Tuesday, June 27, 2017
By Marianne Cole
1. Possibly the most notable highlight was Earl Graham’s news at the beginning of the meeting that he would not be seeking re-election this fall. He noted that he had spoken to a couple of others that might be interested in running in his division.
2. The council voted to uphold their previous practise of not providing maintenance on undeveloped road allowances.
3. Three readings were given, and passed, to the Crimson lake Cottage Association’s request for a dust control agreement whereby dust control would be provided in 2017 and that a special tax to cover this cost would be applied to their taxes beginning in 2018 for the following three years.
4. A delegation from the Rocky Ag. Society gave a brief report on the recent public meetings they had held to provide information and gather input on their proposed new Rocky Ag. Rec Facility. They had met with various potential user groups (4-H, equine groups, general public, and contractors/potential sponsors). In his report Art Terpsma stated that the attendance averaged 20-35 at these meetings. I attended three out of the 4 meetings and at only one of them was there an attendance over 20 (23) and that was that the equine meeting but the count also included the Ag. Society members/presenters. At the last one for the contractors/sponsors there was a total of 12 people, 5 of whom were Ag. Society members.
Art did mention that they had visited the new facility in Claresholm and that it is only 150 feet wide and geared for a competitor arena. The previous feasibility study done for the proposed one here had suggested a width of 250 feet.
He also mentioned that a representative from Rimbey had attended one of the meetings to describe the hoops they had had to go through in building their facility.
In conclusion, Art mentioned that there is still lots of work to do and items to be ironed out. This includes ownership of the land (who will hold title) and the operation procedure. He was hoping that it could be a community building run by a community board.
Comments from the council included ones from Councillor Laing who asked about grant possibilities; Councillor Duncan who expressed concern about dropping the width as we don’t want to be hindering future possibilities; and Councillor Alexander who suggested that the Ag. Society meet with administration to address some of the concerns, admitting that there is lots of work to be done yet but we need to keep it going.
5. A delegation from the Cartier Creek Subdivision (in the southwest area of the county, along the Red Deer River) attended to give an opposing point of view to the “encroachment” issues on municipal reserve in that development. Previously a delegation had attended in December 2016 regarding violations on municipal reserve. While a different perspective was presented on Tuesday, council decided to uphold their decision to follow guidelines set out in Municipal Government Act and enforce those regulations with their Land Use Bylaw Amendment for Enforcement Provisions.