Opinion by Helge Nome
Looking back at 2009, one thing stands out: Uncertainty.
Be it the weather, communicable diseases, the economy and its lack of jobs, or whatever, we seem to have great problems predicting what is going to happen next.
Amidst all the speculation about our future, I find the position of the establishment media to be somewhat unbalanced:
One the one hand, dire consequences are predicted from claimed climate change
(which used to be called ggglobal wwarming) and from the new “monster” labelled
H1N1 (hopefully, in spite of same initials, I’m no relation).
On the other hand, the same establishment media are rolling in rosy predictions about our economic future in spite of fact that financial credit continues to be severely restricted in the productive economy. “The boom times are surely just around the corner”.
It is as if they believe their own verbiage will bring about the desired results.
The boom mentality appears to have taken hold in the minds of a lot of people and they are just not willing to let it go, so numbers are suitably masked to conform with prevailing beliefs.
Consider this: Many employers and organizations are avoiding employee layoffs by introducing job sharing. That means that the total amount of purchasing power available in the economy is reduced (by way of reduced wage costs) while official unemployment numbers remain relatively unchanged.
Reduced purchasing power means less demand for goods and services, putting more pressure on employers to cut back on staffing.
It is a vicious circle.
Meanwhile, the financial markets (read “Casino Circus”) rebounds, making all the speculators happy. But less goods and services of value are being produced because the productive economy is being starved of the money needed to make it function properly.
How do we deal with this going into 2010?
It is not as difficult as you might think. Expect too read more about it in this column in the time ahead.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Caroline School's Mitten Tree
Caroline's Neighbourhood Place's Christmas Team
"Holly Jolly Christmas"
on Friday, December 18. There was another performance on Wednesday, December 16, where the
elementary students at Caroline School impressed parents, teachers and friends, as always.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Dec. 21 '09
Opinion by Helge Nome
Is the value of gold a canary in the coal mine? Lately, the value has exceeded US$1,100 per ounce. Why is gold thought to be a safe harbor from the stormy financial markets where the big sharks prey?
Perhaps we shouldn’t speak so much about the strength of gold as the weakness of national currencies reflecting a general lack of faith in the institutions that are supposed to look after the tickets we use to access goods and services.
In this regard, the 2008 Annual Report from ATB Financial contains some very revealing information
At March 31, 2008, ATB Financial found itself in possession of $1.2 billion worth (or so they thought) of so called Asset Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP). As it turned out, nobody wanted to buy this paper any more because of its questionable value.
In other words, ATB Financial had exchanged $1.2 billion good Canadian dollars for what I have chosen to call ABCTP (Asset Backed Commercial Toilet Paper).
What now follows is interesting, quoted directly from the report:
“Given that there is no active market for the ABCP currently undergoing restructuring, ATB developed a valuation model, in accordance with Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (“CICA”) guidelines, to determine its best estimate of the fair value of these investments as at March 31, 2008. This model includes a number of significant assumptions; consequently the fair value of the investment may vary significantly from the current estimate”
So what has happened here? Simply that a group of bank executives sat down around a table and decided how good or bad they wanted their 2008 Annual report to look.
Instead of showing a loss of $1.2 billion they decided that they had only lost an estimated $252.5 million based on future hopes of getting rid of their ABCTP at a discount value.
And you can bet your bottom dollar that every bank holding ABCTP has done exactly the same thing, hiding their action in some obscure part of their annual report.
Now, in the 2009 Annual Report, a box for storing the ABCTP is revealed. It is called a “Master Asset Vehicle” or “MAV” for short. The report doesn’t state whether these vehicles have wheels or a driver, but I suspect that they do. So that they can be parked around the corner, out of public view.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all do the same thing when trying to attract investors?
Why would we trust people that are prepared to play these kinds of tricks on us while taking our money?
Did I hear something about pay dirt up Yukon way?
Is the value of gold a canary in the coal mine? Lately, the value has exceeded US$1,100 per ounce. Why is gold thought to be a safe harbor from the stormy financial markets where the big sharks prey?
Perhaps we shouldn’t speak so much about the strength of gold as the weakness of national currencies reflecting a general lack of faith in the institutions that are supposed to look after the tickets we use to access goods and services.
In this regard, the 2008 Annual Report from ATB Financial contains some very revealing information
At March 31, 2008, ATB Financial found itself in possession of $1.2 billion worth (or so they thought) of so called Asset Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP). As it turned out, nobody wanted to buy this paper any more because of its questionable value.
In other words, ATB Financial had exchanged $1.2 billion good Canadian dollars for what I have chosen to call ABCTP (Asset Backed Commercial Toilet Paper).
What now follows is interesting, quoted directly from the report:
“Given that there is no active market for the ABCP currently undergoing restructuring, ATB developed a valuation model, in accordance with Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (“CICA”) guidelines, to determine its best estimate of the fair value of these investments as at March 31, 2008. This model includes a number of significant assumptions; consequently the fair value of the investment may vary significantly from the current estimate”
So what has happened here? Simply that a group of bank executives sat down around a table and decided how good or bad they wanted their 2008 Annual report to look.
Instead of showing a loss of $1.2 billion they decided that they had only lost an estimated $252.5 million based on future hopes of getting rid of their ABCTP at a discount value.
And you can bet your bottom dollar that every bank holding ABCTP has done exactly the same thing, hiding their action in some obscure part of their annual report.
Now, in the 2009 Annual Report, a box for storing the ABCTP is revealed. It is called a “Master Asset Vehicle” or “MAV” for short. The report doesn’t state whether these vehicles have wheels or a driver, but I suspect that they do. So that they can be parked around the corner, out of public view.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all do the same thing when trying to attract investors?
Why would we trust people that are prepared to play these kinds of tricks on us while taking our money?
Did I hear something about pay dirt up Yukon way?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday Thoughts
It is all very well to kick around ideas about reforming the banking system. And turn the world into a "greener" place.
The underlying assumption is that you can somehow, magically, make things different.
I think the the important thing to understand is that the socio/economic/political system is an integrated whole that has evolved over a long period of time and is continuing to move along on its own path towards whatever lies ahead.
Observing this, one can discern trends, and the one that seems to stand out to me is the emergence of a social underclass that is increasingly excluded from the mainstream of society by a lack of disposable income because of unemployment.
To put it bluntly, North America is becoming more like what we call "the third world" with some people living very well, at the expense of an increasing poor majority.
And more educated people are now joining the ranks of the poor. The good jobs just aren't there for them. They are the fertile soil in which the seeds of discontent will take hold and grow. That's were our ideas need to be planted to ensure a future harvest.
When change does come it will only happen because the collective force behind it is greater than the force opposing it.
That's how Nature works.
The underlying assumption is that you can somehow, magically, make things different.
I think the the important thing to understand is that the socio/economic/political system is an integrated whole that has evolved over a long period of time and is continuing to move along on its own path towards whatever lies ahead.
Observing this, one can discern trends, and the one that seems to stand out to me is the emergence of a social underclass that is increasingly excluded from the mainstream of society by a lack of disposable income because of unemployment.
To put it bluntly, North America is becoming more like what we call "the third world" with some people living very well, at the expense of an increasing poor majority.
And more educated people are now joining the ranks of the poor. The good jobs just aren't there for them. They are the fertile soil in which the seeds of discontent will take hold and grow. That's were our ideas need to be planted to ensure a future harvest.
When change does come it will only happen because the collective force behind it is greater than the force opposing it.
That's how Nature works.
Fire Chief Plagues
Recognized for meritorious service
Christmas, Country style
Thursday, December 17, 2009
There's money in them thar transmission lines!
(Rimbey, AB) The Lavesta Area Group completed and filed its final submission, to the Alberta Utilities Commission, in regards to a complaint that alleges the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) acted dishonestly and violated the public’s trust.
Lavesta’s complaint follows recent allegations by Enmax Corporation that the government of Alberta held secret (unethical) meetings to facilitate the passage of the controversial Bill 50. Bill 50 amended existing legislation to streamline the approval of tens of billions of dollars of public funds for transmission system upgrades, which many industry consumers believe only benefit large electricity producers, to the detriment of the public.
Lavesta’s complaint, attached to this new release, raises serious questions concerning the alleged unethical and unprofessional behaviour of the AESO. Unethical controversies have plagued Alberta’s electrical transmission industry since the implementation of deregulation.
The Lavesta Area Group supports a full, public and transparent, independent investigation into all the allegations plaguing Alberta Interconnected Transmission System (AIES) industry.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Lavesta’s complaint follows recent allegations by Enmax Corporation that the government of Alberta held secret (unethical) meetings to facilitate the passage of the controversial Bill 50. Bill 50 amended existing legislation to streamline the approval of tens of billions of dollars of public funds for transmission system upgrades, which many industry consumers believe only benefit large electricity producers, to the detriment of the public.
Lavesta’s complaint, attached to this new release, raises serious questions concerning the alleged unethical and unprofessional behaviour of the AESO. Unethical controversies have plagued Alberta’s electrical transmission industry since the implementation of deregulation.
The Lavesta Area Group supports a full, public and transparent, independent investigation into all the allegations plaguing Alberta Interconnected Transmission System (AIES) industry.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Monday, December 14, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Dec.14'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
Sitting here in -25 degree C air here in cold Alberta, it would seem that most of the hot air in this world has congregated in Copenhagen at the moment where the much touted climate change conference is being staged. Also please note that the label has changed from “climate warming” to “climate change” because the earth’s weather is simply refusing to fit into prevailing theories about it.
I used to live in a community in Australia where anyone who tried to predict the local weather was either considered to be a fool or a newchum that wanted to make an impression on the locals.
That said, there can be little doubt about impacts of human activity on the Earth’s climate as we swarm over the surface of our host and constantly use more energy per capita.
As I see it, there are two alternatives: Decrease energy use or find forms of energy whose use does not impact the climate in a major way.
Proponents of just tapping into the natural daily/weekly/monthly energy flows of our world, such as sun, wind, waves, heating and cooling of land masses and oceans, etc. end up living in a somewhat euphoric world: There just isn’t enough energy there to satisfy a growing and ravenous humanity. And if we really get serious about harvesting this kind of energy in a major way, our world’s weather patterns would likely change
in some very unpredictable ways.
A hybrid solution will likely emerge with nuclear power becoming more of a mainstay of the system as time goes by. Its footprint on the landscape, per gigawatt hour of electricity generated, is miniscule compared to other solutions, such as coal, windmills, solar panels, etc.
The main challenge with nuclear power is how to deal with the waste which will likely result in fuel reprocessing for further energy extraction. Cost is another factor. Particularly if you take into account the dismantling of a nuclear plant at the end of its useful life.
Statistically, nuclear power is very safe compared to coal generated power: Think of all the people that have perished in the extraction of coal over the years.
The main problem with nuclear seems to be in the minds of people thinking about ghastly disasters. Perhaps it is a bit like the fear of flying in commercial jets where the safety record per passenger mile travelled is way ahead of travel in private vehicles.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki don’t help either.
However, if you want to have your cake and eat it too, the atom is waiting to serve you.
Sitting here in -25 degree C air here in cold Alberta, it would seem that most of the hot air in this world has congregated in Copenhagen at the moment where the much touted climate change conference is being staged. Also please note that the label has changed from “climate warming” to “climate change” because the earth’s weather is simply refusing to fit into prevailing theories about it.
I used to live in a community in Australia where anyone who tried to predict the local weather was either considered to be a fool or a newchum that wanted to make an impression on the locals.
That said, there can be little doubt about impacts of human activity on the Earth’s climate as we swarm over the surface of our host and constantly use more energy per capita.
As I see it, there are two alternatives: Decrease energy use or find forms of energy whose use does not impact the climate in a major way.
