Friday, January 29, 2010
Hurrah! Aten is about to wake up from his slumber
With two active regions (brighter areas) in profile almost diametrically apart, SOHO got a gook view of the extensive areas above the Sun influenced by the powerful magnetic fields associated with the two regions. This wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light "sees" ionized iron heated to 2 million degrees in the upper solar atmosphere. The hotter the temperature, the higher you look in the solar atmosphere. Although the image is rather diffuse, we can more clearly see in other wavelengths that material is tracing arcs of magnetic field lines looping above the active regions. Just a few months ago, the large-scale solar magnetic field was like that from a bar magnet, and flattened along the Sun's equator. Now, it's not much more complicated in shape, but it's tilted, as seen by the position of these two regions --- a clear giveaway that the rise to solar maximum has begun.
Editor note: The behavior Aten is the single most important factor in life on Earth. More information is available here
Sun/Earth Comparison

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Pen Meets Paper Jan.25'10
Opinion by Helge Nome
The disaster in Haiti may become an opportunity for Canada to step back into its traditional role of peacekeeper and community builder. There are already many established ties between the two nations with a sizable Haitian community in Montreal.
And Canada has already taken the initiative of hosting a conference on reconstruction of the shattered country that has been on the receiving end of so much misfortune for so long. The common French heritage of the two nations creates a special bond that could prove very useful for both.
On the other side of the ledger, taking a leading role in Haiti could provide Canada with an exit strategy from Afghanistan where young Canadian lives are being wasted in what is essentially a civil war magnified and driven by outside interest groups.
Canada is much better at saving lives than taking them and here is an opportunity to show the rest of the world where our talents lie.
We should get out of the bed we have shared with the empire builders of this world and do something useful instead.
As a matter of interest, have you noticed that Al-Quada has a funny way of showing up just where and when it is needed? Bin Laden’s friendly face kinda pops up just at the right time, when some imperial action is needed, not too far from valuable energy resources. (Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Yemen)
The philosophy of imperial agitators is plain for all to see: “If you spook ‘em good (meaning us) you can get away with anything”.
The disaster in Haiti may become an opportunity for Canada to step back into its traditional role of peacekeeper and community builder. There are already many established ties between the two nations with a sizable Haitian community in Montreal.
And Canada has already taken the initiative of hosting a conference on reconstruction of the shattered country that has been on the receiving end of so much misfortune for so long. The common French heritage of the two nations creates a special bond that could prove very useful for both.
On the other side of the ledger, taking a leading role in Haiti could provide Canada with an exit strategy from Afghanistan where young Canadian lives are being wasted in what is essentially a civil war magnified and driven by outside interest groups.
Canada is much better at saving lives than taking them and here is an opportunity to show the rest of the world where our talents lie.
We should get out of the bed we have shared with the empire builders of this world and do something useful instead.
As a matter of interest, have you noticed that Al-Quada has a funny way of showing up just where and when it is needed? Bin Laden’s friendly face kinda pops up just at the right time, when some imperial action is needed, not too far from valuable energy resources. (Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Yemen)
The philosophy of imperial agitators is plain for all to see: “If you spook ‘em good (meaning us) you can get away with anything”.
Caroline Open Bonspiel A event results
B event results
C event result
Close call
Caroline went on to win the game.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Museum doll house
are considerable. Ideas are welcome.
Caroline’s Historical Society plans future
It was an evening for taking stock of 2009 activities and planning 2010 at the Caroline Museum on Wednesday, January 13. It was also the time to update board memberships for 2010 where Verna Smith graciously accepted the job of President of the society.
The museum is in good shape financially with revenue for the year that ended October 31, 2009, of $82,923 and expenses of $74,954, as reported by Treasurer Verna Doll. Barb Proudler reported that the main project for 2009 was the construction of the vintage fire hall/village office on the museum grounds and the big event for the year was the official opening of this facility, along with honoring area pioneer families on September 12.
Verna Doll reported that 7000 items had been accessioned (recorded, ranked) in 2009.
Events planned for 2010 include the May long weekend and Canada Day programs, Honoring pioneer families, pie fundraiser and a bazaar and a volunteer appreciation supper in December.
The museum is in good shape financially with revenue for the year that ended October 31, 2009, of $82,923 and expenses of $74,954, as reported by Treasurer Verna Doll. Barb Proudler reported that the main project for 2009 was the construction of the vintage fire hall/village office on the museum grounds and the big event for the year was the official opening of this facility, along with honoring area pioneer families on September 12.
Verna Doll reported that 7000 items had been accessioned (recorded, ranked) in 2009.
Events planned for 2010 include the May long weekend and Canada Day programs, Honoring pioneer families, pie fundraiser and a bazaar and a volunteer appreciation supper in December.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Alberta Government caught spying again!
by Joe Anglin
On January 21st I attended my first AltaLink open house session for the proposed Heartland Transmission Project 500 kV transmission line. The open house was held at the Woodvale facility & golf clubhouse in Edmonton, and it appeared to be attracting some curious residents.
As I made my way around the various displays, I was eventually asked for my opinion by a very nice lady representing AltaLink. Since I have never been guilty of withholding my opinion, I replied I didn’t support the new legislation that eliminated the necessity for a public hearing to determine if these transmission lines were in fact needed. Before I could finish making my comments I was interrupted by an individual who seemed agitated that I inferred that the Minister of Energy could designate a project by a stroke of a pen. I quickly conceded to his point that the decision was in fact made by cabinet, not just the minister. Although from my perspective given the dictatorial perception of the cabinet, and that fact that one of its newest members recently publically announced that there would be no transmission lines connected up to any nuclear power plant in Peace River; I didn’t find any comfort differentiating between the cabinet and any single unqualified influential minister.
