Opinion by Helge Nome
Today I want to discuss the meaning of one of the most used words in the English language. A word that denotes a very confusing concept floating around in our heads and represents one of the fundamental cravings of humankind.
No, I’m not a “Freudian” so you can forget about the word “sex”.
However, I’m just as deprived of what this words stands for as a good number of you readers out there.
You likely guessed it, the word in question is “money”.
And right now money is in the process of becoming rather scarce to many people that need the tickets to ride on the bus we call “modern society” so that they may feed and clothe themselves and provide for a roof over their heads.
What happens if they can’t get their hands on any of these tickets? To the south of us here in Canada, the answer is literally “blowing in the wind” in the form of tent cities occupied by people who can no longer afford to pay for a mortgage or pay rent to a landlord. They have no money, no tickets to the wealth of the society they used to belong to. They have been excommunicated because the tickets to wealth, also called “money”, have been made scarce.
The wealth is still there, but the tickets have been withdrawn.
Its like having a bus service without any tickets. The bus is there; the road is there; the passengers are waiting, but the ticket agent has decided that very few tickets will be issued because he is not in the mood to hand them out today. Except maybe a few to some of his trusted buddies so that they can ride on the bus by themselves in comfort to the exclusion of all those waiting passengers.
But wait a minute. Is the ticket agent the legal owner of the bus, or the road; the fuel for the bus, or even the tickets themselves?
What gives him the authority to withhold the tickets from the people that built the bus, the road, and refined the fuel to put in the tank?
If you accept the notion that money, as it appears on a note, in a ledger, on a computer screen, or wherever, is simply a ticket system to access the real wealth created in modern society and has no inherent value apart from that, the world suddenly changes.
If you share in the belief that every human being, by virtue of being a member of society, has a claim on this wealth in the form of a certain number of tickets, then there can be no valid reason for tent cities with vacant homes in the background. The wealth is there but the tickets to that wealth are being withheld.
By whom? And for what reasons?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Caroline School football game

The Caroline Cougars and Buck Mountain Mustangs (from Buck Lake) had an energetic and educational game on Friday, September 11. The Mustangs, who put in a lot of time practicing with their coach, dominated the game completely, setting some future goals for the Caroline Cougars.
Annual Community BBQ at Caroline School

Hosted on Friday, Sept.11 behind the school by the School Parent Council and sponsored by ConocoPhillips. Those attending, and watching the football game, got to enjoy a good meal in glorious late summer weather.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Competing brothers

Glen and Leonard Kanten, riding their antique tractors, entered the contest to see who could go the slowest. It happened in the Caroline Complex parking lot.
Heritage Day, September 12, At The Caroline Wheels of Time Museum
By Barb Proudler
What a glorious fall day to celebrate our annual salute to the pioneer families who came to the Caroline district 100 years ago. Those honored this year were the McCoy, Jordan, Wilson and Sawyer Families.
We were treated to the arrival of twenty five vehicles from the Central Alberta Vintage Auto Club. These members are from all over central Alberta and have to get up pretty early when you consider 50 miles an hour is top speed for some of the vehicles. The Centennial fiddlers kept toes tapping while brunch was served by the Lions Club and buildings were open for tours from 10 - 12 noon.
The Silver Tops band entertained followed by the Solland family.
The dignitaries presented scrolls to the pioneer families and were entertained by the Steve Jeffrey Quartet from Red Deer.
The official opening of the replica of the first Village Office, Fire Hall and Lock-up took place followed by presentation of Provincial Fire Awards to local and past members of the Caroline Fire Brigade.
The Jail and Bail was hilarious with the Sheriff quick on the draw to nab Councillor Deputy Mayor Gwen Neilson before she got away. Editor of the C.A.V.A.C.-Malcolm Fischer was down on his knees begging the Judge for mercy for his sentence of speeding down highway 54 in his vintage vehicle. Politicians were not exempt. Blake Richards - Federal Member of Parliament was a good sport. Donned his prison garb, given his number and taken to jail where his mug shot was taken.
To top off the day A.T.B. Financial served strawberry shortcake to the crowd. The Treasury Branch has been in Caroline for 70 years.
We are so blessed to have the cooperation and interest of people in staging this yearly event and are already looking forward to next year. The museum is now closed for the season, but will have our apple pie sales in October and our annual Bazaar in November.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Pioneer families honored at the museum Heritage Day
Jordan family: Jan Leavitt, Marilyn Leavitt, Bernice Leavitt, Bill Shaw, Joanne Roadhouse, Pat Shaw (Leavitt), Keith Leavitt, Rena Leavitt, Joe Leavitt, Brian Leavitt.
Wilson family: Gloria Wilson (Searle), Carole (Wilson) Maurice.
The George Sawyer family came to the Caroline area 100 years ago. These family members were recognized at the Heritage Day celebration on September 12: Violet Sawyer, Sheldon Sawyer,
Wanda Lorencz.