Proponents of just tapping into the natural daily/weekly/monthly energy flows of our world, such as sun, wind, waves, heating and cooling of land masses and oceans, etc. end up living in a somewhat euphoric world: There just isn’t enough energy there to satisfy a growing and ravenous humanity. And if we really get serious about harvesting this kind of energy in a major way, our world’s weather patterns would likely change
in some very unpredictable ways.
A hybrid solution will likely emerge with nuclear power becoming more of a mainstay of the system as time goes by. Its footprint on the landscape, per gigawatt hour of electricity generated, is miniscule compared to other solutions, such as coal, windmills, solar panels, etc.
The main challenge with nuclear power is how to deal with the waste which will likely result in fuel reprocessing for further energy extraction. Cost is another factor. Particularly if you take into account the dismantling of a nuclear plant at the end of its useful life.
Statistically, nuclear power is very safe compared to coal generated power: Think of all the people that have perished in the extraction of coal over the years.
The main problem with nuclear seems to be in the minds of people thinking about ghastly disasters. Perhaps it is a bit like the fear of flying in commercial jets where the safety record per passenger mile travelled is way ahead of travel in private vehicles.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki don’t help either.
However, if you want to have your cake and eat it too, the atom is waiting to serve you.
First blizzard of the season
drifting snow over the weekend of December 4/5/6.The air temperature sank to -30 degrees Celcius on the morning of
December 7.
Caroline Lions Club charter celebration
and Caroline club President Nazem Kamaleddine. The event took place at the Seniors Drop In Center
in Caroline and was attended by lions and well wishers from Caroline and Spruce View, among others.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Something smells
(Rimbey, AB) Wednesday’s December 9th Calgary Herald reported that Enmax’s CEO, “told of a private meeting where government officials advised utility companies not to question the need for new power lines.”
Ethical controversies have surrounded the excessive proposals to build massive electricity transmission lines across Alberta since before Stelmach took the reins of power. For example, since SNC-Lavalin over-paid $200 million dollars for TransAlta’s transmission lines and created the company now known as AltaLink
* AltaLink, now owned 77% by SNC-Lavalin, was tasked by the AESO to provide critical consultation (proof) to justify the need to build a 500KV transmission line from Edmonton to Calgary. Based on the information provided by AltaLink, AESO submitted an application to the EUB for approval to build a 500KV transmission line, and testified extensively on the relevance and credibility of AltaLink’s evidence. Three years later, it was embarrassingly revealed that AltaLink’s so-called critical report was delivered to the AESO six months after AESO submitted their application. The question of how AESO could testify extensively on the relevance and credibility of AltaLink’s evidence six months before AESO received the evidence has never been answered.
* Early on Alberta Energy intervened and over-ruled an EUB decision that would require generators to share in the costs. Later, transmission regulations were changed to eliminate any requirement to have industry share in the costs of building transmission lines.
* Mr. Kellan Fluckiger, the then Executive Director of the Alberta Department of Energy, testified in support of the 500 KV transmission line. Mr. Fluckiger’s wife at the time was a senior executive vice president with AltaLink, the primary beneficiary of the 500 KV line. In a letter dated June 15, 2006 Fluckiger detailed the Department’s support for AltaLink’s 500KV transmission line. Complaints that the Alberta Energy Utilities Board, (AEUB) under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Energy, could not be viewed or expected to act as an impartial Board when the ministry is testifying on behalf of a project were dismissed.
* AltaLink was awarded a $200 million dollar no-bid contract (guaranteeing SNC-Lavalin, an engineering and construction contract) to build the transmission line from Edmonton to Calgary. The $200 million dollars figure raised suspicions given the fact that SNC-Lavalin originally over-paid $200 million to purchase AltaLink. The project has now ballooned to an estimated $2.2 billion. AltaLink (owned 77% by SNC-Lavalin) will assume ownership upon completion, and the public (load) pays for 100% of the costs to construct the transmission line.
* AESO, as an independent non-profit entity responsible for the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System, applied to the AEUB specifically to assign AltaLink a 500KV line in violation of its mandated objectivity and obligation to consider the "Needs" before any direct assignment. It was later proven that AESO's senior executives had annual bonuses attached to the submission and approval of a 500 KV transmission line that could only benefit AltaLink.
* Former premier Ralph Klein and the former EUB chairman Neil McCrank (McCrank chaired the first AltaLink 500 KV hearings and drafted the original approval) both now work for AltaLink’s law firm.
The allegations from Enmax’s CEO are significant for a number of reasons; however the allegations seem to be mounting in intensity. What is not being disclosed is the fact that Alberta may be at risk of losing approximately 30,000 jobs in the refinery, and pulp and paper mill sectors, if the costs of these mega-transmission lines are downloaded onto industry. How Alberta’s economy will pay for these projects has never been disclosed in a cost benefit analysis.
The argument in support of a regulatory process to transparently evaluate utilities projects is a proven methodology that works in the public interest. The changes to the current legislation should be repealed, and the regulatory system should be re-instated for approving critical infrastructure. Besides, utility board hearings are a great venue to catch government hired spies. It not hard to identify government private investigators, you will find them eating all the donuts.
The Lavesta Area Group is calling for a full and complete independent transparent inquiry into this government’s unethical behaviour relative to the entire regulatory process surrounding the approval of transmission lines, including the most recent allegations.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Ethical controversies have surrounded the excessive proposals to build massive electricity transmission lines across Alberta since before Stelmach took the reins of power. For example, since SNC-Lavalin over-paid $200 million dollars for TransAlta’s transmission lines and created the company now known as AltaLink
* AltaLink, now owned 77% by SNC-Lavalin, was tasked by the AESO to provide critical consultation (proof) to justify the need to build a 500KV transmission line from Edmonton to Calgary. Based on the information provided by AltaLink, AESO submitted an application to the EUB for approval to build a 500KV transmission line, and testified extensively on the relevance and credibility of AltaLink’s evidence. Three years later, it was embarrassingly revealed that AltaLink’s so-called critical report was delivered to the AESO six months after AESO submitted their application. The question of how AESO could testify extensively on the relevance and credibility of AltaLink’s evidence six months before AESO received the evidence has never been answered.
* Early on Alberta Energy intervened and over-ruled an EUB decision that would require generators to share in the costs. Later, transmission regulations were changed to eliminate any requirement to have industry share in the costs of building transmission lines.
* Mr. Kellan Fluckiger, the then Executive Director of the Alberta Department of Energy, testified in support of the 500 KV transmission line. Mr. Fluckiger’s wife at the time was a senior executive vice president with AltaLink, the primary beneficiary of the 500 KV line. In a letter dated June 15, 2006 Fluckiger detailed the Department’s support for AltaLink’s 500KV transmission line. Complaints that the Alberta Energy Utilities Board, (AEUB) under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Energy, could not be viewed or expected to act as an impartial Board when the ministry is testifying on behalf of a project were dismissed.
* AltaLink was awarded a $200 million dollar no-bid contract (guaranteeing SNC-Lavalin, an engineering and construction contract) to build the transmission line from Edmonton to Calgary. The $200 million dollars figure raised suspicions given the fact that SNC-Lavalin originally over-paid $200 million to purchase AltaLink. The project has now ballooned to an estimated $2.2 billion. AltaLink (owned 77% by SNC-Lavalin) will assume ownership upon completion, and the public (load) pays for 100% of the costs to construct the transmission line.
* AESO, as an independent non-profit entity responsible for the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System, applied to the AEUB specifically to assign AltaLink a 500KV line in violation of its mandated objectivity and obligation to consider the "Needs" before any direct assignment. It was later proven that AESO's senior executives had annual bonuses attached to the submission and approval of a 500 KV transmission line that could only benefit AltaLink.
* Former premier Ralph Klein and the former EUB chairman Neil McCrank (McCrank chaired the first AltaLink 500 KV hearings and drafted the original approval) both now work for AltaLink’s law firm.
The allegations from Enmax’s CEO are significant for a number of reasons; however the allegations seem to be mounting in intensity. What is not being disclosed is the fact that Alberta may be at risk of losing approximately 30,000 jobs in the refinery, and pulp and paper mill sectors, if the costs of these mega-transmission lines are downloaded onto industry. How Alberta’s economy will pay for these projects has never been disclosed in a cost benefit analysis.
The argument in support of a regulatory process to transparently evaluate utilities projects is a proven methodology that works in the public interest. The changes to the current legislation should be repealed, and the regulatory system should be re-instated for approving critical infrastructure. Besides, utility board hearings are a great venue to catch government hired spies. It not hard to identify government private investigators, you will find them eating all the donuts.
The Lavesta Area Group is calling for a full and complete independent transparent inquiry into this government’s unethical behaviour relative to the entire regulatory process surrounding the approval of transmission lines, including the most recent allegations.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pen Meet Paper Dec.7'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
The UN sponsored world climate conference in Copenhagen has begun. Nobody seems to know what the outcomes might be at this stage but it appears, as time goes by, that an increasing number of presidents and prime ministers are going to make a call there.
Canada, and Alberta in particular, are already in the hot seat as climate change copouts. Canada for not living up to Kyoto commitments and Alberta for producing “dirty” oil, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, from its tar sands.
Climate change is a highly politicized issue with opinions ranging from no climate change, to natural climate change and human caused climate change. It is a confusing picture.
However, there is something that is raising a lot of red flags called “carbon credit trading”. The idea is quite simple: Emitters of carbon dioxide, such as large power generating plants, are putting a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and should be given maximum permissible emissions targets. A financial penalty should be imposed if those plants fail to meet their emission targets.
However, they will be given the opportunity to purchase carbon credits from other individuals/groups/organizations that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
These credits can then be deducted from the actual emission numbers for a plant to bring its net pollution of the atmosphere below its maximum permissible emission target.
For example, the owner of a growing forest could claim to be responsible for removing a certain amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year because the main building blocks of growing trees contain carbon. So a power generating plant should be able to buy the carbon credits estimated to be generated by this forest to go towards meeting its emission targets.
As usual, the devil is in the details: Because of the complexity of the situation, carbon credit trading markets operating on a world wide scale are proposed. And a market means traders, whose motives are?... Need I say more.
For those of us who follow financial markets, stock and bond market, etc., all the bells are ringing and red flags frantically flapping in the wind! Did you say “carbon credit markets”?!
This could become the biggest financial racket in the world to date. Market traders manipulate and skim profit from their transactions all the time. That is when they are not blatantly creating fraudulent financial “products” such as Asset Backed Commercial Toilet Paper and sell this junk to unsuspecting buyers. Next in line: Carbon Credits.
No, Thank You.
The UN sponsored world climate conference in Copenhagen has begun. Nobody seems to know what the outcomes might be at this stage but it appears, as time goes by, that an increasing number of presidents and prime ministers are going to make a call there.
Canada, and Alberta in particular, are already in the hot seat as climate change copouts. Canada for not living up to Kyoto commitments and Alberta for producing “dirty” oil, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, from its tar sands.
Climate change is a highly politicized issue with opinions ranging from no climate change, to natural climate change and human caused climate change. It is a confusing picture.
However, there is something that is raising a lot of red flags called “carbon credit trading”. The idea is quite simple: Emitters of carbon dioxide, such as large power generating plants, are putting a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and should be given maximum permissible emissions targets. A financial penalty should be imposed if those plants fail to meet their emission targets.
However, they will be given the opportunity to purchase carbon credits from other individuals/groups/organizations that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
These credits can then be deducted from the actual emission numbers for a plant to bring its net pollution of the atmosphere below its maximum permissible emission target.
For example, the owner of a growing forest could claim to be responsible for removing a certain amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year because the main building blocks of growing trees contain carbon. So a power generating plant should be able to buy the carbon credits estimated to be generated by this forest to go towards meeting its emission targets.
As usual, the devil is in the details: Because of the complexity of the situation, carbon credit trading markets operating on a world wide scale are proposed. And a market means traders, whose motives are?... Need I say more.
For those of us who follow financial markets, stock and bond market, etc., all the bells are ringing and red flags frantically flapping in the wind! Did you say “carbon credit markets”?!