Strangely enough, this person wanted to make a public point of my misstatement, which I had already conceded to, yet he proceeded to illuminate my misstatement. Not being sure what this person was hoping to accomplish, I asked him to identify himself. He refused, and continued to publicly berate me for crediting the minister and not the cabinet. When I finally had enough, I corrected him and told him that on a very technical level we were both wrong. The legislation specifically states only the Lieutenant Governor in Council may designate a project, but I still failed to see the point of the discussion.
I introduced myself and asked this person three separate times to identify himself, and he refused all three times. When I pressed him, he would only say he was an interested stakeholder. By this time a small crowd had gathered around. This individual now blurted out that Alberta was a net importer of electricity. I challenged him on whether or not being a net importer of electricity was good or bad, and he admitted there was nothing wrong with being a net importer, particularly since Alberta had more than enough generation to meet its own needs.
The conversation was intriguing me. Clearly this individual had an agenda, and I was beginning to make him uncomfortable. When I told him it made no economic sense for Capital Power to build a new electric generator for $250 million in Edmonton, if the public had to pay roughly $3 billion to build transmission lines to get the power from Edmonton to Calgary. I went on to say that a strategically located generator in Calgary or Red Deer would all but eliminate the need to build transmission lines between Calgary and Edmonton.
I drew his attention to the fact that Enmax has reassured us that Calgary was fairly self-sufficient and didn’t require additional generation from Edmonton. After a few negative remarks about Enmax, and its CEO Gary Holden, he countered that it was important for Alberta to build a transmission system that could support the export and import of electricity at the same time. I shook my head in disbelief as the expression on his face confirmed he had just realized that he was not making any sense. I told him I suppose we could spend billions so Alberta could export and import electricity at the same time, but that made just about as much sense as spending billions trying to suck and blow, at the same time, through a straw in a glass of milk.
About this time this person had enough of me and walked away to mingle in the crowd. I watched him for a while as he continued to interject in various conversations taking place around the room. Unannounced and uninvited this individual interjected and manipulated himself into random conversations, always an advocate for the construction of the transmission lines. He was quick to aggressively confront anyone who might question the need for these expenditures.
The person, to whom I am speaking of, has now been identified as Tim Grant, and he is the Assistant Deputy Minister for electricity at Alberta Energy. Why the Assistant Deputy Minister for electricity at Alberta Energy refused to identify himself is a mystery – specifically when a member of the public asked? Why did he falsely claimed to be just a stakeholder, when in fact he is a high profile public official representing the government? What did he hope to accomplish by bring up the topic of export, when the Minister of Energy clearly denies any correlation between transmission lines and the need to export? Why did he speak so negatively of Enmax in public and particularly its CEO Gary Holden? Why did he continue to covertly mingle amongst the landowners, as if someone like me would not investigate his identity?
The irony is that the more things try to change, the more they stay the same. While industry desperately tries to improve the consultation process, it is less than comforting to know that the Alberta Government hasn’t changed and still prefers to conduct covert operations against landowners. One only has to wonder what Tim Grant hoped to accomplish by engaging in such risky covert measures. Are we truly that dangerous?
I don’t know if the Alberta Government has hired private investigators (spies) to assist Tim Grant in his undercover covert operations, but I do know that no one in the government was ever held accountable for hiring private investigators to spy on landowners back in 2007. It appears at the moment the Alberta Government still conducts undercover covert operations, but it makes no sense for a senior government official to be engaging in such an activity.
Is the budget so tight that Alberta Energy is unable to contract for private investigators? Now these would be budget cuts I could support!
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
On January 21st I attended my first AltaLink open house session for the proposed Heartland Transmission Project 500 kV transmission line. The open house was held at the Woodvale facility & golf clubhouse in Edmonton, and it appeared to be attracting some curious residents.
As I made my way around the various displays, I was eventually asked for my opinion by a very nice lady representing AltaLink. Since I have never been guilty of withholding my opinion, I replied I didn’t support the new legislation that eliminated the necessity for a public hearing to determine if these transmission lines were in fact needed. Before I could finish making my comments I was interrupted by an individual who seemed agitated that I inferred that the Minister of Energy could designate a project by a stroke of a pen. I quickly conceded to his point that the decision was in fact made by cabinet, not just the minister. Although from my perspective given the dictatorial perception of the cabinet, and that fact that one of its newest members recently publically announced that there would be no transmission lines connected up to any nuclear power plant in Peace River; I didn’t find any comfort differentiating between the cabinet and any single unqualified influential minister.
Strangely enough, this person wanted to make a public point of my misstatement, which I had already conceded to, yet he proceeded to illuminate my misstatement. Not being sure what this person was hoping to accomplish, I asked him to identify himself. He refused, and continued to publicly berate me for crediting the minister and not the cabinet. When I finally had enough, I corrected him and told him that on a very technical level we were both wrong. The legislation specifically states only the Lieutenant Governor in Council may designate a project, but I still failed to see the point of the discussion.
I introduced myself and asked this person three separate times to identify himself, and he refused all three times. When I pressed him, he would only say he was an interested stakeholder. By this time a small crowd had gathered around. This individual now blurted out that Alberta was a net importer of electricity. I challenged him on whether or not being a net importer of electricity was good or bad, and he admitted there was nothing wrong with being a net importer, particularly since Alberta had more than enough generation to meet its own needs.