Fire fighter recognition ceremony
Caroline's fire fighters posed in front of the Village's vintage fire truck and reconstructed Village office in the museum grounds on Saturday September 12.
Marge Farrell's long service on the Caroline Fire Department was recognized when she received her brand new helmet at the opening of the new fire fighting museum hall on Saturday, September 12. Farrell has long acted as the "mother goose" of the department.
The presentation was made by Rick Foesier and Dusty Fay from the Caroline Fire Department.
Vern Larsen's service is recognized
Museum volunteer and long time fire fighter, Vern Larsen, was recognized for his service to the community by Clearwater Fire Chief Cammie Laird during the opening of the fire fighting museum hall within the re-created Village office building on the grounds of the Caroline Wheels of Time Museum.
Hapless Deputy Mayor
Gwen Nielsen was summarily thrown in Jail for "crimes" too trivial to mention at the recent Jail'n Bail in Caroline during Heritage Days at the Caroline Wheels of Time Museum
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Pen Meets Paper Sept. 21'09
Opinion by Helge Nome
What is one of the main driving forces behind conflict between living things, organisms of all kinds, including humans?
In order to understand conflict we need to unravel the puzzle that makes it happen. And one of the main pieces in that puzzle is the "territorial imperative". That is to say, the drive, on the part of an organism to control space around itself.
There is another aspect to this drive which is expressed in the form of cooperative, or communal, behaviour of the individual with respect to other individuals so that groups of individuals are formed to promote common interests.
This can be observed on the microbial level where bacteria form colonies within the tissues of humans and animals to survive many an onslaught of antibiotics. The same phenomenon can be observed if you happen to disturb a wasps' nest or bee hive.
Or if one group of people, forming what we call a "tribe" or "nation", decides to acquire more territory by invading land claimed by other groups of people perceived to be unable to repel an attack.
On the human level the strategists are looking for ways of influencing the odds of success to the advantage of their own tribe. So it is imperative to always be strong enough to repel an attack because you know that it will come if you have something that your neighbour "covets" and if you are not perceived to be strong enough to make the price for its conquest too high.
Now you know why places such as Afghanistan and Iraq are currently under foreign occupation. Iraq contains massive sources of oil and gas and Afghanistan is at the gateway of huge energy resources in the Caspian Sea basin. And they were both "takeable" by western reckoning.
That belief has come back to bite us all, because, as it turns out, we are dealing with a bee hive and a wasps' nest.
On our own doorstep the arctic region is now under scrutiny by our neighbours along its rim. Again, energy, which is the lifeblood of modern civilization, is the prize of the contest and hungry eyes are looking north.
The territorial imperative is an underlying motivator, along with the will-to-power.
These two pieces of the puzzle that underlies conflict go a long way towards explaining the human phenomenon we all dread: War between nations.
What is one of the main driving forces behind conflict between living things, organisms of all kinds, including humans?
In order to understand conflict we need to unravel the puzzle that makes it happen. And one of the main pieces in that puzzle is the "territorial imperative". That is to say, the drive, on the part of an organism to control space around itself.
There is another aspect to this drive which is expressed in the form of cooperative, or communal, behaviour of the individual with respect to other individuals so that groups of individuals are formed to promote common interests.
This can be observed on the microbial level where bacteria form colonies within the tissues of humans and animals to survive many an onslaught of antibiotics. The same phenomenon can be observed if you happen to disturb a wasps' nest or bee hive.
Or if one group of people, forming what we call a "tribe" or "nation", decides to acquire more territory by invading land claimed by other groups of people perceived to be unable to repel an attack.
On the human level the strategists are looking for ways of influencing the odds of success to the advantage of their own tribe. So it is imperative to always be strong enough to repel an attack because you know that it will come if you have something that your neighbour "covets" and if you are not perceived to be strong enough to make the price for its conquest too high.
Now you know why places such as Afghanistan and Iraq are currently under foreign occupation. Iraq contains massive sources of oil and gas and Afghanistan is at the gateway of huge energy resources in the Caspian Sea basin. And they were both "takeable" by western reckoning.
That belief has come back to bite us all, because, as it turns out, we are dealing with a bee hive and a wasps' nest.
On our own doorstep the arctic region is now under scrutiny by our neighbours along its rim. Again, energy, which is the lifeblood of modern civilization, is the prize of the contest and hungry eyes are looking north.
The territorial imperative is an underlying motivator, along with the will-to-power.
These two pieces of the puzzle that underlies conflict go a long way towards explaining the human phenomenon we all dread: War between nations.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Nazarene Church celebrates 60 years in Caroline