This could become the biggest financial racket in the world to date. Market traders manipulate and skim profit from their transactions all the time. That is when they are not blatantly creating fraudulent financial “products” such as Asset Backed Commercial Toilet Paper and sell this junk to unsuspecting buyers. Next in line: Carbon Credits.
No, Thank You.
90 years and going strong
Media Luncheon entertainment
Water mains break in Caroline
Main street was blocked off and a contractor brought in to dig up the area around the leak.
Opening ceremonies at the ASAA 1A Girls Provincial Championship
Game 1, Caroline against Standard
Crammond Community Hall Association board and helpers
Front (sitting): Ron Edwards, Maria Hall, Hilda Lupul, Bobbie Tucker.
Standing: Karen Edwards, Hilda Gamble, Marilyn Aquilini, Teresa Stacey, Carol Preston, Howard St.Cyr, Diane Willsie,
Judy Blanchard, Jude Johnston, Stan Johnston.
The Crammond Hall is situated on Highway 22, to the south east of Caroline where an active community group was responsible for constructing it a few years ago and are involved in upgrading the facility and surrounding property.
In the spring, a piece of property owned by the association on the west boundary of the land where the hall is located
will have an access road constructed and trees planted.
The Crammond Hall is used by many community groups, individuals and companies.
The main event for December is the annual community Christmas party starting at 5pm on Sunday, December 6. As usual, it will be a potluck dinner with the turkey and beverages being provided by the community. There will be door prizes for both adults & children, live music with caroling and, of course, a visit from Santa.
Rec/Ag Society board for 2009/10
"Thank you for dedicated service"
for 6 years of dedicated service on Caroline's Rec/Ag board.
Rec/Ag Society Hosts Annual General Meeting
The Caroline and District Recreation and Agriculture Society, which operates the Kurt Browning Arena and Complex in Caroline, held its Annual General Meeting on November 24 in the complex hall and heard reports from the various complex user groups, including the Farmers Market, Figure Skating Club, Curling Club and Slow Pitch Team at its Annual General Meeting.
Complex Manager Debbie Northcott noted that the new ramps for the Ryan Jorgensen Skateboard Park are now in place and it is hoped that local youths will take ownership of the park which is located right next to the complex. Income from bingo is down, as is the case right across the province. The society's auditor's report will be presented at the regular board meeting on December 8 at 7pm.
Upcoming events hosted at the complex include Christmas Lightup on December 4 from 5-8pm and Christmas day Dinner, hosted by the Cermak family, for people who would like to come, beginning at noon.
This year, dinners will also be delivered to people who have difficulty in getting to the complex. For more information, phone Debbie at 403 722-3022.
Complex Manager Debbie Northcott noted that the new ramps for the Ryan Jorgensen Skateboard Park are now in place and it is hoped that local youths will take ownership of the park which is located right next to the complex. Income from bingo is down, as is the case right across the province. The society's auditor's report will be presented at the regular board meeting on December 8 at 7pm.
Upcoming events hosted at the complex include Christmas Lightup on December 4 from 5-8pm and Christmas day Dinner, hosted by the Cermak family, for people who would like to come, beginning at noon.
This year, dinners will also be delivered to people who have difficulty in getting to the complex. For more information, phone Debbie at 403 722-3022.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Nov.30'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
Back in the sixties, Star Trek used to be a very popular TV show. It is said that even the astronauts and support crews on Cape Canaveral used to look forwards to new episodes of the show in between moon missions.
I remember one episode in particular: It began with calamity about to happen where the Starship Enterprise’s main computer warns about imminent loss of the ships structural integrity followed by a blank TV screen.
The story then picks up with the Enterprise moving merrily along in space with the faint background hum of its warp drive audible in the background.
Captain Kirk, Scotty, Lieutenant Uhura and all the others are at their regular stations on the bridge without anything exciting going on.
Then, slowly things begin to happen that are slightly out of the ordinary and escalate to the point where the final scene, once again, is a blank screen and the whole sequence repeats itself with some minor variations.
To the viewer, the answer is obvious: The Enterprise is trapped in a time warp as long as the crew keeps making the same decisions every time the same challenges present themselves.
And the frustrating thing is that they don’t know that they are trapped and so are likely bound to make the same mistakes over and over again.
That is, until one of the ship’s crew accidentally come across some troubling images in the main computer’s data banks that stir up some strange memories that don’t make any sense.
Finally, having gone through the loop a few more times, a sense of disquiet begins to spread among the crew, they manage to solve the riddle and with pounding hearts change the decisions (which seem perfectly logical) in favor of others that make no sense to them, in order to finally break out of the time warp.
I have seen some troubling images on my computer, and many before that in movie theaters. I have crawled around in trenches and bunkers that were perfectly real and smoked tobacco that real soldiers left behind.
I have seen YouTube videos that are copies of films taken by people that invaded my homeland with guns and cannon and bombs before I was born.
Cities in ruins, bodies strewn across fields.
All of them clear indicators of the structural failure of society.
Right now, if you have a simple doctor’s stethoscope, or manage to get one, and place the probe on any thing you care in your surroundings including yourself, you can distinctly hear the background rumble of our ship’s warp drive.
Can we do what the crew of the Enterprise did?
Back in the sixties, Star Trek used to be a very popular TV show. It is said that even the astronauts and support crews on Cape Canaveral used to look forwards to new episodes of the show in between moon missions.
I remember one episode in particular: It began with calamity about to happen where the Starship Enterprise’s main computer warns about imminent loss of the ships structural integrity followed by a blank TV screen.
The story then picks up with the Enterprise moving merrily along in space with the faint background hum of its warp drive audible in the background.
Captain Kirk, Scotty, Lieutenant Uhura and all the others are at their regular stations on the bridge without anything exciting going on.
Then, slowly things begin to happen that are slightly out of the ordinary and escalate to the point where the final scene, once again, is a blank screen and the whole sequence repeats itself with some minor variations.
To the viewer, the answer is obvious: The Enterprise is trapped in a time warp as long as the crew keeps making the same decisions every time the same challenges present themselves.
And the frustrating thing is that they don’t know that they are trapped and so are likely bound to make the same mistakes over and over again.
That is, until one of the ship’s crew accidentally come across some troubling images in the main computer’s data banks that stir up some strange memories that don’t make any sense.
Finally, having gone through the loop a few more times, a sense of disquiet begins to spread among the crew, they manage to solve the riddle and with pounding hearts change the decisions (which seem perfectly logical) in favor of others that make no sense to them, in order to finally break out of the time warp.
I have seen some troubling images on my computer, and many before that in movie theaters. I have crawled around in trenches and bunkers that were perfectly real and smoked tobacco that real soldiers left behind.
I have seen YouTube videos that are copies of films taken by people that invaded my homeland with guns and cannon and bombs before I was born.
Cities in ruins, bodies strewn across fields.
All of them clear indicators of the structural failure of society.
Right now, if you have a simple doctor’s stethoscope, or manage to get one, and place the probe on any thing you care in your surroundings including yourself, you can distinctly hear the background rumble of our ship’s warp drive.
Can we do what the crew of the Enterprise did?
Caroline Food Bank donation
Lions Al Marchant and Orest Luchka were also in attendance
Caroline School Junior High Honors Awards for Grade 7
Grade 8 Honors Awards
Grade 12 Honors Award
Town and Country Bonspiel
Runners up, sitting: Rich Hirschmiller, John Boorman, Wendell Hulberg, Bob Ralston. Sponsor: West Side Liquor Store
Town and Country Bonspiel
Runners Up, sitting: Harvey Barrer, John Harder, Jerry McLean, Ron Brennan.
Town and Country Bonspiel
Runners Up, sitting: Cindy Fink, Jamie Foley,Neil Foley, Reg Dean. Sponsor: Caroline Supplies
Caroline Midget Hockey Tournament
Here Caroline, in white jerseys, just scored its fifth and final goal against the Red Deer team.
Highway upgrade complete
Caroline and west country area residents now have a smother and quicker ride to the Highway 2 corridor.
The upgrade work on Highway 54, going all the way west from Innisfail past Spruce View, is now complete and includes a section which bypasses Innisfail altogether so that motorists from the west country can now enter Highway 2 south of Innisfail from a recently constructed entry point that includes an overpass on Alberta's busy major north - south traffic route.
Here, a sedan can be seen turning off Highway 54 to Innisfail, near the Innisfail Golf Course, and the vehicle towing the stock trailer proceeding towards Highway 2.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Change in costume for Bill 50
By Joe Anglin
RIMBEY) On the evening of November 24, 2009 Mr. Prins, MLA of Lacombe Ponoka, rose in the legislative assembly to support amendments to Bill 50 and said, Mr. Chairman, ......
“I would like to highlight how these amendments to Bill 50 would provide benefits to Albertans. Mr. Chairman, the first amendment would change section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act in order to clarify that the AUC would have to consider the public interest........ The public interest includes the social, economic, and environmental effects that the transmission projects may have on specific areas as well as the rest of Alberta in general............ Albertans would be guaranteed that their concerns and opinions are valued and taken into consideration. This amendment further proves that the interests of Albertans remain an absolute top priority for this government.”
The amendment Prins referred to changed the law. The law had required the commission to consider the public interest. It now reads, “the Commission shall not give consideration to whether a critical transmission line is required to meet the needs of the public.”
On final passage, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) will now be instructed as follows:
“The Commission shall not refuse an approval of a transmission line or part of a transmission line designated as critical transmission infrastructure as defined in the Electric Utilities Act on the basis that, in its opinion, it does not meet the needs of Alberta or is not in the public interest.”
The Lavesta Area Group does not place much value in this governments guarantee to protect the public interest, but if the AUC is prohibited from considering the public interest, or making a decision based on the public interest – we ask, who the heck is this government working for? Is there a sign on the door of the legislature that says – new owners, better pay? We believe it is time to place a sign on the legislature door that says – under new management!
For more information
Joe Anglin
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521
RIMBEY) On the evening of November 24, 2009 Mr. Prins, MLA of Lacombe Ponoka, rose in the legislative assembly to support amendments to Bill 50 and said, Mr. Chairman, ......
“I would like to highlight how these amendments to Bill 50 would provide benefits to Albertans. Mr. Chairman, the first amendment would change section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act in order to clarify that the AUC would have to consider the public interest........ The public interest includes the social, economic, and environmental effects that the transmission projects may have on specific areas as well as the rest of Alberta in general............ Albertans would be guaranteed that their concerns and opinions are valued and taken into consideration. This amendment further proves that the interests of Albertans remain an absolute top priority for this government.”
The amendment Prins referred to changed the law. The law had required the commission to consider the public interest. It now reads, “the Commission shall not give consideration to whether a critical transmission line is required to meet the needs of the public.”
On final passage, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) will now be instructed as follows:
“The Commission shall not refuse an approval of a transmission line or part of a transmission line designated as critical transmission infrastructure as defined in the Electric Utilities Act on the basis that, in its opinion, it does not meet the needs of Alberta or is not in the public interest.”
The Lavesta Area Group does not place much value in this governments guarantee to protect the public interest, but if the AUC is prohibited from considering the public interest, or making a decision based on the public interest – we ask, who the heck is this government working for? Is there a sign on the door of the legislature that says – new owners, better pay? We believe it is time to place a sign on the legislature door that says – under new management!
For more information
Joe Anglin
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Nov.23'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
This week, beginning on Monday, November 23, the H1N1 Swine flu vaccine is available to the general population of Alberta. In October, when the vaccine was first used, there were long lineups for shots and many unkind words were uttered.
That was not the case on Monday. Few people bothered showing up now that the scare has subsided.
As it turns out, the only thing “pandemic” about this flu are the letters “H1N1” that have appeared in the media across the world.