The conversation was intriguing me. Clearly this individual had an agenda, and I was beginning to make him uncomfortable. When I told him it made no economic sense for Capital Power to build a new electric generator for $250 million in Edmonton, if the public had to pay roughly $3 billion to build transmission lines to get the power from Edmonton to Calgary. I went on to say that a strategically located generator in Calgary or Red Deer would all but eliminate the need to build transmission lines between Calgary and Edmonton.
I drew his attention to the fact that Enmax has reassured us that Calgary was fairly self-sufficient and didn’t require additional generation from Edmonton. After a few negative remarks about Enmax, and its CEO Gary Holden, he countered that it was important for Alberta to build a transmission system that could support the export and import of electricity at the same time. I shook my head in disbelief as the expression on his face confirmed he had just realized that he was not making any sense. I told him I suppose we could spend billions so Alberta could export and import electricity at the same time, but that made just about as much sense as spending billions trying to suck and blow, at the same time, through a straw in a glass of milk.
About this time this person had enough of me and walked away to mingle in the crowd. I watched him for a while as he continued to interject in various conversations taking place around the room. Unannounced and uninvited this individual interjected and manipulated himself into random conversations, always an advocate for the construction of the transmission lines. He was quick to aggressively confront anyone who might question the need for these expenditures.
The person, to whom I am speaking of, has now been identified as Tim Grant, and he is the Assistant Deputy Minister for electricity at Alberta Energy. Why the Assistant Deputy Minister for electricity at Alberta Energy refused to identify himself is a mystery – specifically when a member of the public asked? Why did he falsely claimed to be just a stakeholder, when in fact he is a high profile public official representing the government? What did he hope to accomplish by bring up the topic of export, when the Minister of Energy clearly denies any correlation between transmission lines and the need to export? Why did he speak so negatively of Enmax in public and particularly its CEO Gary Holden? Why did he continue to covertly mingle amongst the landowners, as if someone like me would not investigate his identity?
The irony is that the more things try to change, the more they stay the same. While industry desperately tries to improve the consultation process, it is less than comforting to know that the Alberta Government hasn’t changed and still prefers to conduct covert operations against landowners. One only has to wonder what Tim Grant hoped to accomplish by engaging in such risky covert measures. Are we truly that dangerous?
I don’t know if the Alberta Government has hired private investigators (spies) to assist Tim Grant in his undercover covert operations, but I do know that no one in the government was ever held accountable for hiring private investigators to spy on landowners back in 2007. It appears at the moment the Alberta Government still conducts undercover covert operations, but it makes no sense for a senior government official to be engaging in such an activity.
Is the budget so tight that Alberta Energy is unable to contract for private investigators? Now these would be budget cuts I could support!
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Monday, January 18, 2010
Pen Meets Paper Jan.18'10
Opinion by Helge Nome
Imagine the following scenario: You are the Government of Canada. The unthinkable has happened: A massive earthquake off the west coast of British Columbia. The destructive power of a tsunami has been unleashed up and down along the west coast of North America causing unimaginable devastation to coastal communities, including Vancouver, where an estimated one million people have perished.
The city, situated on the alluvial lowland of the mighty Fraser River, has literally been wiped off the map. As have other coastal cities and communities in Washington State, Oregon and California.
Your point in time is about one month after the calamity happened and the provincial Government of British Columbia has ceased to function. The Government of Alberta declared a state of emergency shortly after the earthquake and is currently trying to oversee the massive influx of refugees from British Columbia and place them in community halls, schools, arenas and any facilities that can be commandeered.
The Americans have not been able to provide any help, being swamped by their own problems.
Leading up to the catastrophe, the nation has been mired in the worst financial depression on record for a period of several years. In a desperate effort to balance budgets, provincial and federal politicians have slashed spending to the point where activity in the economy has slowed down to a trickle. No money or credit anywhere.
Then this calamity happened and the time has come to pay the bills for the emergency response and reconstruction to follow.
As a smart government and before rushing to meet up with the nearest banker, you ask yourself the following question: “What’s the best way of making money available to pay for all this? Being the National Government and all, do I really have to go, hat in hand to someone, somewhere, and ask that person to transfer a bunch of numbers from his computer to my computer, and then have to pay him back with interest afterwards?”
“Oh, I know! I’ll just go to the Bank of Canada and ask for the dough in return for some IOUs. And because the Bank of Canada belongs to me, I don’t really have to pay it back! (except shuffle a few figures around in our respective computers to make it look good)”
Voila! It’s done and there is plenty of money to go around to pay for the relief effort and reconstruction.
As if by magic, the depression that has been hanging over the land lifts: Everybody is busy going about their business again.
Now, please ask yourself this question:
Was it really necessary for a catastrophe to happen for Canada to lift herself out of the depression?
Imagine the following scenario: You are the Government of Canada. The unthinkable has happened: A massive earthquake off the west coast of British Columbia. The destructive power of a tsunami has been unleashed up and down along the west coast of North America causing unimaginable devastation to coastal communities, including Vancouver, where an estimated one million people have perished.
The city, situated on the alluvial lowland of the mighty Fraser River, has literally been wiped off the map. As have other coastal cities and communities in Washington State, Oregon and California.
Your point in time is about one month after the calamity happened and the provincial Government of British Columbia has ceased to function. The Government of Alberta declared a state of emergency shortly after the earthquake and is currently trying to oversee the massive influx of refugees from British Columbia and place them in community halls, schools, arenas and any facilities that can be commandeered.
The Americans have not been able to provide any help, being swamped by their own problems.
Leading up to the catastrophe, the nation has been mired in the worst financial depression on record for a period of several years. In a desperate effort to balance budgets, provincial and federal politicians have slashed spending to the point where activity in the economy has slowed down to a trickle. No money or credit anywhere.
