By Glen Ford
← Stop NATO: Day 209 of War Against Libya, Crown of Africa
Black Libyans make their stand in Sirte and Bani Walid
Posted on 2011/10/13 by Quoriana
The Black defenders of Sirte and Bani Walid fight like lions because they have no choice.
By Glen Ford
Both NATO and their Libyan rebel surrogates express wonder at the fact that loyalist forces continue to fight so fiercely in the contested cities of Sirte and Bani Walid, despite being vastly outnumbered on the ground and unceasingly pummeled from above by the world’s largest air armada. But one look at a picture of Gaddafi loyalist prisoners, captured at a hospital in Sirte, tells the story: they are all Black. The assault on Libya has largely devolved into a race war, and the Black soldiers are fighting for survival against the world’s biggest lynch mob, armed to the teeth by the United States and Europe.
Article continues here
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