What lessons can be learned from this exercise? Here goes,
No 1: If you want to make a lot of money quickly, spook people into believing that something you have (H1N1 vaccine) is vital for their very survival. By the time they figure out that it is not necessary, you have made your inventory their inventory and have the cash to show for it. Big Pharma didn’t have to learn this lesson. They have had this knowledge and used it on more than one occasion in the past, the last being the 1976 Flu Pandemic panic.
No 2: Some people react adversely to the vaccine. One of my own neighbors fell unconscious five minutes after having received the vaccine at a local hospital and was rushed to the medical station for treatment. She was kept overnight in the hospital and a family member was told to stay by her side for two days and two nights afterwards. Of the countless thousands of other people immunized, how many others have or will develop serious reactions to the vaccine? There are likely some lawsuits in the pipeline.
No 3, and this is a really serious one: Every time you cry “wolf!” and there is no wolf, you are immunizing people against the next similar message. That’s exactly what the shepherd in Aesop’s famous fable did. And when the wolves came, nobody did anything about it.
Now, that’s really scary!
This week, beginning on Monday, November 23, the H1N1 Swine flu vaccine is available to the general population of Alberta. In October, when the vaccine was first used, there were long lineups for shots and many unkind words were uttered.
That was not the case on Monday. Few people bothered showing up now that the scare has subsided.
As it turns out, the only thing “pandemic” about this flu are the letters “H1N1” that have appeared in the media across the world.
What lessons can be learned from this exercise? Here goes,
No 1: If you want to make a lot of money quickly, spook people into believing that something you have (H1N1 vaccine) is vital for their very survival. By the time they figure out that it is not necessary, you have made your inventory their inventory and have the cash to show for it. Big Pharma didn’t have to learn this lesson. They have had this knowledge and used it on more than one occasion in the past, the last being the 1976 Flu Pandemic panic.
No 2: Some people react adversely to the vaccine. One of my own neighbors fell unconscious five minutes after having received the vaccine at a local hospital and was rushed to the medical station for treatment. She was kept overnight in the hospital and a family member was told to stay by her side for two days and two nights afterwards. Of the countless thousands of other people immunized, how many others have or will develop serious reactions to the vaccine? There are likely some lawsuits in the pipeline.
No 3, and this is a really serious one: Every time you cry “wolf!” and there is no wolf, you are immunizing people against the next similar message. That’s exactly what the shepherd in Aesop’s famous fable did. And when the wolves came, nobody did anything about it.
Now, that’s really scary!
Remembrance Day procession
Wreath laying on Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day in Caroline
The annual ceremony, held in the Legion Hall in Caroline, last Wednesday, November 11 was very well attended with few empty seats. A broad cross section of community members, including war veterans and members of Caroline 1st. Scouting, came to remember the sacrifices made by members of Canada’s armed forces in wars past.
Included were also members of local families who have passed on and whose names were remembered at the ceremony during the wreath laying.
MC for the day was Legion President Pirrko Van Dijk who introduced Pastor Jason Sedore for the prayer.
Following the 2 minute silence in honor of the dead, Vern Graham read the Honor Roll with the names of soldiers recognized by the Caroline Legion.
Elizabeth Ahlstrom recited the poem “In Flanders Fields” and was followed by Pastor Sedore who spoke about how lucky we are to enjoy the fruits of the struggles of generations past and how we need to appreciate what they have given us.
Dwight Oliver from Clearwater County spoke about how wars begin in our own back yard with the us/them mentality and warned about “tribalism” within the community. “We are all in it together”, he said.
The annual wreath laying followed with wreaths from organizations and individuals being placed by the cenotaph positioned at the front of the hall for the occasion.
As usual, Caroline 1st. Scouting did a splendid job of placing wreaths for people that were not able to attend the ceremonies.
Green Light for Caroline Cinema
Rocky Youth Development Society President Greg Imeson has reported that a court case brought against the establishment of the cinema and Boys and Girls Club facility on the west end of Caroline by local businessman Reg Dean has ended.
Mr. Dean had challenged the decision by the Village’s Subdivision Development Appeal Board to allow the project to go ahead based on the argument that insufficient parking space is available for such a venture.
The judge ruled in favor of the Village’s decision to allow the development to go ahead.
Women of Worth Event Planning
There will be a planning session for upcoming events hosted by Caroline’ Women of Worth (WOW) this Saturday, November 21 at Sharleen Thornberry’s residence at Living Faith (first house on right) west of Caroline. Volunteers are needed to help with the Spring Showcase, Grad Tea and Fall Fling. Contact Louise (722-2409) for details
Carol Fest on December 13
The event is set to take place between 5pm and 7pm at the Caroline Complex and is called “Christmas, Country Style”. The Caroline Family Singers will be hosting the event, Lillian Colson will choreograph the music and Donna Stahlwick will conduct the singers.
People who would like to participate may contact Cassidy Crawford (722-3319), Debbie McIvor (722-2956) or Louise Bystrom (722-2409)
Included were also members of local families who have passed on and whose names were remembered at the ceremony during the wreath laying.
MC for the day was Legion President Pirrko Van Dijk who introduced Pastor Jason Sedore for the prayer.
Following the 2 minute silence in honor of the dead, Vern Graham read the Honor Roll with the names of soldiers recognized by the Caroline Legion.
Elizabeth Ahlstrom recited the poem “In Flanders Fields” and was followed by Pastor Sedore who spoke about how lucky we are to enjoy the fruits of the struggles of generations past and how we need to appreciate what they have given us.
Dwight Oliver from Clearwater County spoke about how wars begin in our own back yard with the us/them mentality and warned about “tribalism” within the community. “We are all in it together”, he said.
The annual wreath laying followed with wreaths from organizations and individuals being placed by the cenotaph positioned at the front of the hall for the occasion.
As usual, Caroline 1st. Scouting did a splendid job of placing wreaths for people that were not able to attend the ceremonies.
Green Light for Caroline Cinema
Rocky Youth Development Society President Greg Imeson has reported that a court case brought against the establishment of the cinema and Boys and Girls Club facility on the west end of Caroline by local businessman Reg Dean has ended.
Mr. Dean had challenged the decision by the Village’s Subdivision Development Appeal Board to allow the project to go ahead based on the argument that insufficient parking space is available for such a venture.
The judge ruled in favor of the Village’s decision to allow the development to go ahead.
Women of Worth Event Planning
There will be a planning session for upcoming events hosted by Caroline’ Women of Worth (WOW) this Saturday, November 21 at Sharleen Thornberry’s residence at Living Faith (first house on right) west of Caroline. Volunteers are needed to help with the Spring Showcase, Grad Tea and Fall Fling. Contact Louise (722-2409) for details
Carol Fest on December 13
The event is set to take place between 5pm and 7pm at the Caroline Complex and is called “Christmas, Country Style”. The Caroline Family Singers will be hosting the event, Lillian Colson will choreograph the music and Donna Stahlwick will conduct the singers.
People who would like to participate may contact Cassidy Crawford (722-3319), Debbie McIvor (722-2956) or Louise Bystrom (722-2409)
Friday, November 20, 2009
PHOOEY, GOOEY, and HOOEY are now in charge!
By Joe Anglin
Every independent professional analysis of Bill 50 from the Fraser Institute’s to the University of Calgary’s analysis, sponsored by the School of Public Policy; to the Discussion Paper published by EDC Associates on behalf of the Office of the Utilities Consumers Advocate, regards Bill 50 as being seriously flawed and unwarranted. There are no other professional publications or reports available for public consumption to refute the unanimous conclusions that Bill 50 is unnecessary.
The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), of all organizations, has failed to publish a technical report, titled a Needs Identification Document as required by law, so that the need for new transmission lines could be evaluated. Yet our obedient elected MLAs say the lines are needed based only on what they are told by the AESO.
Do our MLAs even know that AESO’s first application to build more transmission lines from Edmonton to Calgary was voided by the EUB, and vacated by the Alberta Court of Appeals due to bias? Do they realize that AESO’s senior executives had a financial interest in getting an approval for an application for AltaLink’s benefit? These facts are a matter of record!
Bill 50 is an abomination! PC MLA statements in the press make it clear to me that they do not understand the complexities of the technology any more than they understand the legislative process governing the approval of transmission lines. It is for these very reasons Albertans need to have a qualified competent quasi-judicial board making the decision, and not an unqualified cabinet!
This government cabinet is intending to make a multi-billion dollar commitment based on AESO’s plan, (a wish list per say), and not any detailed technical or economic analysis provided to them for evaluation. The very idea is ludicrous, and it could end up costing the public tens of billions of dollars! The insanity behind the logic that a farmer, a florist, a cement technician, a lawyer, a fibreglass dinosaur builder, or a former county councillor with no other redeeming qualifications could possibly understand or adjudicate the technical aspects of electricity transmission enough to ascertain with any certainty or assurances the differentiation of the marginal loss factors gained, per megawatt increase based on the economics of the laws of diminishing return – is PHOOEY! The whole purpose of appointing a board is to delegate the decision making authority to people who are more qualified.
It time we flush this GOOEY nonsense of circumventing the experts, and respect the Board process. Kill Bill 50 – it is HOOEY!
Every independent professional analysis of Bill 50 from the Fraser Institute’s to the University of Calgary’s analysis, sponsored by the School of Public Policy; to the Discussion Paper published by EDC Associates on behalf of the Office of the Utilities Consumers Advocate, regards Bill 50 as being seriously flawed and unwarranted. There are no other professional publications or reports available for public consumption to refute the unanimous conclusions that Bill 50 is unnecessary.
The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), of all organizations, has failed to publish a technical report, titled a Needs Identification Document as required by law, so that the need for new transmission lines could be evaluated. Yet our obedient elected MLAs say the lines are needed based only on what they are told by the AESO.
Do our MLAs even know that AESO’s first application to build more transmission lines from Edmonton to Calgary was voided by the EUB, and vacated by the Alberta Court of Appeals due to bias? Do they realize that AESO’s senior executives had a financial interest in getting an approval for an application for AltaLink’s benefit? These facts are a matter of record!
Bill 50 is an abomination! PC MLA statements in the press make it clear to me that they do not understand the complexities of the technology any more than they understand the legislative process governing the approval of transmission lines. It is for these very reasons Albertans need to have a qualified competent quasi-judicial board making the decision, and not an unqualified cabinet!
This government cabinet is intending to make a multi-billion dollar commitment based on AESO’s plan, (a wish list per say), and not any detailed technical or economic analysis provided to them for evaluation. The very idea is ludicrous, and it could end up costing the public tens of billions of dollars! The insanity behind the logic that a farmer, a florist, a cement technician, a lawyer, a fibreglass dinosaur builder, or a former county councillor with no other redeeming qualifications could possibly understand or adjudicate the technical aspects of electricity transmission enough to ascertain with any certainty or assurances the differentiation of the marginal loss factors gained, per megawatt increase based on the economics of the laws of diminishing return – is PHOOEY! The whole purpose of appointing a board is to delegate the decision making authority to people who are more qualified.
It time we flush this GOOEY nonsense of circumventing the experts, and respect the Board process. Kill Bill 50 – it is HOOEY!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Are High Voltage Transmission Lines Really Urgent?
The Utilities Consumers Advocate does not think so:
(Rimbey, AB) The Utility Consumers Advocate has released its Transmission Upgrade Discussion Paper today (see attached) prepared by EDC Associates Ltd of Calgary Alberta.
EDC analyzed many different aspects of the Transmission Plan and Bill 50. EDC concluded that much of the data and logic presented by the Alberta Electric Systems Operator (AESO) is unconvincing and overstates the sense of urgency. The report goes on to say that the rhetoric surrounding the reliability debate, can easily be misinterpreted due to vague or revolving references that are only applicable to one specific area of the province.
For example, the access to green wind is solved mostly by increases to the southern grid. It should not be used as part of the justification for the N-S line. In fact, the N-S line may actually encourage more coal fired generation, actually increasing GHG emissions.