Then this calamity happened and the time has come to pay the bills for the emergency response and reconstruction to follow.
As a smart government and before rushing to meet up with the nearest banker, you ask yourself the following question: “What’s the best way of making money available to pay for all this? Being the National Government and all, do I really have to go, hat in hand to someone, somewhere, and ask that person to transfer a bunch of numbers from his computer to my computer, and then have to pay him back with interest afterwards?”
“Oh, I know! I’ll just go to the Bank of Canada and ask for the dough in return for some IOUs. And because the Bank of Canada belongs to me, I don’t really have to pay it back! (except shuffle a few figures around in our respective computers to make it look good)”
Voila! It’s done and there is plenty of money to go around to pay for the relief effort and reconstruction.
As if by magic, the depression that has been hanging over the land lifts: Everybody is busy going about their business again.
Now, please ask yourself this question:
Was it really necessary for a catastrophe to happen for Canada to lift herself out of the depression?
History and future of the Kurt Browning Arena and Complex in Caroline

How not to lie, while not telling the truth!
By Joe Anglin
AESO’s mantras that Alberta’s electricity transmission (grid) system’s loses $250 million annually; and that the grid has not been upgraded in over 20-years; or that Alberta is a net importer of electricity completely misrepresent the economic efficiency of Alberta’s transmission system. Yet this is how AESO represents the transmission system. Is this acceptable behaviour of an institution responsible for the public interest?
Stating that the total monetary annual transmission losses are $250 million or that there have been no major transmission upgrades in the last 20-years is completely meaningless without some type of qualification! It is no different than a home owner saying that their monthly heating costs are $200 a month and the steps to the house have not been improved in the last 20-years. What does it mean? Without knowing the size of the area being heated, $200 a month could be extremely efficient or outrageously expensive. Without knowing the quality, condition or material construction of the steps to the house, there is no way of determining if an upgrade is needed.
A transmission system’s quality and efficiency is measured by the percentage of electricity lost, not the summation of the annual loss. Losses cannot be avoided in a transmission system. A normal functioning transmission system loses between 5%-7% of its electricity. Alberta’s transmission system, during the most recent high growth record demand setting years of 2007 -2009, annually lost between 3.5% - 4.0% of its electricity. The fact that a transmission line has a life expectancy of about 80-100 years, stating that there have been no major (there have been many minor) upgrades in 20-years, says nothing about the condition of the system.
So why is the AESO dispatching uninformed talking-heads to public luncheons and former unqualified employees to appear on radio talk shows to regurgitate the mantra that Alberta has a critical need to upgrade the transmission system? This is one of the questions, of which many have gone unanswered for far too long. AESO’s 10-year plan calls for $16.6 billion in transmission upgrades, of which, $12.1 billion is labelled as critical. The current system is only valued at $2.1 billion, and the public has been given no reasonable explanation as to why they should pay for an 800% increase. More importantly, if AESO has identified $12.1 billion of critically needed upgrades, why didn’t, or hasn’t, the AESO follow the law and file the appropriate documents with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)? The law is quite clear in this matter, and the AUC has the jurisdiction and authority to deal with it in a timely manner. After $5.4 billion dollars of upgrades were approved last December, roughly $6.7 billion still remains identified is critical. Yet AESO has not filed the required documents with the AUC. Is this responsible behaviour?
AESO is required to act in the public interest. Why then does the AESO present information to the public that infers that there is a critical need to upgrade the transmission system, and not provide the factual proof of the need? AESO is required by law to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent individual would exercise in comparable circumstances. If AESO’s recent management of the reporting of a critical need is an example of how a prudent individual would act under similar circumstances, they would have us believe the appropriate response to report a fire is to write a letter to the Fire Department.
The questions I pose are a direct challenge to the basic integrity and competence of the AESO and its responsibility to act in the public interest. Investing in transmission infrastructure can be a very good investment, but spending outrageously for something that may not be needed is fundamentally irresponsible. AESO’s CEO David Erickson needs to explain why AESO engaged in a multi-million dollar media campaign to convince Albertan that a system upgrade was critically needed, while not spending a cent to present any factual evidence to support this claim.
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 (cell)
AESO’s mantras that Alberta’s electricity transmission (grid) system’s loses $250 million annually; and that the grid has not been upgraded in over 20-years; or that Alberta is a net importer of electricity completely misrepresent the economic efficiency of Alberta’s transmission system. Yet this is how AESO represents the transmission system. Is this acceptable behaviour of an institution responsible for the public interest?
Stating that the total monetary annual transmission losses are $250 million or that there have been no major transmission upgrades in the last 20-years is completely meaningless without some type of qualification! It is no different than a home owner saying that their monthly heating costs are $200 a month and the steps to the house have not been improved in the last 20-years. What does it mean? Without knowing the size of the area being heated, $200 a month could be extremely efficient or outrageously expensive. Without knowing the quality, condition or material construction of the steps to the house, there is no way of determining if an upgrade is needed.
A transmission system’s quality and efficiency is measured by the percentage of electricity lost, not the summation of the annual loss. Losses cannot be avoided in a transmission system. A normal functioning transmission system loses between 5%-7% of its electricity. Alberta’s transmission system, during the most recent high growth record demand setting years of 2007 -2009, annually lost between 3.5% - 4.0% of its electricity. The fact that a transmission line has a life expectancy of about 80-100 years, stating that there have been no major (there have been many minor) upgrades in 20-years, says nothing about the condition of the system.