Howard Griffin, who began his ministry on May 1, 1943, in the Raven Church east of Caroline at the tender age of 23, addressed congregation members and invited guests at the 60 year anniversary celebration of the Church of the Nazarene in Caroline held on Sunday, September 13.
From 1943 to 1945, Howard and his wife Ruth held morning services at the Raven Church, afternoon services at Wooler and evening services at the old Stauffer Hall, doing all their travelling in their model A Ford.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Seniors Will Suffer
25% rent gouge to seniors “unacceptable:” Mason
NDP learns government has approved assisted living fee hike of $300 a month
EDMONTON – “A 25% rent increase for seniors is unacceptable and unaffordable,” NDP leader Brian Mason said today, following confirmation that rental rates at assisted living facilities in Edmonton are set to jump by more than $300 per month.
“This is a direct result of the 3% funding cut the government handed down to assisted living facilities in August,” Mason added.
Following reports that rent at a seniors’ residence in west Edmonton will rise from $1,312 to $1,650, the NDP has learned the rate hike will affect assisted living facilities across the entire city.
Mason warned that similar increases will likely follow in Calgary and across Alberta.
“I call on the Stelmach government to show seniors the same compassion they’ve shown their friends in the liquor and horse racing industries, and reinstate proper funding for assisted living facilities,” Mason said.
NDP learns government has approved assisted living fee hike of $300 a month
EDMONTON – “A 25% rent increase for seniors is unacceptable and unaffordable,” NDP leader Brian Mason said today, following confirmation that rental rates at assisted living facilities in Edmonton are set to jump by more than $300 per month.
“This is a direct result of the 3% funding cut the government handed down to assisted living facilities in August,” Mason added.
Following reports that rent at a seniors’ residence in west Edmonton will rise from $1,312 to $1,650, the NDP has learned the rate hike will affect assisted living facilities across the entire city.
Mason warned that similar increases will likely follow in Calgary and across Alberta.
“I call on the Stelmach government to show seniors the same compassion they’ve shown their friends in the liquor and horse racing industries, and reinstate proper funding for assisted living facilities,” Mason said.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Pen Meets Paper September 14, 2009
Opinion by Helge Nome
Many people are now asking themselves why things have gone so terribly wrong in our society,
such as in the social and financial sectors.
Technologically we are further advanced than at any time in recorded history, and yet, things have literally gone off the rails in other areas. Why is this?
I have a theory, for the financial area in particular, where there are essentially three elements involved in the present debacle:
#1, the interest bearing nature of the debt created when new money, or credit, is being brought into being to facilitate the creation and exchange of goods and services. This creates a vicious circle of ever increasing debt that literally chases its own tail.
#2, the nature of our financial accounting system which does not ensure that sufficient purchasing power is made available for consumers of goods and services because it does not distribute sufficient income to consumers to enable them to consume what is being produced, largely by themselves with the help of technology, without having to incurr interest bearing debt.
#3, the gambling instinct has taken hold in society to a point where it considered to be OK to simply gamble for a living without doing any productive work. This in spite of the fact that unbridled gambling is one of the oldest proven vices known to humankind, and that message is embedded in scripture as a warning to the future.
We have chosen to disregard that warning. I just picked up a Saturday, September 12, copy of the National Post, which is a newspaper published Canada wide, and an article caught my eye: "B.C. ANTES UP" by Brian Hutchinson wherein he describes how the Province of British Columbia has become addicted to proceeds from gambling. According to the article, the Province will now legalize and also promote internet gambling when studies show that 41.3% of online gambling revenues in Canada are derived from problem gamblers. The net income from gambling to BC's General revenue Fund for 2008/9 was $658 million. Income distributed to charities was $156 million in the same period. And now a gambler in BC can build up to $520,000 in his or her government controlled account in one year and will soon be able to wager the entire sum on one virtual poker hand or one virtual spin of the wheel.
The moral question that emerges from this is: Are we our brother's keeper? Or is it OK to send him down the chute if "he is stupid enough to get caught up in gambling"?
There are many who think that the latter answer is the right one. What they forget is that gambling is very infectious, like the H1N1 virus, and it has now played havoc with our financial system, to the point where no one feels safe any more. Is that what we want?
Many people are now asking themselves why things have gone so terribly wrong in our society,
such as in the social and financial sectors.
Technologically we are further advanced than at any time in recorded history, and yet, things have literally gone off the rails in other areas. Why is this?
I have a theory, for the financial area in particular, where there are essentially three elements involved in the present debacle:
#1, the interest bearing nature of the debt created when new money, or credit, is being brought into being to facilitate the creation and exchange of goods and services. This creates a vicious circle of ever increasing debt that literally chases its own tail.
#2, the nature of our financial accounting system which does not ensure that sufficient purchasing power is made available for consumers of goods and services because it does not distribute sufficient income to consumers to enable them to consume what is being produced, largely by themselves with the help of technology, without having to incurr interest bearing debt.
#3, the gambling instinct has taken hold in society to a point where it considered to be OK to simply gamble for a living without doing any productive work. This in spite of the fact that unbridled gambling is one of the oldest proven vices known to humankind, and that message is embedded in scripture as a warning to the future.