EDC summarises in its report, “Bill 50 reduces the strength of the customer’s voice in decisions fully funded by load alone.” [The reference to load, is the rate paying public]
The Lavesta Area Group and the UPTAG groups are now calling upon this government to withdraw Bill 50 and initiate a full public investigation and inquiry into AESO’s past conduct and current failure to comply with its legislative responsibility. The public deserves a full investigation into the AESO’s conduct, not limited to the following reasons:
· In December 2005 it was disclosed that AESO senior executives had a vested financial interest into the submission and approval of 500 KV transmission line that could only benefit AltaLink.
· In May 2007 AESO was linked to spying on the public when the EUB was caught listening in on telephone conversations between landowners and their lawyers.
· In November 2007 the Alberta Court of Appeals vacated AESO’s application decision, to build transmission lines, due to the apprehension of bias.
· In November 2009 the Alberta Utilities Commission has agreed to appoint a board panel to hear evidence that AESO has failed to file a Needs Identification Document, as required by legislation. The complaint alleges that AESO’s non-compliance has misled the government and the public into believing that the “NEED” for more transmission lines has been proven, when in fact it has not!
· Today’s report released by the Utilities Consumers Advocate alleges that the AESO has over-stated the urgency for transmission lines.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Greg Troitsky
Chairman, UPTAG
(403) 843-6810
Excerpt of Report from EDC Associates to the Utilities Consumers Advocate
"Bill 50
Finally, the UCA should advocate against the Bill 50 provisions that allow “critical” transmission infrastructure to be built without proper stakeholder involvement and return the duty of adjudicating the need for transmission to the AUC. Over decades, the AUC and regulatory practitioners worldwide have built up a body of process that ensures thorough, scientific, fair and balanced evaluation of complex utility systems. Bill 50 essentially shifts the determination of criticality of need to a non- consultative, ad hoc assessment by the AESO. Bill 50 also reduces the strength of the customer’s voice in decisions fully funded by load. "
(Rimbey, AB) The Utility Consumers Advocate has released its Transmission Upgrade Discussion Paper today (see attached) prepared by EDC Associates Ltd of Calgary Alberta.
EDC analyzed many different aspects of the Transmission Plan and Bill 50. EDC concluded that much of the data and logic presented by the Alberta Electric Systems Operator (AESO) is unconvincing and overstates the sense of urgency. The report goes on to say that the rhetoric surrounding the reliability debate, can easily be misinterpreted due to vague or revolving references that are only applicable to one specific area of the province.
For example, the access to green wind is solved mostly by increases to the southern grid. It should not be used as part of the justification for the N-S line. In fact, the N-S line may actually encourage more coal fired generation, actually increasing GHG emissions.
EDC summarises in its report, “Bill 50 reduces the strength of the customer’s voice in decisions fully funded by load alone.” [The reference to load, is the rate paying public]
The Lavesta Area Group and the UPTAG groups are now calling upon this government to withdraw Bill 50 and initiate a full public investigation and inquiry into AESO’s past conduct and current failure to comply with its legislative responsibility. The public deserves a full investigation into the AESO’s conduct, not limited to the following reasons:
· In December 2005 it was disclosed that AESO senior executives had a vested financial interest into the submission and approval of 500 KV transmission line that could only benefit AltaLink.
· In May 2007 AESO was linked to spying on the public when the EUB was caught listening in on telephone conversations between landowners and their lawyers.
· In November 2007 the Alberta Court of Appeals vacated AESO’s application decision, to build transmission lines, due to the apprehension of bias.
· In November 2009 the Alberta Utilities Commission has agreed to appoint a board panel to hear evidence that AESO has failed to file a Needs Identification Document, as required by legislation. The complaint alleges that AESO’s non-compliance has misled the government and the public into believing that the “NEED” for more transmission lines has been proven, when in fact it has not!
· Today’s report released by the Utilities Consumers Advocate alleges that the AESO has over-stated the urgency for transmission lines.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Greg Troitsky
Chairman, UPTAG
(403) 843-6810
Excerpt of Report from EDC Associates to the Utilities Consumers Advocate
"Bill 50
Finally, the UCA should advocate against the Bill 50 provisions that allow “critical” transmission infrastructure to be built without proper stakeholder involvement and return the duty of adjudicating the need for transmission to the AUC. Over decades, the AUC and regulatory practitioners worldwide have built up a body of process that ensures thorough, scientific, fair and balanced evaluation of complex utility systems. Bill 50 essentially shifts the determination of criticality of need to a non- consultative, ad hoc assessment by the AESO. Bill 50 also reduces the strength of the customer’s voice in decisions fully funded by load. "
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Nov.16'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
As money and credit gets scarce in a geographical area economic activity tends to slow down and people are let go from jobs. Whoever controls the taps of credit can literally choke off the lifeblood of a community.
Is there any kind of remedial action that can be undertaken to alleviate the severity of this control from above?
Let’s check into it by lifting the curtain on the past: You produce eggs and I cut firewood. We both eat eggs and use firewood. So we exchange eggs for firewood.
That could be awkward though, one cord of firewood is roughly worth 50 dozen eggs and a dozen eggs and one cord of firewood are the commonly used units of trade. I haven’t got room for 50 dozen eggs in my fridge and I don’t really want to carry a few sticks of firewood over to your place every time I have eggs for breakfast.
Necessity is the mother of invention: Numbers and letters come along and allow themselves to be arranged in rows and columns on paper, or as knots on ropes or marks on sticks. External memory is born, keeping track of how much firewood you got from me and how many eggs I got from you.
The only thing that remains is to agree on the relative value of our products after which fair trade can take place.
Along comes George with a hammer and saw. He builds sheds, houses and such in a very efficient way and he eats eggs and uses firewood. Both you and I need a shed built and he can do it better and faster than either one of us, so we incorporate him in our little trading scheme.
Then Sonja the Seamstress pokes her head in the door, suggesting that we are looking rather scruffy in our worn out garments, and the trading scheme grows again,
getting more chaotic at every step.
Somehow a central location is needed to keep track of all this activity and who owes what to whom. Rather than keeping track of the firewood, eggs and garments, we find that it is a lot easier to simply keep track of the values of these items, expressed in some agreed upon unit of value. Once that’s done, all you are left with is a whole bunch of numbers to keep track of, expressing the number of units of value that are owed or owing, as the case may be.
As things get more complicated you want to make sure that all the numbers are tracked correctly so a number tracker is engaged to take on that job, his hourly work is given a value in terms of the unit of value previously agreed upon, and he is put to work and is supplied with eggs, firewood and clothes, etc., by the members of the little community to point where he is quite comfortable and can devote most of his time tracking numbers, which is what he is good at: A bank is born.
Something like that happened in Switzerland in 1934, during the Great Depression, when money and credit were scarce. People found that they could exchange goods and services without using the national currency (which was being withheld from them) by setting up a separate banking system that complemented the regular banks that were no longer making adequate credit available.
This is called WIR Banking and we may need to do that in the near future if access to regular credit is being denied us by those that are supposed to provide it.
This website gives some additional insight into WIR Banking and credit clearing.
As money and credit gets scarce in a geographical area economic activity tends to slow down and people are let go from jobs. Whoever controls the taps of credit can literally choke off the lifeblood of a community.
Is there any kind of remedial action that can be undertaken to alleviate the severity of this control from above?
Let’s check into it by lifting the curtain on the past: You produce eggs and I cut firewood. We both eat eggs and use firewood. So we exchange eggs for firewood.
That could be awkward though, one cord of firewood is roughly worth 50 dozen eggs and a dozen eggs and one cord of firewood are the commonly used units of trade. I haven’t got room for 50 dozen eggs in my fridge and I don’t really want to carry a few sticks of firewood over to your place every time I have eggs for breakfast.
Necessity is the mother of invention: Numbers and letters come along and allow themselves to be arranged in rows and columns on paper, or as knots on ropes or marks on sticks. External memory is born, keeping track of how much firewood you got from me and how many eggs I got from you.
The only thing that remains is to agree on the relative value of our products after which fair trade can take place.
Along comes George with a hammer and saw. He builds sheds, houses and such in a very efficient way and he eats eggs and uses firewood. Both you and I need a shed built and he can do it better and faster than either one of us, so we incorporate him in our little trading scheme.
Then Sonja the Seamstress pokes her head in the door, suggesting that we are looking rather scruffy in our worn out garments, and the trading scheme grows again,
getting more chaotic at every step.
Somehow a central location is needed to keep track of all this activity and who owes what to whom. Rather than keeping track of the firewood, eggs and garments, we find that it is a lot easier to simply keep track of the values of these items, expressed in some agreed upon unit of value. Once that’s done, all you are left with is a whole bunch of numbers to keep track of, expressing the number of units of value that are owed or owing, as the case may be.
As things get more complicated you want to make sure that all the numbers are tracked correctly so a number tracker is engaged to take on that job, his hourly work is given a value in terms of the unit of value previously agreed upon, and he is put to work and is supplied with eggs, firewood and clothes, etc., by the members of the little community to point where he is quite comfortable and can devote most of his time tracking numbers, which is what he is good at: A bank is born.
Something like that happened in Switzerland in 1934, during the Great Depression, when money and credit were scarce. People found that they could exchange goods and services without using the national currency (which was being withheld from them) by setting up a separate banking system that complemented the regular banks that were no longer making adequate credit available.
This is called WIR Banking and we may need to do that in the near future if access to regular credit is being denied us by those that are supposed to provide it.
This website gives some additional insight into WIR Banking and credit clearing.
Caroline Library "Food For Fines"
Caroline Library News
by Rita Collins
On October 9, Caroline Library started off Alberta Library Month by serving cookies and refreshments to our patrons in celebration of Parkland Regional Library’s 50th Anniversary. Prizes were handed out to the first twenty patrons, and handouts outlining Parkland Services were distributed. Special thanks to Elaine Farr for volunteering her time by helping out for the afternoon.
From October 17 – October 31, 2009, the library continued their celebration by hosting “Food for Fines” for our patrons. Anyone having fines on their records were invited to bring in food items for the Caroline Nazarene Church Food Bank. The response was fantastic and the library presented the food to Jessie Williams, food bank representative, on Tuesday, November 3, 2009. The food bank was thrilled with the donation as their supplies are very low at this time. The library plans to have a food bank box again in December to help with the Christmas season.
The Caroline Friends of the Library will be hosting the library annual silent auction fundraiser with items to be available for bids in the library on November 12, 2009. Anyone having items they would like to donate may contact the library for more information. The final bidding will take place at the Christmas Light-up Farmer’s Market.
School nutrition program receives donation
The Caroline School Nutrition Program, where volunteers come into the school before classes and at lunchtime to serve healthy snacks, received a boost of $236.06 on November 6. Jessie Williams (right), on behalf of Caroline's Women Of Worth (WOW), presented the money to Caroline School Vice Principal Pam Wright. The money was raised at a recent function hosted by WOW. The nutrition program has been going for several years now and is always looking for volunteers and sponsors.
Top class entertainment at Bearberry
The well known "jazzy blues band" Porkbelly Futures, all the way from Hogtown itself, Toronto, entertained an appreciative audience in the Bearberry Hall on Friday, November 6.
Here, lead singer Rebecca Campbell expresses the emotions of the moment. Just google "Porkbelly Futures band" to find them on the net. They have an excellent website
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Worst is yet to Come: Unemployed Americans Should Hunker Down for More Job Losses
Nouriel Roubini | Nov 15, 2009
From the Daily News:
Think the worst is over? Wrong. Conditions in the U.S. labor markets are awful and worsening. While the official unemployment rate is already 10.2% and another 200,000 jobs were lost in October, when you include discouraged workers and partially employed workers the figure is a whopping 17.5%.
While losing 200,000 jobs per month is better than the 700,000 jobs lost in January, current job losses still average more than the per month rate of 150,000 during the last recession.