So why is the AESO dispatching uninformed talking-heads to public luncheons and former unqualified employees to appear on radio talk shows to regurgitate the mantra that Alberta has a critical need to upgrade the transmission system? This is one of the questions, of which many have gone unanswered for far too long. AESO’s 10-year plan calls for $16.6 billion in transmission upgrades, of which, $12.1 billion is labelled as critical. The current system is only valued at $2.1 billion, and the public has been given no reasonable explanation as to why they should pay for an 800% increase. More importantly, if AESO has identified $12.1 billion of critically needed upgrades, why didn’t, or hasn’t, the AESO follow the law and file the appropriate documents with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)? The law is quite clear in this matter, and the AUC has the jurisdiction and authority to deal with it in a timely manner. After $5.4 billion dollars of upgrades were approved last December, roughly $6.7 billion still remains identified is critical. Yet AESO has not filed the required documents with the AUC. Is this responsible behaviour?
AESO is required to act in the public interest. Why then does the AESO present information to the public that infers that there is a critical need to upgrade the transmission system, and not provide the factual proof of the need? AESO is required by law to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent individual would exercise in comparable circumstances. If AESO’s recent management of the reporting of a critical need is an example of how a prudent individual would act under similar circumstances, they would have us believe the appropriate response to report a fire is to write a letter to the Fire Department.
The questions I pose are a direct challenge to the basic integrity and competence of the AESO and its responsibility to act in the public interest. Investing in transmission infrastructure can be a very good investment, but spending outrageously for something that may not be needed is fundamentally irresponsible. AESO’s CEO David Erickson needs to explain why AESO engaged in a multi-million dollar media campaign to convince Albertan that a system upgrade was critically needed, while not spending a cent to present any factual evidence to support this claim.
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 (cell)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Shuffling of feet?
January 13, 2010
(Rimbey, AB) Premier Ed Stelmach promised us a "compassionate" cabinet shuffle today, in an effort to "improved communication.”
The cabinet shuffle presented today is a disappointment to the members of the Lavesta Area Group and UPTAG groups. Cabinet should only be shuffled in an effort to reorganize or further better government. If there was a communications problem, the cabinet shuffle announced today did not address the size and scope of the “Masters of Spin” -- a.k.a. the Public Affairs Bureau. But then again we never did believe Stelmach’s problem was communications. We firmly believe the government did an excellent job of communicating its lack of leadership and incompetence!
The logic of shuffling Liepert to Energy is baffling to us! It may make sense from a public relations point of view to try and placate Calgarians, but Liepert’s handling of his last portfolio was an absolute disaster. Would it not make better sense to appoint a Minister of Energy with some experience of success to impress Calgarians? How about the rest of Alberta, do we factor into the decision to appoint Liepert to manage all our energy interests?
An estimated 30,000 jobs in Alberta could be lost if this government proceeds with plans to over-spend on transmission line infrastructure. The controversial royal scheme is expected to be reviewed once again, which is sure to spark emotions on both sides of the debate. Thousands of jobs are at risk of being lost in the oil and gas sector. Albertans need a competent Minister of Energy with the diplomatic skills and the intellect to comprehend the complexities of today’s energy issues. Liepert may be a heck of a nice guy, but his qualifications as a high school drop-out, a disc jockey, and child-care operator did not serve him well as the Health Minister. How will his qualifications and most recent experience improve the Energy Ministry?
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
(Rimbey, AB) Premier Ed Stelmach promised us a "compassionate" cabinet shuffle today, in an effort to "improved communication.”
The cabinet shuffle presented today is a disappointment to the members of the Lavesta Area Group and UPTAG groups. Cabinet should only be shuffled in an effort to reorganize or further better government. If there was a communications problem, the cabinet shuffle announced today did not address the size and scope of the “Masters of Spin” -- a.k.a. the Public Affairs Bureau. But then again we never did believe Stelmach’s problem was communications. We firmly believe the government did an excellent job of communicating its lack of leadership and incompetence!
The logic of shuffling Liepert to Energy is baffling to us! It may make sense from a public relations point of view to try and placate Calgarians, but Liepert’s handling of his last portfolio was an absolute disaster. Would it not make better sense to appoint a Minister of Energy with some experience of success to impress Calgarians? How about the rest of Alberta, do we factor into the decision to appoint Liepert to manage all our energy interests?
An estimated 30,000 jobs in Alberta could be lost if this government proceeds with plans to over-spend on transmission line infrastructure. The controversial royal scheme is expected to be reviewed once again, which is sure to spark emotions on both sides of the debate. Thousands of jobs are at risk of being lost in the oil and gas sector. Albertans need a competent Minister of Energy with the diplomatic skills and the intellect to comprehend the complexities of today’s energy issues. Liepert may be a heck of a nice guy, but his qualifications as a high school drop-out, a disc jockey, and child-care operator did not serve him well as the Health Minister. How will his qualifications and most recent experience improve the Energy Ministry?
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Pen Meets Paper Jan.11'10
Opinion by Helge Nome
Colonialism is an interesting subject for many of us living in former colonies, like Canada, the US and Australia, as well as New Zealand.
There are several ways of creating a colony. You can just push the locals aside and pour in your own people, as was done in North America and Australia, and less so in New Zealand where the natives were not exactly a pushover.
Or you can approach the locals with “respect” and gifts and sniff out the lie of the land before deciding on a course of action to gain control over their territory along with its inhabitants.
The vikings used this latter approach, but they were not very civilized so they simply attacked the locals in the early hours of the morning and murdered and plundered as hard as they could and got out of there before a sizable counter attack could be mounted by the local chieftains.
The English were a lot more clever in achieving dominance and building their empire
“upon which the sun never sets”. They carried out the usual preliminary scouting but that’s where the similarity with the vikings ends. The English identified the various political factions that invariably exists in every human population.