We have chosen to disregard that warning. I just picked up a Saturday, September 12, copy of the National Post, which is a newspaper published Canada wide, and an article caught my eye: "B.C. ANTES UP" by Brian Hutchinson wherein he describes how the Province of British Columbia has become addicted to proceeds from gambling. According to the article, the Province will now legalize and also promote internet gambling when studies show that 41.3% of online gambling revenues in Canada are derived from problem gamblers. The net income from gambling to BC's General revenue Fund for 2008/9 was $658 million. Income distributed to charities was $156 million in the same period. And now a gambler in BC can build up to $520,000 in his or her government controlled account in one year and will soon be able to wager the entire sum on one virtual poker hand or one virtual spin of the wheel.
The moral question that emerges from this is: Are we our brother's keeper? Or is it OK to send him down the chute if "he is stupid enough to get caught up in gambling"?
There are many who think that the latter answer is the right one. What they forget is that gambling is very infectious, like the H1N1 virus, and it has now played havoc with our financial system, to the point where no one feels safe any more. Is that what we want?
Call for Inquiry into Status of Elections Alberta
Submitted by Edwin Erickson
Monday, September 14, 2008:
How many people in this province have the ability to file a complaint with Elections Alberta on a Friday, and to have the acting “Chief Electoral Officer” remain in her office with the “Director of Elections Operations” – late into the afternoon -- investigating a complaint, with absolutely no corroborating evidence? Joe Anglin filed a complaint with cogent corroborating evidence months ago, in an effort to save the Green Party, and Elections Alberta saw fit to do nothing.
We are now expected to believe that the reason for the investigation (which has changed since Anglin was first informed) is the result of a citizen’s complaint. Yet, even if the complaint was legitimate (and it is not), what did Elections Alberta hope to accomplish on a Friday afternoon at 5 PM? The flyer had already been delivered! There was nothing they could possibly have done to reverse the mail-out!
It is our opinion that someone of a higher ranking authority directed Lori McKee-Jeske, Chief Electoral Officer, and Drew Westwater, Director of Elections Operations, to work late into the afternoon on this matter. Had McKee-Jeske or Westwater simply asked for a copy of the mail-out, they would have realized the mail-outs had not been addressed -- end of investigation!
In fact, the only evidence that exists is the evidence that Anglin exercised his right of “Freedom of Speech” in a democratic process. Anglin’s response is posted on the following Concerned Albertans for Responsible Government Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=129852548807&topic=10949#/topic.php?uid=129852548807&topic=10964
We, the Lavesta Area Group, believe Anglin has been subjected by Elections Alberta to a double standard of treatment, wherein rules and regulations are selectively enforced against some individuals and not others.
We are now calling upon this government for a full, independent, public inquiry into the status and function of Elections Alberta. Is Elections Alberta an active political organization with an agenda, or is it an independent agency with a defined function? Why are some complaints investigated and others ignored? Why are some complaints pursued in the absence of evidence, while others, accompanied with substantive cogent evidence of wrong-doing, are never investigated? Anglin is willing to submit to a polygraph test in Elections Alberta’s investigation; are they willing to submit to a polygraph test in a full independent public inquiry?
Edwin Erickson, Director
Lavesta Area Group
Tel: 780-682-2368 Cell: 780-621-3442
Monday, September 14, 2008:
How many people in this province have the ability to file a complaint with Elections Alberta on a Friday, and to have the acting “Chief Electoral Officer” remain in her office with the “Director of Elections Operations” – late into the afternoon -- investigating a complaint, with absolutely no corroborating evidence? Joe Anglin filed a complaint with cogent corroborating evidence months ago, in an effort to save the Green Party, and Elections Alberta saw fit to do nothing.
We are now expected to believe that the reason for the investigation (which has changed since Anglin was first informed) is the result of a citizen’s complaint. Yet, even if the complaint was legitimate (and it is not), what did Elections Alberta hope to accomplish on a Friday afternoon at 5 PM? The flyer had already been delivered! There was nothing they could possibly have done to reverse the mail-out!
It is our opinion that someone of a higher ranking authority directed Lori McKee-Jeske, Chief Electoral Officer, and Drew Westwater, Director of Elections Operations, to work late into the afternoon on this matter. Had McKee-Jeske or Westwater simply asked for a copy of the mail-out, they would have realized the mail-outs had not been addressed -- end of investigation!
In fact, the only evidence that exists is the evidence that Anglin exercised his right of “Freedom of Speech” in a democratic process. Anglin’s response is posted on the following Concerned Albertans for Responsible Government Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=129852548807&topic=10949#/topic.php?uid=129852548807&topic=10964
We, the Lavesta Area Group, believe Anglin has been subjected by Elections Alberta to a double standard of treatment, wherein rules and regulations are selectively enforced against some individuals and not others.
We are now calling upon this government for a full, independent, public inquiry into the status and function of Elections Alberta. Is Elections Alberta an active political organization with an agenda, or is it an independent agency with a defined function? Why are some complaints investigated and others ignored? Why are some complaints pursued in the absence of evidence, while others, accompanied with substantive cogent evidence of wrong-doing, are never investigated? Anglin is willing to submit to a polygraph test in Elections Alberta’s investigation; are they willing to submit to a polygraph test in a full independent public inquiry?
Edwin Erickson, Director
Lavesta Area Group
Tel: 780-682-2368 Cell: 780-621-3442
Australian Invasion