Also, remember: The last recession ended in November 2001, but job losses continued for more than a year and half until June of 2003; ditto for the 1990-91 recession.
So we can expect that job losses will continue until the end of 2010 at the earliest. In other words, if you are unemployed and looking for work and just waiting for the economy to turn the corner, you had better hunker down. All the economic numbers suggest this will take a while. The jobs just are not coming back.
There's really just one hope for our leaders to turn things around: a bold prescription that increases the fiscal stimulus with another round of labor-intensive, shovel-ready infrastructure projects, helps fiscally strapped state and local governments and provides a temporary tax credit to the private sector to hire more workers. Helping the unemployed just by extending unemployment benefits is necessary not sufficient; it leads to persistent unemployment rather than job creation.
The long-term picture for workers and families is even worse than current job loss numbers alone would suggest. Now as a way of sharing the pain, many firms are telling their workers to cut hours, take furloughs and accept lower wages. Specifically, that fall in hours worked is equivalent to another 3 million full time jobs lost on top of the 7.5 million jobs formally lost.
This is very bad news but we must face facts. Many of the lost jobs are gone forever, including construction jobs, finance jobs and manufacturing jobs. Recent studies suggest that a quarter of U.S. jobs are fully out-sourceable over time to other countries.
Other measures tell the same ugly story: The average length of unemployment is at an all time high; the ratio of job applicants to vacancies is 6 to 1; initial claims are down but continued claims are very high and now millions of unemployed are resorting to the exceptional extended unemployment benefits programs and are staying in them longer.
Based on my best judgment, it is most likely that the unemployment rate will peak close to 11% and will remain at a very high level for two years or more.
The weakness in labor markets and the sharp fall in labor income ensure a weak recovery of private consumption and an anemic recovery of the economy, and increases the risk of a double dip recession.
As a result of these terribly weak labor markets, we can expect weak recovery of consumption and economic growth; larger budget deficits; greater delinquencies in residential and commercial real estate and greater fall in home and commercial real estate prices; greater losses for banks and financial institutions on residential and commercial real estate mortgages, and in credit cards, auto loans and student loans and thus a greater rate of failures of banks; and greater protectionist pressures.
The damage will be extensive and severe unless bold policy action is undertaken now.
Roubini is professor of Economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University and Chairman of Roubini Global Economics.
Editor's footnote: 80% of Canada's exports go to the US and our dollar is increasing relative to the US Dollar. Who's going to buy our stuff?
Nouriel Roubini | Nov 15, 2009
From the Daily News:
Think the worst is over? Wrong. Conditions in the U.S. labor markets are awful and worsening. While the official unemployment rate is already 10.2% and another 200,000 jobs were lost in October, when you include discouraged workers and partially employed workers the figure is a whopping 17.5%.
While losing 200,000 jobs per month is better than the 700,000 jobs lost in January, current job losses still average more than the per month rate of 150,000 during the last recession.
Also, remember: The last recession ended in November 2001, but job losses continued for more than a year and half until June of 2003; ditto for the 1990-91 recession.
So we can expect that job losses will continue until the end of 2010 at the earliest. In other words, if you are unemployed and looking for work and just waiting for the economy to turn the corner, you had better hunker down. All the economic numbers suggest this will take a while. The jobs just are not coming back.
There's really just one hope for our leaders to turn things around: a bold prescription that increases the fiscal stimulus with another round of labor-intensive, shovel-ready infrastructure projects, helps fiscally strapped state and local governments and provides a temporary tax credit to the private sector to hire more workers. Helping the unemployed just by extending unemployment benefits is necessary not sufficient; it leads to persistent unemployment rather than job creation.
The long-term picture for workers and families is even worse than current job loss numbers alone would suggest. Now as a way of sharing the pain, many firms are telling their workers to cut hours, take furloughs and accept lower wages. Specifically, that fall in hours worked is equivalent to another 3 million full time jobs lost on top of the 7.5 million jobs formally lost.
This is very bad news but we must face facts. Many of the lost jobs are gone forever, including construction jobs, finance jobs and manufacturing jobs. Recent studies suggest that a quarter of U.S. jobs are fully out-sourceable over time to other countries.
Other measures tell the same ugly story: The average length of unemployment is at an all time high; the ratio of job applicants to vacancies is 6 to 1; initial claims are down but continued claims are very high and now millions of unemployed are resorting to the exceptional extended unemployment benefits programs and are staying in them longer.
Based on my best judgment, it is most likely that the unemployment rate will peak close to 11% and will remain at a very high level for two years or more.
The weakness in labor markets and the sharp fall in labor income ensure a weak recovery of private consumption and an anemic recovery of the economy, and increases the risk of a double dip recession.
As a result of these terribly weak labor markets, we can expect weak recovery of consumption and economic growth; larger budget deficits; greater delinquencies in residential and commercial real estate and greater fall in home and commercial real estate prices; greater losses for banks and financial institutions on residential and commercial real estate mortgages, and in credit cards, auto loans and student loans and thus a greater rate of failures of banks; and greater protectionist pressures.
The damage will be extensive and severe unless bold policy action is undertaken now.
Roubini is professor of Economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University and Chairman of Roubini Global Economics.
Editor's footnote: 80% of Canada's exports go to the US and our dollar is increasing relative to the US Dollar. Who's going to buy our stuff?
AUC agrees to hear the Lavesta's and UPTAG Challenge to AESO's Activities to promote BILL 50
(RIMBEY) Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) has agreed to assign a board panel to adjudicate the Lavesta and UPTAG groups complaint that the Alberta Electric Systems Operator (AESO) is not in compliance with current legislation.
The groups have complained that the AESO has failed to file an application titled, “a Needs Identification Document (NID)” with the AUC, when the AESO believes a transmission upgrade may be necessary.
AESO has been actively engaged in a public relations campaign to advance the argument that more transmission lines are required. The government has expanded upon AESO’s PR campaign and have advanced the argument by stating, “the NEED for more transmission lines have already been proven by the AESO”.
The complaint asks the board to order AESO to correct the record by informing the public, the Minister of Energy, and the government that AESO has not submitted any application to have a “NEED” approved for more transmission lines. There is no documented evidence in the form of an approved application, required by section 34(1) of the Electric Utilities Act, which proves a “NEED” for more transmission lines exists.
The Lavesta Area Group and the UPTAG groups welcome the board’s decision to hear this complaint. We hope to set the public records straight before the government debates and passes Bill 50.
For more information contact
Joseph V Anglin
Leader of the Lavesta Area Group
(403) 843-3279 or (403) 963-0521
Greg Troitsky, Chairman
UPTAG 403-843-6810
Donald Bur
(416) 481-6960
The groups have complained that the AESO has failed to file an application titled, “a Needs Identification Document (NID)” with the AUC, when the AESO believes a transmission upgrade may be necessary.
AESO has been actively engaged in a public relations campaign to advance the argument that more transmission lines are required. The government has expanded upon AESO’s PR campaign and have advanced the argument by stating, “the NEED for more transmission lines have already been proven by the AESO”.
The complaint asks the board to order AESO to correct the record by informing the public, the Minister of Energy, and the government that AESO has not submitted any application to have a “NEED” approved for more transmission lines. There is no documented evidence in the form of an approved application, required by section 34(1) of the Electric Utilities Act, which proves a “NEED” for more transmission lines exists.
The Lavesta Area Group and the UPTAG groups welcome the board’s decision to hear this complaint. We hope to set the public records straight before the government debates and passes Bill 50.
For more information contact
Joseph V Anglin
Leader of the Lavesta Area Group
(403) 843-3279 or (403) 963-0521
Greg Troitsky, Chairman
UPTAG 403-843-6810
Donald Bur
(416) 481-6960
Crammond Beef Supper
Friday, November 13, 2009
Allegation of Hypocrisy and Irresponsibility
Alberta's Electric System Operator (AESO) is put on the mat by Alberta residents:
Lavesta Area Group and UPTAG Challenge AESO's Activities
(Rimbey, AB) At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lavesta Area Group, a unanimous resolution was passed instructing chairman and spokesman, Joe Anglin, on behalf of the Lavesta Area Group and UPTAG (United Power Area Transmission Group), to issue a formal complaint to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), with respect to recent misleading statements and irresponsible conduct by Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) concerning the need for upgrades to the province's electrical transmission grid.
The AESO does not have the authority to approve or determine a "Need" to upgrade the transmission system on its own volition. According to Section 34(1) of the Electric Utilities Act, AESO must file a Needs Identification Document (NID) with the AUC for approval to upgrade the transmission system. The AESO may only apply to the AUC for an approval to upgrade the transmission system. Since both, the EUB and the Alberta Court of Appeal have disallowed and voided the original 2004 NID document; AESO has not submitted a new or amended NID to the AUC for an approval to upgrade the transmission system.
In view of the above circumstances, the Lavesta Area Group and Uptag consider AESO's recent provincial-wide publicity campaign in support of an urgent need to build more transmission lines, hypocritical and irresponsible. The AESO has not filed a Needs Identification Document (NID) with AUC, and is, in our opinion, negligent in carrying out its primary responsibility, which is to file a NID for approval.
Accordingly, the groups are seeking an appropriate remedy as per the attached formal complaint (posted on http://albertawestsecondpage.blogspot.com/)
For more information contact
Edwin Erickson, Director
Lavesta Area Group
780-682-2368 Greg
Greg Troitsky, Chairman
Lavesta Area Group and UPTAG Challenge AESO's Activities
(Rimbey, AB) At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lavesta Area Group, a unanimous resolution was passed instructing chairman and spokesman, Joe Anglin, on behalf of the Lavesta Area Group and UPTAG (United Power Area Transmission Group), to issue a formal complaint to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), with respect to recent misleading statements and irresponsible conduct by Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) concerning the need for upgrades to the province's electrical transmission grid.
The AESO does not have the authority to approve or determine a "Need" to upgrade the transmission system on its own volition. According to Section 34(1) of the Electric Utilities Act, AESO must file a Needs Identification Document (NID) with the AUC for approval to upgrade the transmission system. The AESO may only apply to the AUC for an approval to upgrade the transmission system. Since both, the EUB and the Alberta Court of Appeal have disallowed and voided the original 2004 NID document; AESO has not submitted a new or amended NID to the AUC for an approval to upgrade the transmission system.
In view of the above circumstances, the Lavesta Area Group and Uptag consider AESO's recent provincial-wide publicity campaign in support of an urgent need to build more transmission lines, hypocritical and irresponsible. The AESO has not filed a Needs Identification Document (NID) with AUC, and is, in our opinion, negligent in carrying out its primary responsibility, which is to file a NID for approval.
Accordingly, the groups are seeking an appropriate remedy as per the attached formal complaint (posted on http://albertawestsecondpage.blogspot.com/)
For more information contact
Edwin Erickson, Director
Lavesta Area Group
780-682-2368 Greg
Greg Troitsky, Chairman
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The truth in a nutshell-Statement by US Congressman Dennis Kucinich
"Recent rises in unemployment indicate a widening separation between the finance economy and the real economy. The finance economy considers the health of Wall Street, rising corporate profits, and banks’ hoarding of cash, much of it from taxpayers, as sign of an economic recovery. However in the real economy—in which most Americans live—the recession is not over. Rising unemployment, business failures, bankruptcies and foreclosures are still hammering Main Street."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Nov.9'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
This week, beginning on November 8, we once again remember those that lost their lives in wars past. The 11th hour of November 11 is the time when many Canadians observe one minute of silence as a sign of respect for fallen soldiers. It has become a ritual that is observed across the nation.
The question that comes to mind is: What is it exactly that we commemorate? Is it the valor and self sacrifice of those that died? The righteousness of our causes? Defending Freedom and Liberty? Or are we effectively celebrating War itself, with all its pomp and circumstance?
Why did the Great War, the war to end all wars, fought between 1914 and 1918, simply spawn more wars? Why is there seemingly no end to erupting conflicts that end up in gory and brutal slaughter of innocent human beings?