They then chummed up with the second most powerful group, tipping the balance of power in its favor against the one in charge at the time.
And, with newly won friends in charge, the English could proceed at their leisure to “help” them with the administration of their region and bestow numerous favors upon them and their offspring.
So what was in it for the Brits? Natural resources badly needed were suddenly available at incredibly low cost and a new market was found for British goods and services.
A win-win for everybody it would seem, except for some 98% of the people of the colonized region. The remaining 2% local elite colluded with the colonizer and used them to extract the raw materials Britain was hungry for.
In New Zealand, North America and Australia, immigrants were used for the same purpose.
Now, fast forward a couple of centuries and here we are. In Canada we used to be a British colony. Then the US became a world power and turned us into their colony.
Now they and Britain both are going down the chute, and guess who’s coming to dinner?
Some folks with big smiles whose forebears used to work for Genghis Kahn are now paying us with our own money for raw materials to feed their massive productive machine. We have slipped into the habit of letting them produce everything we consume and now they are coming in with the money earned in return for this and turning us into colonials all over again.
And before you know it the yoke will be around our necks, and we will be pulling the plough, instead of them.
That is, if we don’t wake up from our blissful self indulgent habits before it is too late.
Our main problem here in Canada is the mindset: A colonial is always looking for a master to tell him what to do.
Just to attest to the sorry state of affairs here, Canada does not even have its own Constitution. It has the “Constitution Act of 1867” which is just a renamed version of the “British North America Act, 1867”. And the ultimate authority over Canada still resides in Windsor Castle!
Colonialism is an interesting subject for many of us living in former colonies, like Canada, the US and Australia, as well as New Zealand.
There are several ways of creating a colony. You can just push the locals aside and pour in your own people, as was done in North America and Australia, and less so in New Zealand where the natives were not exactly a pushover.
Or you can approach the locals with “respect” and gifts and sniff out the lie of the land before deciding on a course of action to gain control over their territory along with its inhabitants.
The vikings used this latter approach, but they were not very civilized so they simply attacked the locals in the early hours of the morning and murdered and plundered as hard as they could and got out of there before a sizable counter attack could be mounted by the local chieftains.
The English were a lot more clever in achieving dominance and building their empire
“upon which the sun never sets”. They carried out the usual preliminary scouting but that’s where the similarity with the vikings ends. The English identified the various political factions that invariably exists in every human population.
They then chummed up with the second most powerful group, tipping the balance of power in its favor against the one in charge at the time.
And, with newly won friends in charge, the English could proceed at their leisure to “help” them with the administration of their region and bestow numerous favors upon them and their offspring.
So what was in it for the Brits? Natural resources badly needed were suddenly available at incredibly low cost and a new market was found for British goods and services.
A win-win for everybody it would seem, except for some 98% of the people of the colonized region. The remaining 2% local elite colluded with the colonizer and used them to extract the raw materials Britain was hungry for.
In New Zealand, North America and Australia, immigrants were used for the same purpose.
Now, fast forward a couple of centuries and here we are. In Canada we used to be a British colony. Then the US became a world power and turned us into their colony.
Now they and Britain both are going down the chute, and guess who’s coming to dinner?
Some folks with big smiles whose forebears used to work for Genghis Kahn are now paying us with our own money for raw materials to feed their massive productive machine. We have slipped into the habit of letting them produce everything we consume and now they are coming in with the money earned in return for this and turning us into colonials all over again.
And before you know it the yoke will be around our necks, and we will be pulling the plough, instead of them.
That is, if we don’t wake up from our blissful self indulgent habits before it is too late.
Our main problem here in Canada is the mindset: A colonial is always looking for a master to tell him what to do.
Just to attest to the sorry state of affairs here, Canada does not even have its own Constitution. It has the “Constitution Act of 1867” which is just a renamed version of the “British North America Act, 1867”. And the ultimate authority over Canada still resides in Windsor Castle!
Elks' Snowmobile Poker Rally
A late arriving group of quaders were disappointed to learn the trail was off limits to them this year. However they took it in their stride and made a donation to the Elks. The Ladies of the Royal Purple were also present at the staging area, selling lunches and hot beverages. The Elks' Poker Rally has been an annual event in the Caroline area for a long time and involves a lot of volunteer hours to lay out the trail, clear and set up the staging area, and wrap it all up after the event. Another event hosted by the Elks is the annual Wild Game Supper in the fall.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Landowners' rights are not for sale
January 6, 2010
(Rimbey, AB) AltaLink announced today that they will listen to landowners, and that they will be more liberal with the purse strings, than they have in the past, when negotiating with landowners.
We say, “OUR RIGHTS ARE NOT FOR SALE!” and this is not about compensation.
AltaLink is being disingenuous when they claim that they are now willing to listen to landowners. In our opinion this is an admission that they were not truthful when they claimed they listened back in 2007. We are grateful for the admission!
If AltaLink is listening today, we say,
· Disclose AltaLink’s participation in the drafting and lobbying of the Electric Statutes Amendment Act, which circumvented the public process to determine the need for these transmission lines!
· Disclose AltaLink’s participation in the secret meetings between industry and government that Enmax has now admitted took place.
· Disclose all communication arising from the conflict of interest given that former premier Ralph Klein immediately went to work for AltaLink’s lawyers, upon retirement, and now has an office across the street from AltaLink’s headquarters.
· Disclose all communication arising from the conflict of interest given that the former EUB Board Chairman, Neil McCrank, who originally approved the need for these transmission lines, works for AltaLink’s lawyers.