Andy Plunkett, from Capella, Queensland, Australia, was a visitor at the Sundre Petroleum Operators Neighbors Day in Sundre recently. This is an annual event in Sundre where the petroleum industry and local groups meet and present themselves to the public
Heritage Days Sheriff

Brian "Bulldog" Johnston was responsible for throwing people in jail at the museum grounds in the "jail'n bail" event on Saturday, September 12. Here "Sheriff" Johnston is seen, atop his proud steed, guarding the treasures of the community. He has a reputation for commanding a high degree of compliance from detained citizens.
Hapless prisoners was presented to "Judge" Bill Evans from the Historical Society to plead their case. There is a rumor that Judge Evans received discreet bribes in the form of donations to the museum.
Caroline Cougars Football Scoreboard

The Caroline Cougars Football team is currently comprised of 16 boys in grades 9-12 that play in a league of 8 teams from Central and Northern Alberta. The scoreboard was erected on September 1/2 by local trades people in preparation for the first home game on September 11 .
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Attempt at Intimidation?
(Rimbey, AB) Elections Alberta warns critic of Bill-50 that he may be subject to a $100,000 fine and one year in jail.
On Friday Ms Lori Mckee-Jeske, acting Alberta Chief Electoral Officer, e-mailed, and then followed the e-mail with a phone call to Joe Anglin, the leader of the Lavesta Area Group and vocal opponent of Bill-50, stating that he may be subject to a $100,000 fine and/or one year in jail. Anglin said he was told the phone call was necessary to make him aware of the penalties just in case he had not read the letter. In the phone call Ms. Mckee-Jeske accused Mr. Anglin of misusing a list of electors in the Calgary by-election.
Anglin said, “I view the phone call as disturbing, and the letter as a feeble attempt to use Elections Alberta to coerce and intimidate the Lavesta Group into silence! I have documented significant examples of election wrong-doing from 2008 that Elections Alberta has yet to act upon. It is also well known that when former Chief Electoral Officer Lorne Gibson was critical of the PC government and recommended a number of actions to be taken, his contract was not renewed and he was effectively dismissed. Yet I am expected to believe that an unsubstantiated anonymous complaint warrants immediate attention from the Chief Electoral Officer, Ms. Mckee-Jeske, to issue a warning of disproportionate penalties.”
“The accusation is false and unsubstantiated! Neither I nor the Lavesta Area Group is in possession of an Electoral List. We never had a list of electors! We have a receipt from Canada Post in our possession proving we paid for a general mail-out not dissimilar to what AltaLink has done with their general mail-outs. The only difference is AltaLink is in favour of building transmission lines that the public may not need. Had Ms Mckee-Jeske only confirmed this before she wrote the letter she could have saved herself some effort”
The Lavesta Area Group believes Anglin has been singled out on this issue because he has called Bill-50 the largest potential tax increase ever introduced, in the history of Alberta. Anglin doubts that AltaLink’s recent mass mailings, which are supportive of Bill-50, received the same treatment from Elections Alberta.
The Lavesta Area Group purchased a mass mailing on September 11, 2009 opposing the catastrophic electricity rate increases, when Bill-50 is passed. There was an anonymous complaint against Anglin for exercising his freedom of speech, and Elections Alberta has responded by menacing Anglin with a $100 K fine and one year in jail. The Lavesta Group doesn’t know the origin of the complaint; was it a-- Political Party -- the transmission industry? Elections Alberta will not disclose this information. Regardless, it is highly unusual and unheard of that a Chief Electoral Officer would investigate a complaint or confront an individual with an accusation. The responsibility of the Chief Electoral Officer is normally to evaluate the investigation (not conduct an investigation) and authorize on the discretion of that office to recommend charges.
Lavesta is unable to seek proper legal advice before Monday’s election, and to avoid the risk of arrest and prosecution has in light of the menacing conduct by Elections Alberta been distracted from full participation in the democratic process over the week-end. The Lavesta Area Group categorically denies any wrong-doing! We are unable to officially respond to the allegations before Monday’s election; however, we will be presenting a Canada Post receipt for the purchase of a mass-mailing in our defence. We view the anonymous complaint and the actions of Elections Alberta as a “Violation of our Canadian Charter of Rights” and an attack on our right to exercise “Freedom of Speech” in a democratic process.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
Lavesta Area Group
On Friday Ms Lori Mckee-Jeske, acting Alberta Chief Electoral Officer, e-mailed, and then followed the e-mail with a phone call to Joe Anglin, the leader of the Lavesta Area Group and vocal opponent of Bill-50, stating that he may be subject to a $100,000 fine and/or one year in jail. Anglin said he was told the phone call was necessary to make him aware of the penalties just in case he had not read the letter. In the phone call Ms. Mckee-Jeske accused Mr. Anglin of misusing a list of electors in the Calgary by-election.
Anglin said, “I view the phone call as disturbing, and the letter as a feeble attempt to use Elections Alberta to coerce and intimidate the Lavesta Group into silence! I have documented significant examples of election wrong-doing from 2008 that Elections Alberta has yet to act upon. It is also well known that when former Chief Electoral Officer Lorne Gibson was critical of the PC government and recommended a number of actions to be taken, his contract was not renewed and he was effectively dismissed. Yet I am expected to believe that an unsubstantiated anonymous complaint warrants immediate attention from the Chief Electoral Officer, Ms. Mckee-Jeske, to issue a warning of disproportionate penalties.”
“The accusation is false and unsubstantiated! Neither I nor the Lavesta Area Group is in possession of an Electoral List. We never had a list of electors! We have a receipt from Canada Post in our possession proving we paid for a general mail-out not dissimilar to what AltaLink has done with their general mail-outs. The only difference is AltaLink is in favour of building transmission lines that the public may not need. Had Ms Mckee-Jeske only confirmed this before she wrote the letter she could have saved herself some effort”
The Lavesta Area Group believes Anglin has been singled out on this issue because he has called Bill-50 the largest potential tax increase ever introduced, in the history of Alberta. Anglin doubts that AltaLink’s recent mass mailings, which are supportive of Bill-50, received the same treatment from Elections Alberta.
The Lavesta Area Group purchased a mass mailing on September 11, 2009 opposing the catastrophic electricity rate increases, when Bill-50 is passed. There was an anonymous complaint against Anglin for exercising his freedom of speech, and Elections Alberta has responded by menacing Anglin with a $100 K fine and one year in jail. The Lavesta Group doesn’t know the origin of the complaint; was it a-- Political Party -- the transmission industry? Elections Alberta will not disclose this information. Regardless, it is highly unusual and unheard of that a Chief Electoral Officer would investigate a complaint or confront an individual with an accusation. The responsibility of the Chief Electoral Officer is normally to evaluate the investigation (not conduct an investigation) and authorize on the discretion of that office to recommend charges.
Lavesta is unable to seek proper legal advice before Monday’s election, and to avoid the risk of arrest and prosecution has in light of the menacing conduct by Elections Alberta been distracted from full participation in the democratic process over the week-end. The Lavesta Area Group categorically denies any wrong-doing! We are unable to officially respond to the allegations before Monday’s election; however, we will be presenting a Canada Post receipt for the purchase of a mass-mailing in our defence. We view the anonymous complaint and the actions of Elections Alberta as a “Violation of our Canadian Charter of Rights” and an attack on our right to exercise “Freedom of Speech” in a democratic process.
For more information Contact
Joe Anglin
(403) 843-3279
Lavesta Area Group
Thursday, September 10, 2009
City of Calgary Hosts 2009 Worldskills Competition