Lifting the veil of history may provide an answer:
Arguably the most famous of all wars is the 9 year siege of the city state of Troy around 1184 BC. immortalized by the Greek poet Homer in his epic “Iliad”. The beautiful Helen had eloped with Prince Paris of Troy, back to his powerful city home. The problem was, Helen, Princess of Sparta, was already married to Menelaus, a Mycean prince who became King of Sparta through his marriage to Helen.
As you can plainly see, Menelaus had no choice but to gather all his allies and lay siege to Troy. “That Woman!” had done him in (or had been kidnapped if you are of a generous mindset). It was a matter of Honor, pure and simple, to bring Helen back home. At least, that is what the poet would have us believe.
Now, I would ask those of you that have computers to google “Hellespont Aegean Sea” at your convenience and the stark geopolitical reality behind the 9 year siege stands out: The city of Troy’s remains have been discovered on the shores of the Hellespont, a narrow strait through which all sea traffic between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea has to pass. And the prosperity of Troy was due to the tolls extracted from ships plowing the trade routes between the two seas. Troy was a pearl in the geopolitical struggle between competing groups of city states.
So what has changed in the last 3000 years? Absolutely nothing: There are two reasons for every war: The popular one, expounded by propagandists of all stripes and colors; and the real one that the combatants discuss among themselves.
On November 11 of every year, should we pick up the courage to draw the curtain aside and look at the stark and ugly realities of war and the millions of meaningless and torturous deaths that were inflicted upon innocent people in order to gain control over territory and resources?
This week, beginning on November 8, we once again remember those that lost their lives in wars past. The 11th hour of November 11 is the time when many Canadians observe one minute of silence as a sign of respect for fallen soldiers. It has become a ritual that is observed across the nation.
The question that comes to mind is: What is it exactly that we commemorate? Is it the valor and self sacrifice of those that died? The righteousness of our causes? Defending Freedom and Liberty? Or are we effectively celebrating War itself, with all its pomp and circumstance?
Why did the Great War, the war to end all wars, fought between 1914 and 1918, simply spawn more wars? Why is there seemingly no end to erupting conflicts that end up in gory and brutal slaughter of innocent human beings?
Lifting the veil of history may provide an answer:
Arguably the most famous of all wars is the 9 year siege of the city state of Troy around 1184 BC. immortalized by the Greek poet Homer in his epic “Iliad”. The beautiful Helen had eloped with Prince Paris of Troy, back to his powerful city home. The problem was, Helen, Princess of Sparta, was already married to Menelaus, a Mycean prince who became King of Sparta through his marriage to Helen.
As you can plainly see, Menelaus had no choice but to gather all his allies and lay siege to Troy. “That Woman!” had done him in (or had been kidnapped if you are of a generous mindset). It was a matter of Honor, pure and simple, to bring Helen back home. At least, that is what the poet would have us believe.
Now, I would ask those of you that have computers to google “Hellespont Aegean Sea” at your convenience and the stark geopolitical reality behind the 9 year siege stands out: The city of Troy’s remains have been discovered on the shores of the Hellespont, a narrow strait through which all sea traffic between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea has to pass. And the prosperity of Troy was due to the tolls extracted from ships plowing the trade routes between the two seas. Troy was a pearl in the geopolitical struggle between competing groups of city states.
So what has changed in the last 3000 years? Absolutely nothing: There are two reasons for every war: The popular one, expounded by propagandists of all stripes and colors; and the real one that the combatants discuss among themselves.
On November 11 of every year, should we pick up the courage to draw the curtain aside and look at the stark and ugly realities of war and the millions of meaningless and torturous deaths that were inflicted upon innocent people in order to gain control over territory and resources?
Scary Supper at the Caroline Legion
Entertaining at the Legion Supper
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hockey Night in Canada alumnus hits Caroline
By Debbie Northcott
Ron McLean stopped by the Kurt Browning Complex on Wednesday, Oct 28th , looking for background information on Kurt Browning. Ron McLean, a Red Deer Native and Kurt Browning co host a show on CBC called "Battle of the Blades". Ron and his film crew are doing a surprise segment for Kurt and are hoping to air it on the show either Sunday Nov 8, or Monday Nov 9th. Ron McLean interviewed Len McLean who taught Kurt in school here. Ron said Kurt has always told Len McLean stories from school, so Ron wanted to hear some Kurt stories from school. Ron McLean was very personable and took the time to talk with or have pictures taken with people at the complex.
Ron setting up for interview with Len McLean - Ron called it the McLean & McLean show. In the picture Is Kurt's Hockey coat and first pair of skates.
Ron McLean stopped by the Kurt Browning Complex on Wednesday, Oct 28th , looking for background information on Kurt Browning. Ron McLean, a Red Deer Native and Kurt Browning co host a show on CBC called "Battle of the Blades". Ron and his film crew are doing a surprise segment for Kurt and are hoping to air it on the show either Sunday Nov 8, or Monday Nov 9th. Ron McLean interviewed Len McLean who taught Kurt in school here. Ron said Kurt has always told Len McLean stories from school, so Ron wanted to hear some Kurt stories from school. Ron McLean was very personable and took the time to talk with or have pictures taken with people at the complex.

Cabinet Minister calls Joe Anglin a dangerous troublemaker
(Buck Lake, AB) An Alberta cabinet minister has suggested that speaking out against business interests trying to build power transmission lines in the province could cost you your life. At last week's AUMA conference in Calgary, Minister of Transportation Luke Ouellette said he was surprised “someone hadn't dealt with” Joe Anglin, who is travelling the province raising concerns with Bill 50.
Anglin, who heads the Lavesta Area Group and represents the membership of United Power Transmission Action Group (UPTAG), believes the public’s interest is being undermined by proposed legislation that will remove public consultation, and the public’s right to question the “need” for major energy transmission projects. Further, Anglin asserts that interests that stand to profit from the imposition of Bill 50 and the provincial government are spending tens of millions of dollars in the province to sway public opinion.
Minister Ouellette characterized Anglin as “dangerous” and “a troublemaker”. David Karroll, a town councillor attending the annual conference and who witnessed Ouellette's remarks at the AUMA, has written to the speaker of the legislature and the premier demanding the minister's resignation.
“It was clear from the content of his statement that Minister Ouellette was implying why someone hadn’t eliminated (killed) or dealt harm to Mr. Anglin in an attempt to silence him,” Karroll said Sunday.
The councillor explained that Anglin, who contested the Lacombe-Ponoka seat in the last election, was spied on by the government during 2007 transmission line hearings and was most recently attacked by the province's Chief Electoral Officer, alleging wrongdoing in two anonymous and false allegations.
After being informed of the minister’s comments, Anglin said there are two interesting words that require the minister’s clarification. “First, what did he mean by dangerous and second, how exactly does he anticipate that someone should deal with me?” Anglin thinks that Ouellette should be explaining himself publically since he made the comments in public.
Karroll is demanding an independent inquiry into Ouellette's conduct.
For further information, please contact:
Edwin Erickson
Lavesta Area Group Director
(780) 682-2368
Anglin, who heads the Lavesta Area Group and represents the membership of United Power Transmission Action Group (UPTAG), believes the public’s interest is being undermined by proposed legislation that will remove public consultation, and the public’s right to question the “need” for major energy transmission projects. Further, Anglin asserts that interests that stand to profit from the imposition of Bill 50 and the provincial government are spending tens of millions of dollars in the province to sway public opinion.
Minister Ouellette characterized Anglin as “dangerous” and “a troublemaker”. David Karroll, a town councillor attending the annual conference and who witnessed Ouellette's remarks at the AUMA, has written to the speaker of the legislature and the premier demanding the minister's resignation.
“It was clear from the content of his statement that Minister Ouellette was implying why someone hadn’t eliminated (killed) or dealt harm to Mr. Anglin in an attempt to silence him,” Karroll said Sunday.
The councillor explained that Anglin, who contested the Lacombe-Ponoka seat in the last election, was spied on by the government during 2007 transmission line hearings and was most recently attacked by the province's Chief Electoral Officer, alleging wrongdoing in two anonymous and false allegations.
After being informed of the minister’s comments, Anglin said there are two interesting words that require the minister’s clarification. “First, what did he mean by dangerous and second, how exactly does he anticipate that someone should deal with me?” Anglin thinks that Ouellette should be explaining himself publically since he made the comments in public.
Karroll is demanding an independent inquiry into Ouellette's conduct.
For further information, please contact:
Edwin Erickson
Lavesta Area Group Director
(780) 682-2368
Friday, November 6, 2009
Homestead Security Equals Free-range Chickens, a good Dog, and Jerusalem Artichokes
By Jim Hogue
Will New England localities ever need to produce enough food to feed themselves?
Does the fire department need a new ladder?
Do we need library police, armed guards, and surveillance cameras?
Do we need a program to eradicate hemp and to imprison those who grow it?
Should we build wind farms to generate electricity?
We all take steps to protect ourselves – to mitigate the effects of catastrophe. But let us acknowledge that the fear of catastrophe is sold to us, and that sometimes, in the selling of protection, real threats are missed. Indeed the protection racket is still the protection racket, and the advertising campaigns are the same as always.
This article is an attempt to sell you protection against food shortages. But unlike other sales pitches, the promoters of this idea have little to gain, and this insurance could repay itself ten fold.
The point is that people routinely insure themselves against the unlikely, but that most have given neither thought nor preparation to the biggest problem facing most of the world: famine.
This article shares the wisdom of Karl Hammer of Montpelier VT, whose successful business is feeding the soil (Vermont Compost) and, as a by-product, getting eggs to market.
A Riddle:
Karl Hammer has 1400 free-range, egg-laying hens. He lives in Montpelier VT where temperatures drop to -40 degrees F. His barn is unheated. His hens lay for 12 months out of the year. The fecal matter from the chickens does not pollute. Coyote, fox, fisher cat, skunk, raccoon and aerial predators make their livings in the same niche. This is not Karl’s primary business. He turns a profit.
Answer: Garbage.
Living in the State Capitol, Karl has access to all the garbage his flock could ever want, especially when the legislature is in session. He charges a tipping fee to local restaurants, which supply him with appropriate food refuse. He feeds this to his chickens (Australorpes, Buff Orpingtons, Wyandottes and Rhode Island Reds) mixed with nutrient-rich and seed-rich late-cut hay. This mixture is 1) fodder, 2) heat source, 3) compost.
The Ecology:
The chickens add to the food mixture a nitrogen-rich substance that chemists refer to as chicken manure. The food/hay buffet provides a bed for the efficient collection of nitrogen, and the ammonia gasses (that in a factory farm would resuscitate the dead) are released so slowly that they are unnoticeable and non-toxic. The product (not to mention the eggs) is a nitrogen-rich addition to Karl’s compost that is further refined into potting soil.
But mention eggs I must, because that is the story.
Wholesale, Karl gets $2.40 a dozen for his eggs, which retail at $2.95. That is what people will pay for extra-large, fresh, free-range eggs. The reason the eggs taste so good is the infinite variety in the food source.
Anyone observing free-range hens can watch them select from nature’s table with individual and decisive discrimination. What I have noticed is that they prefer meals that are moving. Karl’s hens are free to roam, or leave, in search of whatever they like. In winter, when confined by sub-zero F temperatures to the barn, they still get a good supply of live, varied and tasty food. And even in winter they are able to choose from the constant, ever-growing buffet.
The environment in the barn is a metabolizing ecology: a constant succession of species that live off of the decaying matter and off of each other.
The environment of the farm is also particular. It must take advantage of the climate and the geography, considering water sources and drainage. It is, like all farms, situation specific. Karl collaborates with chickens. The more they are able to do what chickens do (express full chickenhood if you will) the more successful he is. It is a study in the sociology of chickens. It is, by necessity, a way of taking advantage of the work done by 7000 lbs of chickens every day.
