people who are in need of accommodation. Expansion of existing facilities in Rocky is scheduled to begin in September.
She said that the Rocky Solid Waste Authority is looking at ways of dealing with the disposal of old toilets and cardboard waste. And, while Caroline's waste transfer station is in good shape, others in the area are not and are in need of maintenance.
Councillor Pryor, reporting from the Clearwater Regional FCSS Board, had attended a workshop setting goals for the next two years.
Ambulance Is Under Provincial Umbrella
The Village received a letter from the Caroline and District Volunteer Ambulance Service informing Council that the service is now operating under the umbrella of Alberta Health Services, canceling any written of verbal contracts or agreements with the Village of Caroline. Councillor Van Dijk asked questions about the ownership of the present ambulance building and municipal taxes. CAO McKinnon undertook to look into these matters.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
West Country Drug Coalition Meeting
Purpose: to enhance awareness, provide education and prevention of alcohol and abuse in our community and schools within the County of Clearwater.
You are invited to attend a meeting
Wednesday May 6 at 1:00 p.m in the
Caroline Royal Purple and Elks Youth Center
located at 5014-48th street in Caroline
Everyone is welcome
for more information contact :
Maxine 403-722-3787 email:
Tracy 403-845-3720
You are invited to attend a meeting
Wednesday May 6 at 1:00 p.m in the
Caroline Royal Purple and Elks Youth Center
located at 5014-48th street in Caroline
Everyone is welcome
for more information contact :
Maxine 403-722-3787 email:
Tracy 403-845-3720
Saturday, May 16th, Main Street Caroline 10:30 am
The Caroline and District Chamber of Commerce and the Caroline Museum with the help of many dedicated volunteers have partnered and once again are organizing the Big Horn Rodeo Parade and Candyman Parade, to take place Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 10:30 am.
Please accept this invitation to mark your calendar and participate in the May long weekend parade in Caroline.
We are looking forward to a top notch parade and eagerly anticipate your entry. The theme this year is “FUN FOR EVERYONE!” What does fun mean to you, your business or organization? Use your imagination; let’s be kids again (just for a little while). Let our everyday stresses go for a few hours and have FUN!! It’s all about you!
The Red Deer Royals will be joining us again this year.
Build a float, have your children decorate their bikes, enter your antique car or ride your horses; almost anything goes. Get your Entry in soon!
OUR STAGING AREA WILL BE AT THE KURT BROWNING COMPEX. Make your way to the south side of town. Watch for the signs. The people who line up the participants in the parade will also be our judges. All entries must be lined up be 10:00 a.m. All entries will be judged and ribbons awarded with the parade on way by 10:30 a.m.
The format of the parade will continue as it did last year. There will be NO throwing of candy from the participants in the main parade. The Candyman Parade will precede the main parade with the Candyman and gaily decorated clowns throwing out candy and handing out balloons. With this safety measure in place, everyone can sit back and enjoy the parade.
If you require further information please feel free to call the Chamber Office. Please notify the Chamber of your intent to enter the parade so that we may forward an information package closer to parade day. Contact Information: Phone (403) 722-4066 (Please leave me a message if I am not there) or e-mail Check on line at for updated information.
Thank you, we look forward to your participation!
Deana Knight, Manager – Caroline & District Chamber of Commerce
The Caroline and District Chamber of Commerce and the Caroline Museum with the help of many dedicated volunteers have partnered and once again are organizing the Big Horn Rodeo Parade and Candyman Parade, to take place Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 10:30 am.
Please accept this invitation to mark your calendar and participate in the May long weekend parade in Caroline.
We are looking forward to a top notch parade and eagerly anticipate your entry. The theme this year is “FUN FOR EVERYONE!” What does fun mean to you, your business or organization? Use your imagination; let’s be kids again (just for a little while). Let our everyday stresses go for a few hours and have FUN!! It’s all about you!
The Red Deer Royals will be joining us again this year.
Build a float, have your children decorate their bikes, enter your antique car or ride your horses; almost anything goes. Get your Entry in soon!
OUR STAGING AREA WILL BE AT THE KURT BROWNING COMPEX. Make your way to the south side of town. Watch for the signs. The people who line up the participants in the parade will also be our judges. All entries must be lined up be 10:00 a.m. All entries will be judged and ribbons awarded with the parade on way by 10:30 a.m.
The format of the parade will continue as it did last year. There will be NO throwing of candy from the participants in the main parade. The Candyman Parade will precede the main parade with the Candyman and gaily decorated clowns throwing out candy and handing out balloons. With this safety measure in place, everyone can sit back and enjoy the parade.
If you require further information please feel free to call the Chamber Office. Please notify the Chamber of your intent to enter the parade so that we may forward an information package closer to parade day. Contact Information: Phone (403) 722-4066 (Please leave me a message if I am not there) or e-mail Check on line at for updated information.
Thank you, we look forward to your participation!
Deana Knight, Manager – Caroline & District Chamber of Commerce
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