Calgary's Stampede Park was a beehive of activity during the first week of September when some 900 young competitors completed assigned projects from robotics to web design, welding to cooking and autobody repair to landscape gardening in 45 skills categories.
Over the course of the week, about 50,000 school children from all over Alberta and beyond came to have a look at the world class skills of fellow youth from 51 countries. In addition to the permanent buildings in Stampede Park, huge tents were used by the trades people for the competitions.
In the photo above, young people from several countries competed in the "Tiling" category

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Bill-50 is a Tax Increase with no Public Benefit!
It is interesting that in these tough budgetary economic times Albertans are being told to expect significant cuts in healthcare, education, and a long list of other government services. Yet at the same time, Albertans are being told that they will need to pay for an estimated $14 billion in electricity transmission upgrades that may not be needed. If government projected costs are consistent with past estimates, the public can expect to pay in excess of $22 billion dollars for transmission up-grades, after Bill-50 is passed this October.
Ask a healthcare official or the school board member what they need for resources, and they can produce a documented prioritized list with facts and figures to accommodate and justify a request for additional funds in an effort to maintain basic services. Ask Alberta Energy to produce a prioritized list with facts and figures to prove what is needed for the public, and they cannot produce any such documentation. Alberta Energy admits they have never done a cost/benefit analysis to prove what is in the public’s interest.
Bill-50, when passed, guarantees that Alberta Energy will not have to justify a need for spending taxpayer’s money. Alberta Energy is quick to point out that Albertans will not pay for this with a tax increase; they say Albertans will pay for these up-grades with an electricity rate increase.
A tax increase by any other name is still a tax increase. Bill-50 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing; it eliminates the regulatory process once required to justify these kinds of expenditures. There is no evidence that even one job will be created by the passage of Bill-50. However, there are a number of electricity industry experts who are warning Albertans that jobs may be lost due to the passage of Bill-50. Bill-50 is: the largest tax increase proposed in over 50 years, and may just be the largest ever proposed in the history of Alberta.
One can only wonder how much of our healthcare services affecting the elderly and our school programs affecting our children would improve if even a portion of these funds were diverted to accommodate their needs. Such a diversion would elevate the needs of our elderly and children above that of industry. Unfortunately, such a diversion would be called a tax increase and Mr. Stelmach says a tax increase is unacceptable.
Joe Anglin
Lavesta Area Group
(403) 843-3279
Joe Anglin is a political activist in Alberta
Ask a healthcare official or the school board member what they need for resources, and they can produce a documented prioritized list with facts and figures to accommodate and justify a request for additional funds in an effort to maintain basic services. Ask Alberta Energy to produce a prioritized list with facts and figures to prove what is needed for the public, and they cannot produce any such documentation. Alberta Energy admits they have never done a cost/benefit analysis to prove what is in the public’s interest.
Bill-50, when passed, guarantees that Alberta Energy will not have to justify a need for spending taxpayer’s money. Alberta Energy is quick to point out that Albertans will not pay for this with a tax increase; they say Albertans will pay for these up-grades with an electricity rate increase.
A tax increase by any other name is still a tax increase. Bill-50 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing; it eliminates the regulatory process once required to justify these kinds of expenditures. There is no evidence that even one job will be created by the passage of Bill-50. However, there are a number of electricity industry experts who are warning Albertans that jobs may be lost due to the passage of Bill-50. Bill-50 is: the largest tax increase proposed in over 50 years, and may just be the largest ever proposed in the history of Alberta.
One can only wonder how much of our healthcare services affecting the elderly and our school programs affecting our children would improve if even a portion of these funds were diverted to accommodate their needs. Such a diversion would elevate the needs of our elderly and children above that of industry. Unfortunately, such a diversion would be called a tax increase and Mr. Stelmach says a tax increase is unacceptable.
Joe Anglin
Lavesta Area Group
(403) 843-3279
Joe Anglin is a political activist in Alberta
Pen Meets Paper September 1, 2009
Opinion by Helge Nome
Last Thursday, September 3, my wife and I attended a big event in Calgary. It is the equivalent of the Olympics for up-and-coming trades people with some 900 young people from 51 countries competing in 45 skill categories during a six day event. The event was staged in Calgary's Stampede Park, home of the world famous Calgary Stampede, and some 50,000 school children were scheduled to attend over the period of the competition. In addition to the existing buildings in Stampede Park, huge tents were erected where landscaping, carpentry, autobody repair, information technology and a host of other competitions took place.
In the middle of the day, Stampede Park was literally a beehive, with every little space filled with children taking in the competitions and milling about.
In weird, and almost surreal contrast to this activity, two partly completed sky scrapers in the middle of Calgary's downtown, just to the north of the park, stood silently watching all this activity. With long necks, being huge construction cranes, they peered down at the busy anthill below.
