By Marianne Cole
Recent disconcerting decisions by Clearwater County Council have seeded a field of discontent and prompted renewed interest for the resurrection and growth of the Clearwater Rural Roots group.
Originally organized to promote the importance of resident input into the development of the Municipal Development Plan in 2010, the group saw minimal action in 2011. Current frustrations, however, with Council ignoring taxpayer concerns in the Meadow Ponds sub-division, Hart Oilfield development, the Ferrier Lagoon, and the County of Wetaskiwin’s gravel pit proposal in the Frisco area have fueled a fresh desire for action.
The primary purpose of the group is to be a proactive voice for the residents of Clearwater County in protecting and preserving valuable agricultural land, the environment, and the rural lifestyle. These were the fundamental values expressed by taxpayers during the development of the MDP. We, as a group, feel very strongly that those ideals must form the basis of Council’s planning decisions. Unfortunately, that is seemingly not happening and now strong, collective action is necessary.
The Clearwater Rural Roots group is looking forward to keeping residents informed about current issues, encouraging dialogue with the councilors, supporting groups experiencing difficulties with Council’s decisions, and working as a resource for locating information from knowledgeable specialists on necessary topics.
We encourage anyone with similar sentiments to join our group, lend your ideas, and add your support for the betterment of all Clearwater County residents. For further information you may contact either Marianne Cole at 403-729-2493, e-mail: mcmajic@telus.net or Helge Nome at 403-722-2836, e-mail : helgenome@hotmail.com. Currently meetings are being held in the Seniors’ Room at Leslieville Hall but we would be very receptive to hosting meetings in other areas as well. Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 7:00PM. We heartily welcome your attendance and encourage you to rally the troops. More ideas build better action and we want the best!
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