· Disclose all official communications between AltaLink’s Senior Executive Vice-President and her husband, who was a senior official with Alberta Energy, (the government). We are particularly interested in the communications during the time frame it was decided the public would pay for these transmission lines and industry would be spared and costs.
· Disclose AltaLink’s role in the incident of spying on citizens, which the government investigator, retired Justice Perras, said he did not have time to “delve into the allegations”.
If AltaLink is truly listening, then we as the taxpaying public call upon them to publically support the repeal of Electric Statutes Amendment Act and restore a transparent public approval process, to determine whether these lines are truly needed or not.
We will only accept the results of a open and fair approval process. We have been denied that right for five years, but we will continue to fight for our rights.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
(Rimbey, AB) AltaLink announced today that they will listen to landowners, and that they will be more liberal with the purse strings, than they have in the past, when negotiating with landowners.
We say, “OUR RIGHTS ARE NOT FOR SALE!” and this is not about compensation.
AltaLink is being disingenuous when they claim that they are now willing to listen to landowners. In our opinion this is an admission that they were not truthful when they claimed they listened back in 2007. We are grateful for the admission!
If AltaLink is listening today, we say,
· Disclose AltaLink’s participation in the drafting and lobbying of the Electric Statutes Amendment Act, which circumvented the public process to determine the need for these transmission lines!
· Disclose AltaLink’s participation in the secret meetings between industry and government that Enmax has now admitted took place.
· Disclose all communication arising from the conflict of interest given that former premier Ralph Klein immediately went to work for AltaLink’s lawyers, upon retirement, and now has an office across the street from AltaLink’s headquarters.
· Disclose all communication arising from the conflict of interest given that the former EUB Board Chairman, Neil McCrank, who originally approved the need for these transmission lines, works for AltaLink’s lawyers.
· Disclose all official communications between AltaLink’s Senior Executive Vice-President and her husband, who was a senior official with Alberta Energy, (the government). We are particularly interested in the communications during the time frame it was decided the public would pay for these transmission lines and industry would be spared and costs.
· Disclose AltaLink’s role in the incident of spying on citizens, which the government investigator, retired Justice Perras, said he did not have time to “delve into the allegations”.
If AltaLink is truly listening, then we as the taxpaying public call upon them to publically support the repeal of Electric Statutes Amendment Act and restore a transparent public approval process, to determine whether these lines are truly needed or not.
We will only accept the results of a open and fair approval process. We have been denied that right for five years, but we will continue to fight for our rights.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
(403) 963-0521 cell
Leader, Lavesta Area Group
Monday, January 4, 2010
Pen Meets Paper Jan.5'10
Opinion by Helge Nome
Going into 2010, many of us here in the northern hemisphere are more concerned about chilling out than getting overheated. We are only in the early stages of winter still and it has been a fall of alternating cold and warm weather and a predominantly cold early winter. In fact, the leaves on the trees here in central Alberta were literally frozen on to the branches before having a chance to fall off.
(In the circumstances, we should perhaps use the term “autumn” rather than “fall”)
Also, all the hot air at the climate change conference in Copenhagen did not help much there either: Freezing weather in Europe has been reported.
Spending some time on the Internet, searching data sources on weather generally, led to one very clear conclusion: It is a long stretch to talk about climate change, whether it be towards a warmer or colder climate.
The data is far too complex and accurate information is not available for a long enough period to draw any reliable conclusions. As our technology improves, we collect more and more data that has to be fitted into the overall picture before any reliable conclusions can be drawn.
One glaring example of “spin” stood out. I believe it was Al Gore that presented “evidence” about shrinking polar ice caps? I saw some pictures presented on the internet where the polar ice appeared to have shrunk drastically in the last few years so I went to the trouble of checking actual monthly satellite imagery over the last ten years or so.
The yearly spreading and shrinkage in the area covered by ice did not change very much over that period, with some variation in the shape of the ice in evidence.
The images used by the spin doctors were likely taken during different months of the year, or two contrasting years were picked to accentuate differences.
Also, the reach of the sea ice during winter, south along the seaboards of northern continents, did not change either, to any perceptible degree.
So, moving on, I proceeded to check solar energy output data, and this is where the red flags are beginning to emerge.
First, we are at the bottom of an 11 year sunspot cycle where the number of sunspots is an indicator of overall sun energy output. Also, we are at a 50 year low in solar wind pressure, another indicator of reduced solar activity. And, according to NASA’s website, we are at “A 12-year low in solar "irradiance": Careful measurements by several NASA spacecraft show that the sun's brightness has dropped by 0.02% at visible wavelengths and 6% at extreme UV wavelengths since the solar minimum of 1996.”
Put this together with the present perceived cooling in the local weather and you might have to go all the way to Copenhagen to find some enthusiasm for global warming theories.
All the same, I think Copenhagen was a great success for all the participants. Every one, and his dog, got a soapbox to stand on and spout off to the world for a heady couple of weeks. All the mainsteam and sidestream media were there, giving air time to their favorite speakers that had converged in droves on Copenhagen. They were going to save the world, and said so. And the Danes were very happy too, because they collected millions of good dollars from the party crowd.
Meanwhile, Aten, Sungod of the Egyptians, is taking a bit of a snooze, giving us all a big chill.
Please check out this video
Going into 2010, many of us here in the northern hemisphere are more concerned about chilling out than getting overheated. We are only in the early stages of winter still and it has been a fall of alternating cold and warm weather and a predominantly cold early winter. In fact, the leaves on the trees here in central Alberta were literally frozen on to the branches before having a chance to fall off.