The following day I phoned the City of Calgary's Planning Department and asked about the lack of activity on those construction sites and my belief was confirmed. They are the victims of the recession, as are "a dozen large residential condominium sites across the city".
There is no money, or credit, for the developers or the future owners of these projects. It is the same story right across the land, except in one place: The oilpatch where things are humming along again, at least in the controversial Alberta Tar Sands.( I just heard that Bill Gates has invested heavily in one of the companies set up to exploit this energy source)
The vast majority of economists, politicians,`ìnvestors, etc., now want to believe that the worst is behind us and that those big cranes will be moving again shortly, completing the sky scrapers and so make more office space available for expanding businesses.
But hang on a minute, ATB Financial (our home grown Alberta bank), in its 2008 Annual Report, points out that, as at March 31, 2008, it had lost $253.1 million on Asset Backed Commercial Paper which turned out to be trash, instead of cash. This meant that the regulatory capital base of ATB Financial was reduced from 12.4% to 11.2% of risk-weighted assets, putting the bank out of its comfort zone. Result? It is a lot harder to get loans than it used to be. And that is true right across the financial system. No credit, no activity. It's really that simple.
In effect, what has happened in the last number of years is that more and more money has been taken away from the productive economy (Main Street) and put into the speculative economy (Wall Street) where quick gains were thought to be available. People even put their retirement savings into the speculative economy in the hope of making quick gains. The gold rush mentality took hold, leaving the manipulators (who knew what they were doing all along) in control, leading all the suckers over the edge of the buffalo jump.
So what is going to happen to all those young people, admiring the skills of the young tradesmen at the Worldskills Calgary 2009 competition? Having gained valuable trade skills, will they have a job to go to? How can they be rewarded for their work if all the available money is tied up in gambling?
Look at it this way: At any given time there is a certain amount of "loose" money available to facilitate the exchange of goods and services within a society. If a sufficient percentage of this money gets "locked up" for fear of not being able to cover risky "investments", then the activity normally facilitated by this money will grind to a halt.
That's exactly where we are at right now.
Last Thursday, September 3, my wife and I attended a big event in Calgary. It is the equivalent of the Olympics for up-and-coming trades people with some 900 young people from 51 countries competing in 45 skill categories during a six day event. The event was staged in Calgary's Stampede Park, home of the world famous Calgary Stampede, and some 50,000 school children were scheduled to attend over the period of the competition. In addition to the existing buildings in Stampede Park, huge tents were erected where landscaping, carpentry, autobody repair, information technology and a host of other competitions took place.
In the middle of the day, Stampede Park was literally a beehive, with every little space filled with children taking in the competitions and milling about.
In weird, and almost surreal contrast to this activity, two partly completed sky scrapers in the middle of Calgary's downtown, just to the north of the park, stood silently watching all this activity. With long necks, being huge construction cranes, they peered down at the busy anthill below.
The following day I phoned the City of Calgary's Planning Department and asked about the lack of activity on those construction sites and my belief was confirmed. They are the victims of the recession, as are "a dozen large residential condominium sites across the city".
There is no money, or credit, for the developers or the future owners of these projects. It is the same story right across the land, except in one place: The oilpatch where things are humming along again, at least in the controversial Alberta Tar Sands.( I just heard that Bill Gates has invested heavily in one of the companies set up to exploit this energy source)
The vast majority of economists, politicians,`ìnvestors, etc., now want to believe that the worst is behind us and that those big cranes will be moving again shortly, completing the sky scrapers and so make more office space available for expanding businesses.
But hang on a minute, ATB Financial (our home grown Alberta bank), in its 2008 Annual Report, points out that, as at March 31, 2008, it had lost $253.1 million on Asset Backed Commercial Paper which turned out to be trash, instead of cash. This meant that the regulatory capital base of ATB Financial was reduced from 12.4% to 11.2% of risk-weighted assets, putting the bank out of its comfort zone. Result? It is a lot harder to get loans than it used to be. And that is true right across the financial system. No credit, no activity. It's really that simple.
In effect, what has happened in the last number of years is that more and more money has been taken away from the productive economy (Main Street) and put into the speculative economy (Wall Street) where quick gains were thought to be available. People even put their retirement savings into the speculative economy in the hope of making quick gains. The gold rush mentality took hold, leaving the manipulators (who knew what they were doing all along) in control, leading all the suckers over the edge of the buffalo jump.
So what is going to happen to all those young people, admiring the skills of the young tradesmen at the Worldskills Calgary 2009 competition? Having gained valuable trade skills, will they have a job to go to? How can they be rewarded for their work if all the available money is tied up in gambling?
Look at it this way: At any given time there is a certain amount of "loose" money available to facilitate the exchange of goods and services within a society. If a sufficient percentage of this money gets "locked up" for fear of not being able to cover risky "investments", then the activity normally facilitated by this money will grind to a halt.
That's exactly where we are at right now.
New asphalt surface for Caroline's outdoor arena.