There is also something to be said for the healthy and humane conditions that Karl affords his flock. 1) They choose their food (which they get to play with), 2) They are free to leave, 3) They live ‘til they die, 4) They are protected by a large German Shepard.
I know folks with tiny flocks who have lost everything to predators. And these flocks were not even free range. So . . . do not try this without a good dog. The skunk’s aroma may linger, but that is a small price to pay.
The other part of Karl’s formula for a ready New England food supply relies on a local wildflower called the Jerusalem Artichoke. Acres of community plantings would protect us against the worst case scenario of food shortages - from transportation slowdowns to natural disasters to financial meltdowns. And the billions spent on homeland security should spare a few thousand to get things started.
Jerusalem Artichokes are a herbaceous perennial, the only “vegetable” native to New England, 6-10ft tall, propagated from tubers, blooms in the fall, stalks and flowers resemble sunflowers. They are easy to cultivate and produce large, edible tubers if separated and planted in rich soil. They provide their own compost and mulch by dropping their leaves, and seem to produce tubers forever. The tubers may by eaten instead of potatoes, and are marketed as “sun chokes.”
Says Karl, “If you suddenly discovered in February that you were short of food, you could follow the stalk and find the tuber. So if you were trying to lay out strategies that were relatively inexpensive to feed the population of Central Vermont, acres of Jerusalem Artichokes would be one of them.”
They are, furthermore, (and here is where we cleverly integrate the chicken story) an effective filter of leachates because they are ravenous utilizers of nutrients. The more nutrients they get, the bigger they get. They work well with high carbon substrates in preventing leachates from getting into the watershed. A good design is a layer of bark filters with Jerusalem Artichokes planted in them.
They are a fantastic chicken habitat for several reasons. 1) It is cooler in a dense Jerusalem Artichoke thicket. 2) Worms collect in this environment, as Jerusalem Artichokes manage their own ecology. 3) They like chicken manure. 4) Chickens eat the foliage.
In a pinch, they will become currency. Furthermore, they are a starch source for fuel (ethanol), they aid in nutrient/sludge management, and they form a hedge that produces a pretty flower. (If the wrong people read this, Jerusalem Artichokes will become illegal.)
Good advice is, of course, plentiful. Bad planning is the rule. Economic collapse is always predicted by the few and ignored by the many. Here we are at a turning point in history: Peak Oil, Global Warming, and ruthless Empires grabbing the last resources from the weak.
It is ironic that those who can function as did their grandparents, with less, with Yankee ingenuity, with barter, and with knowledge of the natural world are much more likely to make it in the coming years.
It is possible that, soon, many people in New England will find it hard to get food. That doesn’t matter or register on the radar screen of the Agriculture Department or our elected officials. But it will when people get uppity.
Karl warns, “A populace that has no control over its food supply is hard put to describe itself as free. Eating is one of those things people do pretty often, and need to. It’s hard for Americans to imagine how that could affect their freedom, not having had a situation where money couldn’t buy food. Central Vermont has a food supply of 72 hours, and within 24 hours there’s a shortage of fresh produce. I don’t know if you’ve seen the co-op when the truck doesn’t come for a day. It gets pretty lonely and empty in there. Three days without food and peoples’ values shift. They give you the keys to their BMWs for a glass of water and a bagel. We need a shift in resources: from surveillance equipment for the constabulary to food planning. Many understand that the stalwarts with their fingers on the trigger still need to eat. The Swiss articulate food planning as part of their national defense strategy. And they articulate it carefully. But, for myself, constantly belaboring the obvious is getting kind of old.”
If there is a universal in the ongoing “Story of Karl Hammer,” it is that knowledge and the ability to objectively observe, measure, analyze, and apply data are crucial. Each part of the puzzle is important.
Another lesson, which goes against what so many have been taught for so long, is that economy of scale does not mean racing to enormous size. The Amish have shown us this. But many in the business of agriculture and in the governance of agriculture refuse to learn the lesson.
In an age of “peak oil” and potentially devastating climate changes, governments cannot let the serendipity of Karl’s success be a substitute for careful planning and for supporting rural entrepreneurs who, by going back in time, are preparing for the future.
Jim Hogue (aka Ethan Allen) is a former high school teacher, now an actor and farmer living in Calais, Vermont, and a frequent contributor to Vermont Commons. He has a weekly radio program on WGDR Plainfield 91.1fm.
Will New England localities ever need to produce enough food to feed themselves?
Does the fire department need a new ladder?
Do we need library police, armed guards, and surveillance cameras?
Do we need a program to eradicate hemp and to imprison those who grow it?
Should we build wind farms to generate electricity?
We all take steps to protect ourselves – to mitigate the effects of catastrophe. But let us acknowledge that the fear of catastrophe is sold to us, and that sometimes, in the selling of protection, real threats are missed. Indeed the protection racket is still the protection racket, and the advertising campaigns are the same as always.
This article is an attempt to sell you protection against food shortages. But unlike other sales pitches, the promoters of this idea have little to gain, and this insurance could repay itself ten fold.
The point is that people routinely insure themselves against the unlikely, but that most have given neither thought nor preparation to the biggest problem facing most of the world: famine.
This article shares the wisdom of Karl Hammer of Montpelier VT, whose successful business is feeding the soil (Vermont Compost) and, as a by-product, getting eggs to market.
A Riddle:
Karl Hammer has 1400 free-range, egg-laying hens. He lives in Montpelier VT where temperatures drop to -40 degrees F. His barn is unheated. His hens lay for 12 months out of the year. The fecal matter from the chickens does not pollute. Coyote, fox, fisher cat, skunk, raccoon and aerial predators make their livings in the same niche. This is not Karl’s primary business. He turns a profit.
Answer: Garbage.
Living in the State Capitol, Karl has access to all the garbage his flock could ever want, especially when the legislature is in session. He charges a tipping fee to local restaurants, which supply him with appropriate food refuse. He feeds this to his chickens (Australorpes, Buff Orpingtons, Wyandottes and Rhode Island Reds) mixed with nutrient-rich and seed-rich late-cut hay. This mixture is 1) fodder, 2) heat source, 3) compost.
The Ecology:
The chickens add to the food mixture a nitrogen-rich substance that chemists refer to as chicken manure. The food/hay buffet provides a bed for the efficient collection of nitrogen, and the ammonia gasses (that in a factory farm would resuscitate the dead) are released so slowly that they are unnoticeable and non-toxic. The product (not to mention the eggs) is a nitrogen-rich addition to Karl’s compost that is further refined into potting soil.
But mention eggs I must, because that is the story.
Wholesale, Karl gets $2.40 a dozen for his eggs, which retail at $2.95. That is what people will pay for extra-large, fresh, free-range eggs. The reason the eggs taste so good is the infinite variety in the food source.
Anyone observing free-range hens can watch them select from nature’s table with individual and decisive discrimination. What I have noticed is that they prefer meals that are moving. Karl’s hens are free to roam, or leave, in search of whatever they like. In winter, when confined by sub-zero F temperatures to the barn, they still get a good supply of live, varied and tasty food. And even in winter they are able to choose from the constant, ever-growing buffet.
The environment in the barn is a metabolizing ecology: a constant succession of species that live off of the decaying matter and off of each other.
The environment of the farm is also particular. It must take advantage of the climate and the geography, considering water sources and drainage. It is, like all farms, situation specific. Karl collaborates with chickens. The more they are able to do what chickens do (express full chickenhood if you will) the more successful he is. It is a study in the sociology of chickens. It is, by necessity, a way of taking advantage of the work done by 7000 lbs of chickens every day.
There is also something to be said for the healthy and humane conditions that Karl affords his flock. 1) They choose their food (which they get to play with), 2) They are free to leave, 3) They live ‘til they die, 4) They are protected by a large German Shepard.
I know folks with tiny flocks who have lost everything to predators. And these flocks were not even free range. So . . . do not try this without a good dog. The skunk’s aroma may linger, but that is a small price to pay.
The other part of Karl’s formula for a ready New England food supply relies on a local wildflower called the Jerusalem Artichoke. Acres of community plantings would protect us against the worst case scenario of food shortages - from transportation slowdowns to natural disasters to financial meltdowns. And the billions spent on homeland security should spare a few thousand to get things started.
Jerusalem Artichokes are a herbaceous perennial, the only “vegetable” native to New England, 6-10ft tall, propagated from tubers, blooms in the fall, stalks and flowers resemble sunflowers. They are easy to cultivate and produce large, edible tubers if separated and planted in rich soil. They provide their own compost and mulch by dropping their leaves, and seem to produce tubers forever. The tubers may by eaten instead of potatoes, and are marketed as “sun chokes.”
Says Karl, “If you suddenly discovered in February that you were short of food, you could follow the stalk and find the tuber. So if you were trying to lay out strategies that were relatively inexpensive to feed the population of Central Vermont, acres of Jerusalem Artichokes would be one of them.”
They are, furthermore, (and here is where we cleverly integrate the chicken story) an effective filter of leachates because they are ravenous utilizers of nutrients. The more nutrients they get, the bigger they get. They work well with high carbon substrates in preventing leachates from getting into the watershed. A good design is a layer of bark filters with Jerusalem Artichokes planted in them.
They are a fantastic chicken habitat for several reasons. 1) It is cooler in a dense Jerusalem Artichoke thicket. 2) Worms collect in this environment, as Jerusalem Artichokes manage their own ecology. 3) They like chicken manure. 4) Chickens eat the foliage.
In a pinch, they will become currency. Furthermore, they are a starch source for fuel (ethanol), they aid in nutrient/sludge management, and they form a hedge that produces a pretty flower. (If the wrong people read this, Jerusalem Artichokes will become illegal.)
Good advice is, of course, plentiful. Bad planning is the rule. Economic collapse is always predicted by the few and ignored by the many. Here we are at a turning point in history: Peak Oil, Global Warming, and ruthless Empires grabbing the last resources from the weak.
It is ironic that those who can function as did their grandparents, with less, with Yankee ingenuity, with barter, and with knowledge of the natural world are much more likely to make it in the coming years.
It is possible that, soon, many people in New England will find it hard to get food. That doesn’t matter or register on the radar screen of the Agriculture Department or our elected officials. But it will when people get uppity.
Karl warns, “A populace that has no control over its food supply is hard put to describe itself as free. Eating is one of those things people do pretty often, and need to. It’s hard for Americans to imagine how that could affect their freedom, not having had a situation where money couldn’t buy food. Central Vermont has a food supply of 72 hours, and within 24 hours there’s a shortage of fresh produce. I don’t know if you’ve seen the co-op when the truck doesn’t come for a day. It gets pretty lonely and empty in there. Three days without food and peoples’ values shift. They give you the keys to their BMWs for a glass of water and a bagel. We need a shift in resources: from surveillance equipment for the constabulary to food planning. Many understand that the stalwarts with their fingers on the trigger still need to eat. The Swiss articulate food planning as part of their national defense strategy. And they articulate it carefully. But, for myself, constantly belaboring the obvious is getting kind of old.”
If there is a universal in the ongoing “Story of Karl Hammer,” it is that knowledge and the ability to objectively observe, measure, analyze, and apply data are crucial. Each part of the puzzle is important.
Another lesson, which goes against what so many have been taught for so long, is that economy of scale does not mean racing to enormous size. The Amish have shown us this. But many in the business of agriculture and in the governance of agriculture refuse to learn the lesson.
In an age of “peak oil” and potentially devastating climate changes, governments cannot let the serendipity of Karl’s success be a substitute for careful planning and for supporting rural entrepreneurs who, by going back in time, are preparing for the future.
Jim Hogue (aka Ethan Allen) is a former high school teacher, now an actor and farmer living in Calais, Vermont, and a frequent contributor to Vermont Commons. He has a weekly radio program on WGDR Plainfield 91.1fm.
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