(In the circumstances, we should perhaps use the term “autumn” rather than “fall”)
Also, all the hot air at the climate change conference in Copenhagen did not help much there either: Freezing weather in Europe has been reported.
Spending some time on the Internet, searching data sources on weather generally, led to one very clear conclusion: It is a long stretch to talk about climate change, whether it be towards a warmer or colder climate.
The data is far too complex and accurate information is not available for a long enough period to draw any reliable conclusions. As our technology improves, we collect more and more data that has to be fitted into the overall picture before any reliable conclusions can be drawn.
One glaring example of “spin” stood out. I believe it was Al Gore that presented “evidence” about shrinking polar ice caps? I saw some pictures presented on the internet where the polar ice appeared to have shrunk drastically in the last few years so I went to the trouble of checking actual monthly satellite imagery over the last ten years or so.
The yearly spreading and shrinkage in the area covered by ice did not change very much over that period, with some variation in the shape of the ice in evidence.
The images used by the spin doctors were likely taken during different months of the year, or two contrasting years were picked to accentuate differences.
Also, the reach of the sea ice during winter, south along the seaboards of northern continents, did not change either, to any perceptible degree.
So, moving on, I proceeded to check solar energy output data, and this is where the red flags are beginning to emerge.
First, we are at the bottom of an 11 year sunspot cycle where the number of sunspots is an indicator of overall sun energy output. Also, we are at a 50 year low in solar wind pressure, another indicator of reduced solar activity. And, according to NASA’s website, we are at “A 12-year low in solar "irradiance": Careful measurements by several NASA spacecraft show that the sun's brightness has dropped by 0.02% at visible wavelengths and 6% at extreme UV wavelengths since the solar minimum of 1996.”
Put this together with the present perceived cooling in the local weather and you might have to go all the way to Copenhagen to find some enthusiasm for global warming theories.
All the same, I think Copenhagen was a great success for all the participants. Every one, and his dog, got a soapbox to stand on and spout off to the world for a heady couple of weeks. All the mainsteam and sidestream media were there, giving air time to their favorite speakers that had converged in droves on Copenhagen. They were going to save the world, and said so. And the Danes were very happy too, because they collected millions of good dollars from the party crowd.
Meanwhile, Aten, Sungod of the Egyptians, is taking a bit of a snooze, giving us all a big chill.
Please check out this video
The sunspot cycle from 1995 to the present.
Gwendale Elks donation to Caroline's food bank
Christmas dinner at the complex
2009 - Looking Back
In spite of uncertainty all around, the Caroline community both looked back and moved ahead in 2009. It was a year of celebrating the past while continuing to build the community.
In the fall, the pioneers of one hundred years ago were celebrated by by honouring existing family members at the museum. At the same time, a historical Fire Hall/Village
Office was unveiled and fire fighters past and present honoured.
The local branch of ATB Financial celebrated its 70th Birthday in 2009, remembering its past as an Alberta Treasury Branch and its legacy as a child of the Aberhart Social Credit government in Alberta.
Members and friends of the Caroline Church of the Nazarene got together to celebrate 60 years in the Caroline community with past pastors and their families in attendance.
An outdoor skating rink and playground equipment were installed at the Edna Topp Memorial Park on 52nd. Street. And the Ryan Jorgensen Skateboard Park next to the complex finally received some equipment for the local skateboard enthusiasts.
And, lo and behold, Caroline has its own movie theater, thanks to an initiative by the Rocky Youth Development Society. Second run movies are featured regularly to help financially support Clearwater Boys and Girls Club programming in Caroline.
Meanwhile, businesses continue to operate and expand in the village, including the Ravenwood Meats venture that now employs several local people to meet increasing demand for naturally raised meats from local people, as well as custom meatpacking services.
Hopefully, the trend towards local services to meet local demand will continue into the future.
On the “challenge” side of the ledger, the Village of Caroline is faced with crumbling underground infrastructure in the form of rusting water and sewer lines. This problem raised its head towards the end of the year when water bubbled up in the middle of main street, on the west end of the village.
Village Council is now facing a hefty amount of expenditure to dig up main street and some side streets to replace water and sewer lines.
In the fall, the pioneers of one hundred years ago were celebrated by by honouring existing family members at the museum. At the same time, a historical Fire Hall/Village
Office was unveiled and fire fighters past and present honoured.
The local branch of ATB Financial celebrated its 70th Birthday in 2009, remembering its past as an Alberta Treasury Branch and its legacy as a child of the Aberhart Social Credit government in Alberta.
Members and friends of the Caroline Church of the Nazarene got together to celebrate 60 years in the Caroline community with past pastors and their families in attendance.
An outdoor skating rink and playground equipment were installed at the Edna Topp Memorial Park on 52nd. Street. And the Ryan Jorgensen Skateboard Park next to the complex finally received some equipment for the local skateboard enthusiasts.
And, lo and behold, Caroline has its own movie theater, thanks to an initiative by the Rocky Youth Development Society. Second run movies are featured regularly to help financially support Clearwater Boys and Girls Club programming in Caroline.
Meanwhile, businesses continue to operate and expand in the village, including the Ravenwood Meats venture that now employs several local people to meet increasing demand for naturally raised meats from local people, as well as custom meatpacking services.
Hopefully, the trend towards local services to meet local demand will continue into the future.
On the “challenge” side of the ledger, the Village of Caroline is faced with crumbling underground infrastructure in the form of rusting water and sewer lines. This problem raised its head towards the end of the year when water bubbled up in the middle of main street, on the west end of the village.
Village Council is now facing a hefty amount of expenditure to dig up main street and some side streets to replace water and sewer lines.
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