The arena at the Edna Topp Park on 52nd. Street has been resurfaced with asphalt in order to correct for a ground slope to the north of about 12 inches across the length of the arena. The work was authorized at the last Village Council meeting for a quoted cost of $11,000.
Life membership of the Royal Canadian Legion

Helen Willigar was recognized for her long and outstanding service to Caroline Legion Branch #177 and to her community in many roles, including that of Mayor of Caroline and President of the Caroline Legion. The award was presented by Legion District Commander Jim Stewart at the Caroline Legion on Sunday, August 30.
Fancy Lady, Fancy Car

Helen Willigar received this 1941 Chevy and fancy hat from her family on the occasion of being given a life membership in the Royal Canadian Legion
Food Bank usage on the increase

Caroline food bank volunteers Karen Ostler and Jessie Williams reported an increase in the number of food hampers given out over the summer with staples being in demand.
Donations of beef would be much appreciated, as would any other donations.
The food bank is located two doors down the street from the Caroline Post Office and donations and enquiries may be directed to the Church of the Nazarene Office (403 722-3921) or Caroline Neighbourhood Place (403 722-3787).
The Food Bank will host a BBQ on September 18 at 5pm to recognize its volunteers. Everyone is welcome and will be able to find out more about the food bank at this event which will take place in the back yard of the church office where the food bank is located.
Good Neighbour

Elizabeth Ahlstrom was nominated for her help, especially during winter with snow removal, to an elderly person living on her street. Elizabeth, seen here with daughter Sophia, can pick up a gift certificate from Country Cottage Florist in Rocky at the office of The Mountaineer.
Red Hatters Annual BBQ
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These ladies "who just wanna have fun" got together with their partners for their annual BBQ on Sunday, August 30, at the property of Janet and Larry Hanson north of Caroline. They meet the second Monday of each month at the Seniors' Drop In Center at 2pm with an open invitation for other girls to join in the fun.

These ladies "who just wanna have fun" got together with their partners for their annual BBQ on Sunday, August 30, at the property of Janet and Larry Hanson north of Caroline. They meet the second Monday of each month at the Seniors' Drop In Center at 2pm with an open invitation for other girls to join in the fun.
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